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Lola Rose By Jaqueline Wilson

By Alice, 10, England

This is one of the best books I Have ever read. It is just truly brilliant and I would recommend everyone to read it.
It is about a girl called Jayni who is telling the story and her dad is really mean. He hits her mum and gets really angry and had been to prison. Then they win a lottery scratch card, £10,000! But they don't tell her dad then her mum lets it slip. But then he starts hitting Jayni so they run away to London. They then get a council flat that’s a bit tacky so they make it look nicer. Her brother Kendall becomes obsessed with the sharks at the aquarium and they decide to change their names so they aren’t found by their dad. Then her Mum gets cancer, and while she is in hospital Jayni gets scared and rings her long lost Auntie Barbra. Then they go and run her pub and rename it.
Really please everyone go and read this book. I've read it numerouse times and I've never got bored and always burst out at the laughs. You can really imagine it. Truly Jacqueline Wilson's best ever book!!!!!
(Mar 2004)

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Pumpkin Pie By Jean Ure

By Nicola, 12, Ashford, Middlesex, UK

This book is a great look at overcoming Bulimia. Jenny is known as Plumpkin to her family. She thinks that she's fat mainly because her sister Petal is as thin as a pin. When she starts Drama classes she just feels surrounded by thin and beautiful people. And when Dedrie Dobson a movie star comes and gives her drama class a talk on becoming an actor and she gives Jenny a nasty comment, Jenny starts to starve herself and when forced to eat by her food lover of a Dad she then forces herself to be sick. Luckily she is helped to overcome this unhealthy habbit by a very unlikely person. I personally thoroughly enjoyed this book and think it’s a must read for all girls. (Mar 2004)

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Skateboard Renegade by Matt Christopher

By Cody, 13, Surrey, BC, Canada

The story is Skateboard Renegade. The story is very exciting, it relates to real life at ages 10-12. In the story there is Zachary, the main character and his friends. Zachary's friend Brian dyes his hair and pierces his ear, then he wants all of his friends to do the same so they could have their own little "Club". Then after Zachary does it he regrets what he did.

Once you start reading the story you want to read more to see what happens. This story is really good because it makes you want to keep reading it to find out what happens at the end of the book with Zachary and all his friends. The characters are realistic, relating to real life for kids ages 10-12. The cover of the book is really catchy, I first looked at it instantly, with the bright colours I wanted to read it.

The writing is perfect, you don't need really good glasses and you don't look like you're reading a picture book cause the writing isn't too big. Very easy too read. I would give this book a 9.5/10 because it is realistic and it is teaching kids that you don't have to be like your friends to be cool, just be yourself. I would recommend this book to anyone who can read, but mostly ages 10-12. Boys and girls would like this book.
(Mar 2004)

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The Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring,J.R.R. Tolkien

By Maisha, 14, Surrey, Canada

In the lands of Middle-earth, in ancient times, the Elves crafted the Rings of Power for the wisest of each race. Three to the Elves, seven to the Dwarves, and nine to the race of Men, but they were all deceived! In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord, Sauron, crafted a ring, and into this ring, he poured all his cruelty, his malice, his power, and his will to dominate all of Middle-earth.

Orcs were roaming through the lands, killing at will. They did not know mercy, or sadness, only death. A last alliance of Elves and Men, rose together to fight for the free peoples of Middle-earth, but the power of the ring was too great. One by one, they began to fall, and in this moment, Isildur picked up his father's sword, and cut off Sauron's fingers, taking the ring from him. The enemy was defeated, but Isildur passed up the one chance he had at destroying the ring. He allowed it to survive, and surrenderd his life, and the lives of others, and at this moment, the weakness of men, could be seen.

It is now the third age of Middle-earth, and Sauron has awoken. He calls for the ring, and his forces are marching everywhere looking for it, and the only one that can stop him is Frodo Baggins, a sweet, gentle hobbit from the Shire. He is the ring bearer,and along with eight other companions, he is part of the fellowship of the ring,and they have sacrificed their lives to destroy the one ring., and return peace to Middle-earth.

