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Raspberries on the Yangtze; Karen Wallace

By Charlotte, 10, Wakefield, England

Raspberries on the Yangtze is a very believable story about a young girl who goes by the name of Nancy. Both her and her brother have broad imaginations; which lead them into a series of exciting and daring adventures on "the Yangtze". The Yangtze in the book is a an ancient in need of a makeover. Every minute to Nancy and her friends, Clare and Amy Linklater, is like spending the school holidays in Disneyland (according to Andrew, Nancy's brother and the Disneyland fanatic).

However, not everybody is nice, especially the Wilkins. They may look squeaky clean, but they are hiding a few not-so-clean secrets as Nancy soon finds out. Keeping the Wilkins secret is not an easy task, and Nancy begins to wonder why the Wilkins house is such a horrid place to be in.

Amy and Clare on the other hand, have a different kind of problem indeed. Their father had died when they were little and they badly want to make Mr. Chevrolet their dad, but how?

Raspberries on the Yangtze won the Guardian Children's fiction prize. Here are some of the things people have said about this book.
"A Swallows and Amazons for the 21st century." Michael Morpurgo
"It is funny and moving;everything about it is gorgeous." The Sunday Times
"Very funny and touching."The Daily Express

This book is like reality, Karen Wallace sure does know what life is like for a young girl. If I had to give this book a score out of ten I would definitely give it ten out of ten. I would recommend it to all my friends, as it truly is a great book! (Feb 2003)

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Flying Start by Samantha Alexander

By Shanice, 10, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, UK

The author, Samantha Alexander, has written seven other wonderful books.

A mysterious note led them to Queenie the horse, neglected and desperatly hungry, imprisoned in a scrapyard. The story is about Katie, 9 years old, Melanie, 12 years old and Ross, who is 15 years old, and Sarah, their Stepmother who is 25 years old.

A mysterious note pops out of nowhere, saying:
"Please help. There's a pony lying half dead. Come to the churchyard at 7 O'clock."

After that, a lot of things start happening. They all love horses and they would like lots more, even with the four they already have. Then a man came out of nowhere. Even though Melanie, Ross, Katie and Sarah refused to accept millions of pounds. Samantha lives in Lincolnshire. (Feb 2003)

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Double Act by Jacqueline Wilson

By Lauren, 9, Wakefield, England

Jacqueline Wilson is the author of this book and at least 22 other books. They are much loved by children from all around the world. The two children in the story face difficult times that children nowadays can relate to. This book is humorous at times and also quite upsetting in some places. Double Act is a book that once picked up, you will never want to put down. (Feb 2003)

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A series of unfortunate events: The bad beginning

By Amy, 11, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, UK

A series of unfortunate events - "The bad beginning" by Lemony Snicket.

This story is about three orphans named Violet, Klaus and Sunny, and they have to go and live with their only living relative. His name is Count Olaf and once you start reading about him, you can tell he's going to be awful to them.

The orphans' parents left them an enormous amount of money and Count Olaf has tried everything to get that money from them, until he has a awfully wicked plan.

This book is Lemony Snicket's first book and once you start reading it, you don't want to stop. The pictures show you everyone in brilliant colours that depicts them so well.
I would award this book 10 out of 10 because you get so interested in all the things that go on around you. It is a book that any age can read from 9 to 15. (Feb 2003)

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To Nicole

By Jessi, 13, Brighton & Hove, UK

Reply to Nicole.
I agree with all the things you say about Lemony Sicket & his tremendously great writing. All of his books are so gripping, and one of the best things about his writing is he explains the words. This especially is good as I don't understand many words. IMPORTANT to anyone who has not read his books - it is more imaginative than J.K Rowling, more unique than Jacqueline Wilson & more gripping than J.R.R Tolkien. All in all it is the best book written
With all due respect, Jessi

P.S Also you must read the unauthorized biography of Lemony Snicket January 2003

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By Patricia, 17, Kosice, SLOVAKIA

I have read a lot of books and i have seen a lot of movies, but ... Several days ago I read one story, which changed my life! One beautiful story. The title of this story is : "ME" (The fourth series of chicken soup for the soul.)
Before I read the story, I read the proverb over the story: "Signs from world of souls will come inconspicuous like sun rises every day..." It hasn't got a lot of words, but it has got something, which not every proverb has ... THE TRUE VALUE!
The story is about relationship between Granny and her granddaughter. They were best friends. The small girl had the name Sara. Sara lived near her granny with her parents. They were together every day (Sara and her granny) and when they weren't, Sara phoned the lovely Granny or she wrote a letter and her Granny wrote many letters to Sara. Sara ended every letter with her signature:"ME". And when she called to Granny (only to Granny) she said: "Hi my grandmother, it's ME! How are you...?...And her Granny called her "Me" But, no happiness lasts a long time...
SARA DIED!!! One beautiful night with a lot of time on the sky. She died. The small, nice girl died. It was a shock for her parents and a biger shock for her Granny. It was like a nightmare.
Sad parents gave organs from this little girl, from Sara, to one very ill boy. Because you can't know the name of the person, who accepts an organ (in USA), Granny and parents didn't know the name of this boy. After a year from this "changing", Granny got a letter. Letter from the boy with organs from Sara. He has thought... and, do you know, what was his signature??? ... "ME"... Granny cried.She cried a long time!!!
I've got a Granny, too. She's only one person, who knows everything about me. Only she knows what I'm feeling or what I'm thinking about. I love her. And if I were dead, I'd be an angel, an angel for my Granny.… Dec 2002

