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(Please note that the authors have
contributed their comments but are not able to answer questions
from readers unless they specifically say so below.)

Jacqueline Wilson (Children's
Laureate 2005-2007)
I think the only advice I'd really like to give to young writers
is to enjoy writing! When you grow up and write for a living
you have to think about so many things and worry whther your story
will appeal to lots of readers. When you're a child you can just
write to please yourself. I love writing now and wouldn't ever want
to do anything else, but I truly don't think I enjoy it anywhere
near as much as when I was eight or nine and scribbling endlessly
in Woolworth's exercise books.
I didn't always finish my stories but that didn't matter in the
slightest. I didn't keep to a strict writing
routine. Sometimes I wrote for hours each day, and other times I
didn't pick up a pen for weeks. Nowadays I'm much sterner and force
myself to my desk whtether I feel like writing or not! Mind you,
I don't always write when I'm at my desk. I play all sorts of silly
games with my lucky mascot Radish (I wrote about her in "The
Suitcase Kid"). Her favourite trick is Bunny Bungee Jumping
on a rubber band tied to the end of a big pencil.
The only thing I suggest to children is that they try keeping a
diary, as this is good writing practice (but hide it away in a safe
place if you've got a very nosy family). And of course anyone who
wants to write should read. I'd sooner read than eat. When I go
away on holiday I pack a couple of changes of clothes and at least
20 books. There's never any danger of my running out of things to
read, because at the last count I had over 10,000 books crammed
into my tiny terraced house!
Jacqueline Wilson
What is Jacqueline Wilson's email address?
Jacqueline Wilson does not have a computer. If you want to write
to her, write a letter care of her publisher, Random House.
If I email you at Kids on the Net can you pass my email
on to Jacqueline Wilson?
No, she doesn't have a computer, let alone an email address! Write
to her as above.
Has Jacqueline Wilson got a fan club I can join?
How can I get more information?
is Jacqueline Wilson's page at her publisher's website, with details
of her fan club.

©2003-2006 Kids on the Net and the authors
Last revised
Kids on the Net

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