I think this book was absoluteyl awesome! The main characters were Boromir, Strider, Gimli, Merry, Pippin, Gandalf, Sam, and Frodo. Although this book is only part one of three, it will capture you as soon as you start reading, and bring you into a world of magic! Every page is so highly detailed, that you feel as if you're right there!
As great as I think this book is, it's not perfect for everyone. It is quite a complex book, and is quite difficult to read.
I don't think there could have been anything else put in this book to make it any better then it already is. There is song, fighting, and those times that make you cry. It's almost inpossible to put down, and it's great for both girls and boys! If you love fantasy, then I'm positive that you'll enjoy this book! To rate it out of 10, I would give it a 10!
March 2004

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The Live-Forever Machine By Kenneth Oppel

By Mabel, 13, Surrey, BC, Canada

"The Live-Forever Machine" by Kenneth Oppel, is a great novel to chew on and digest thoroughly. This great thriller brings you to the location of a smoggy metropolitan city which skies are so darkened by the constant stream of pollution, that the inhabitants of the city never was able to get a glimpse of pure, natural sunlight. And to add to that, a long heat wave struck, leaving many retreating to their melting apartments, or into swimming pools that have already warmed up due to the boiling weather.

14-year-old Eric wanders into the museum where he and his father examined many a time, and accidentally stumbled upon two men who appeared to be having a vicious argument. The two fought for a mere second before they left as mysteriously as they had come. One of the men unknowingly dropped a wooden locket, with a picture of a beautiful woman portrayed on it.

From that moment on, Eric's life was to be changed forever as century old Alexander reveals a machine, which could allow any, living man to become immortal. Eric and his best friend Chris, strive for a battle for their lives as another immortal named Coyle, hunts them down with his centuries of experience and attempts to steal the machine for one deed only… to destroy any memory of the past, completely!

I highly recommend this book for young teens and adolescents who are in search for a good thriller. Now, I will leave the reading of this book to you, and I hope you enjoy it. I give this novel a good 9/10.

Check out more of Kenneth Oppels publishing's such as the "Dead Water Zone", "Silver Wing", "Sun Wing" and "Fire Wing".
(Mar 2004)

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The Sheep-Pig by Dick King-Smith

By Jonathan, 10, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

The Sheep-Pig is a book where a pig becomes a sheep-dog. There are a few exciting bits here and there, but apart from that,it isn't that good. The characters aren't humans, but you have to read it to find out what they are.

The beginning isn't very good, but it gets better as it goes along. There are good pictures,good font and a good cover. I reckon 6-8 year olds of both sexes would enjoy it. I would give it 4/10, but I am 10!
(Mar 2004)

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When Isla Meets Luke Meets Isla, by Rhian Tracey

By Alex, 15, Nottingham, UK

‘When Isla meets Luke meets Isla’ is a romantic story, about two teenagers, Isla and Luke. The story takes place over two years, year 10 and year 11 in school. Each chapter alternates between Isla and Luke telling the story.

I found the book very easy to get into, and easy to read, even though some of the Scottish that Isla talks in can be hard to understand. It’s very well written, and has themes that all teenagers can relate to. The two characters, Isla and Luke, have problems that all us teens have; schoolwork, Saturday jobs, parents, siblings and romance, and have a very realistic approach to these.

I thought that the theme of death was approached in such a way that it is realistic, touching, and didn’t take over the story completely. We learn more about Isla during this part of the book, and it is very thought provoking.

I would recommend this book to anyone aged 11-14, mainly girls, as I always find it better to read about people older than yourself. Even though sometimes the romance aspect seems to get swept aside, this is a fast-paced, brilliantly written, intriguing story that I would give a well deserved 9/10.

A sequel to this book, Isla and Luke: Make or Break? Is now out.