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Harry Potter

By Lindsay, 11, Toronto, Canada

I think all Harry Potter books are good but in my opinion they're only good once you get to read them. There are going to be 7 books but at the time only 4 are out, but you should still not give up on Harry Potter books you never know reading one might change your life. In each book it tells you about Harry's year at Hogwarts. In the first one Harry learns all new spells and he starts to think Hogwarts is his home. In the second he learn what has happened 50 years ago. In the third Harry meets the best teacher ever and he finally meets his guardian Sirius Black. And in the fourth Harry takes part in the triwizard tournament. Dec 2002

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Jackie Wilson's books are the best

By Rebecca, 10, Oakham, UK

I think Jacqueline Wilson is a superb writer. I have got all her books! I also think Nick Sharrett is a super illustrator as well. I hope Jacqueline Wilson writes another book some because if she doesn't I won't have anything to read! I also wish I could draw just like Nick Sharrett! I think Jacqueline Wilson and Nick Sharrett should have a best illustrator and author award!! Nov 2002

Editor's Note: Read Jacqueline Wilson's advice to young writers, exclusively on Kids on the Net
Both Jacqueline Wilson and Nick Sharratt have won many awards, togther, and separately. Nick Sharratt won the Experian Big 3 Book Award in two of the three age groups in 2001-2002, for illustrating Kes Gray's Eat Your Peas (age group 5-7) and Jeremy Strong's My Mum's Going to Explode (age group 10-11). More on the Big 3 Book Award

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Response to 'Goodnight Mr. Tom' by Vicky from Wale

By Lucy, 10, Southampton, Hampshire, England

I TOTALLY agree. I think Goodnight Mr. Tom by Michelle Magorian is one of best books I have ever read. I am so glad that I go to The King's Primary School, because everyone has the chance to read the book in year 5. It is extremely touching and emotional, not in a lovey dovey
or terrible way, but in a way that you can join with the characters when they are joyful and when they sad, and as in all good books, you feel that you there with them through everything. I haven't discovered any other books by Michelle Magorian but if I did I would be sure to read them.
She is most cetainly in the list of my favourite authors - Michelle Magorian, Jaqueline Wilson, J.K.Rowling, Anne Fine, Roald Dahl and a few not so famous whom I can't quite recall. I recommend Goodnight Mr.Tom to anyone who wants to find a good book. Nov 2002

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Gary Paulson

By Ken, 11, Ringwood, New Jersey, USA

Gary Paulson is one of my favorite authors. He writes mainly about sports and involves a lot of comedy into his writing. Personally my favorite book of his is The Kid Who Became President - a hillarious book about a kid who was elected president of the United States and has to deal with manly conflicts. Last year, we had the chance of winning the lunch with an author that comes every year. Last year, the author was Gary Paulson and I was very excited, for he had already been one of my favorite authors and now I had the chance to learn more about him. I wrote an essay and luckily won! So I asked him many questions and learned alot more about him. The favorite book series he thought he had ever written was Funny Boy - books about a boy who has a vast imagination and saves the world. I would reccomend Gary Paulson books to athletes, people with a sense of humor, and anyone else because these books are really great. Nov 2002

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L.M. Montgomery

By Ashley, 11, America

L.M. Montgomery (Lucy Maud Montgomery) is in my opinion a very good author. She wrote the Anne of Green Gables series, which she is most noted and famous for. However, she has written several other books that have enchanted me as well. Go check it out!

C.S. Lewis has been mentioned before I believe, but he has written many other books besides The 'Chronicles of Narnia' which are wonderful.

Martha Finley and Lois G. Leapard are both Christian authors that help to strenghten your relationship with Christ. They are both in story format that intrigues you to be like the heroines, and Lois Leopard's book is full of mystery, while the other one is about a girl who grows through womanhood with difficulties but overcomes them with the help of her Heavenly Father and things turn out even better than she could have imagined. This book is a little more hard reading than the other, so you might want to wait until you think you are on a good enough reading level to understand it. They are both very interesting and I encourage you all to read them. :) Oct 2002

