We make every effort to select websites that are suitable for children,
according to strict criteria of safety and usefulness. However,
Kids on the Net is not responsible for the content of external websites.
Author website links
Great book and reading
Chock-Full, Eyes-Peeled, Independent Children's Books Site
A yummy booksite in loud ice-cream colours, with loads of news
and honest reviews.
Cool-reads Books for 10-15 year old readers by
10-15 year old reviewers. A great place to go if you're looking
for new authors, as all the reviews are linked by subject, so
if you know what kind of mood you're in, you can pick a book
to suit. You can post your own reviews and comment on other
peoples. You can also test your knowledge in the literature
quiz. An excellent site.
Mad's Book-a-rama Loads of information about books
and authors and a very long list of childrens authors links!
You can submit your own reviews. Especially good for recommending
books by age group.
Interviews with childrens authors from Allan Ahlberg to Benjamin Zephania In this cut-down internet version of the
excellent Young Writers magazine.
The Children's Literature Webguide Internet Resources
related to books for children and young adults - an easy to
read and navigate site with loads of links to other resources.
It's a Canadian site with a really personal feel. Check out
the writer's latest links in the "What's New" section.
Stories from the Web A colourful site from
Birmingham libraries, especially for 8-11 year olds. Lots of
opportunities to chat and contribute poems, stories, articles
and artwork - like the design a book cover gallery. Well worth
a visit. There's also a site for 11-14 year olds.
- Oxford University Press Children's
Fiction & Funzone
for very young readers

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Last revised
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