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Good Night Mr Tom

By Helen, 13, Dublin, Ireland

Good Night Mr. Tom is a really moving story. It is our English novel in school this year and on Friday our teacher gave us the first chapter to read. Now I am not the kind of person who can pick up a book read a chapter and put it down. I had to continue on. It's a long enough book but last night, Tuesday I finished it. (It might have something to do with the fact that I was reading it nearly all the time, every day because I was sick!) The book was really exciting. Sometimes it was so shocking it made you gasp, others it was so sad you wanted to cry and sometimes so happy and brilliant you wanted to jump for joy.
Seriously if you are thinking this is not the book for me, you are WRONG! Any person with half a heart would be moved and touched by this book. Although it is written in the language that English people spoke back then during WW2, all funny, slang words and clipped sentences, this is a book you must go and get from your local library or bookshop, NOW. Sep 2002

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The Princess Diaries

By Helen, 13, Dublin, Ireland

I just finished reading the first three Pincess Diary books by Meg Cabot and they are sensational! You may have seen the film, well the books are better. The books are also completely different (as books usually are to films) There are 4 Princess diary books out at the moment, a fifth one is due out in January then there is only one more to go. The film is all six books rolled into one. Writen in the format of the dairy of a young New York girl who just found out she is a princess to a small European country, I'd recommend this to anyone who likes a good, light, funny read. Sep 2002

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Sherwood Smith's "Crown Duel."

By Quinn, 11, NH, USA

My favorite book is called Crown Duel by Sherwood Smith. I even had an interview with her! I also made a fan site, so if you like it, please visit! It's http://www.geocities.com/naturetigerlily/MisticalSkies.html . I hope others have enjoyed it as much as I!

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The Lord of the Rings (Book Review)

By Carolyn, 11, Jackson, MS, USA

J.R.R Tolkien is THE BEST WRITER ON EARTH! On a scale of 1 through ten his books are a definite TEN! The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King, The Silmarillion, and Roverdom are THE BEST BOOKS IN THE UNIVERSE! September 2002

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Francine Pascal and Judy Blume Rock!

By Ashlesha, 12, Swindon, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

I think that Francine Pascal and Judy Blume are wicked authors! Half of you might have not heard of Francine Pascal, but she is the author of Fearless series and Sweet Valley series. Judy Blume is a brilliant author as well, and my favourite book she has written is ' Just As Long As We Are Together'.
I have many other favourite authors, such as Jacqueline Wilson, J.K. Rowling, Lemony Snicket, Ann M.Martin and Anne Fine.
Try those authors' books, and you could find another author you like! (August 2002)

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Goodnight Mr. Tom

By Asitha, 13, New South Wales, Australia

Goodnight Mr. Tom is a sad and adventurous book written by the British author Michelle Magorian, the winner of the Guardian Children’s Fiction Award for this popular novel.
The novel is set in the year 1939 in a small country-side town when Britain is on the brink of the Second World War. The novel is a story about a young evacuee named William Beech from London’s east end who has just been evacuated to the country-side due to the ongoing war. William Beech, a skinny nine-year old, frightened and filthy child is taken to the country-side and is assigned to grumpy old Mr. Tom to be looked after. At first Willie is frightened of Mr. Tom, an old widower who has lived a reclusive life since the death of his wife and baby child some forty-years ago.
As the book continues, Mr. Tom gradually changes and so does Willie. Tom’s grumpy and reclusive personality is overcome by a kind nature and under his gentle care Willie flourishes being able to read, write and make new friends. Willie manages to make a best friend named Zach who is a fellow-evacuee and together they explore and roam the country-side in search of surprises.
The main characters are Mr. Tom Oakley, Willie and his entertaining friend Zach. Willie is a very shy boy due to his very strict religious mother beating him very badly at the beginning of the novel but as the story develops Mr. Tom and young Willie bring each other out of themselves, and they both live very happily together. The discovery of Zach was one of the best things that happens to Willie. Zach’s creativity in talking and wonderful poems made Willie feel very happy and accepted.
At one stage throughout the story Willie is called back to the abusive world which he left behind and this is a turning point in the novel.

I enjoyed this book very much and would recommend it to young adolescents. It was a very moving and emotional book yet it was a little adventurous in parts of the book. The characters and settings seemed very realistic. The subject matter of surviving in the conditions of war, relationships between children and adults and discovering love, your identity and who you are is one which particularly interests young adolescents.

I think Goodnight Mr. Tom is a fabulous novel of exciting quality and joyfulness. The language and length of the book also makes it suitable for this age group. (August 2002)

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Artemis Fowl

By Fred, 11, Hertfordshire, UK

If you are sick of Harry Potter this is the book for you!!!
Artemis Fowl is one of the greatest criminal masterminds in the world, but there is a catch. He's twelve years old!
This book is about one Artemis's first and most scandalous acts of crime, so daring that it may even start a cross species war!
This book is witty, full of action and on the whole different!

Author: Eoin Colfer

My Rating: Hotter than Potter! (June 2002)

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She is so coo!

By Hatty, 10, Hertfordshire, UK

I think Jacqueline Wilson is the best writer in the world . I think she writes fantastic books. I like her so much I made her a nickname which is this: story star. I got the idea from the book bed and breakfast star. I would really like to write her a letter but I can't find her address. Where can I find her address? (June 2002)

Editor's note: You can always try writing to authors at their publisher's address, which will be inside the book.

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