With thanks to Bloomsbury for providing a copy of the book to review
(Feb 2004)

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It's ok, I'm wearing really big knickers! by Louise Rennison

By Sofi, 11, Dubai

One of the funniest books I have ever read! Louise Rennison gets right inside the thoughts and worries of any girl. I often get told off in reading sessions for laughing out load when I am supposed to be quiet, but it really can't be helped when you are reading this book. I have chosen this book out of the series of four because I vote it the funniest, and I'm sure that if you read it you will too.
Any-one else would say that the only thing wrong with it would be that you can't put it down. It is true that you can't put it down, but in my opinion that's not a bad thing, because you won't want to put it down!!!! I always look forward to that half hour at the end of the day when I can settle down and become part of Georgia Nicholson's fun-filled life! This is a book which any Bridget Jones fan would love!!! I recommend it to any girl over the age of 10 who likes to read funny books written as diaries! I know that you will enjoy reading this book as much as I have!
Happy reading!!!!! (Feb 2004)

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Sleepover club collection by Sue Mongredien

By Beth, 8, Burntwood ,Staffs, England

If you're a girl full of interest these are the books for you. I like the books because they stand of what life can be like. The girls are like me and love to be with their friends. They all love to have sleepovers. I recommend these books to girls and the age group 8-12.
(Feb 2004)

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The Witches by Roald Dahl

By Alison, 10, Monsey, New York, USA

What the book is about:
A boy who is transformed into a mouse by a group of witches and tries to poison them back.

What I thought of it:
This book makes you just need to keep reading. Every part of the book seems like one of those 'good parts', so there is no such thing as stopping at the good part. The whole story is funny, daring, and spooky as the witches come into the story. It is amazing how you could actually picture the whole story going on in your head! Roald Dahl certainly gives a lot of useful information if you could picture it in your head! Roald Dahl can be hilarious, scary, and adventurous at the same time.

The book is excellent, and I would recommend it.

My favourite character is the lead witch
because She is as ugly as the ugliest witch alive. She also has the funniest accent, because with every 'R' letter that she says, she sort of rolls it around in her mouth before she actually says it so it becomes 'rrrrrr'. She can also send out destroying sparks out of her eyeballs. (February 2004)

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Harry Potter

By Giovanni, 10, Chicago, IL, USA

I will be talking about Harry Potter. The plot of the story is when Harry became champion for Hogwarts. The main characters are Harry, Hermione, Hagrid, Cedric, Ron, and Draco Malfoy. The setting is at Hogwarts which is in England. This is my book review of Harry Potter.

Who are you most like in Harry Potter? I say that I am most like Hermione. I am like her because she turns in all her work and I turn in all my work. Also, she is smart and I am smart. That is why I am like Hermione.

The plot of the story is cool. It is cool because Harry was being teased by the Slytherins. Also, he was going to have to fight a four-headed dragon. Harry was almost killed in the Tri-wizard Tournament. That is why the plot is cool.

The setting was not that cool. I say this because the story takes place in a castle. Also, when they say the time of day, it is usually night time. That is why I think the setting of the story is not that cool.

Overall, I can really identify the character of Harry Potter. I really hope that Harry is okay after the tournament. Also, I hope that Harry and Ron become friends again. If you get a chance, read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. (Feb 2004)

Read More great book reviews from CICS, West Belden

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The Book I Couldn't Put Down

By Jerusalem, 11, Long Beach, California, USA

Hello to whoever is reading this. Today I'm writing about a book that I couldn't put down. I guess you knew that already Because of the title. Anyways.... There was this book Of Two Minds By Carol Matas, my favorite book in the world! I lost count how many times it was taken away from me for reading it when I wasn't supposed to. That's how good it was. Actually it was better. In a scale of 0-10 I would give it a.....hmmm.......I think I would give it a 30!
It's about a girl (Just because it is about a girl does not mean that boys won't like it boys will probably love it too) that has "superpowers" now I got to the boys didn't I? Well she has the ability of imagining stuff and it comes true and she has to ________________________________________
Read the book and then fill in the blanks! Well besides that she has to save_____________ from ___________with the help of_______. That she was forced to ________ by her parents. Don't think that I want you to fill in the blanks just to make it seem like I did read the book and I didn't. Don't kid yourself - I love that book and up to date it is my favorite book in the world, not just one of my favorites.
Well anyways I hope that you read that book and you like it the way I do.
Until next time,
(February 2004)

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Midnight, by Jacqueline Wilson

By Grasie, 11, Bucks, England

This story is about a girl, daydreaming in her fairy world, picked up by the wonders of her favourite author, Casper Dream. This may mean having to suffer, both terms delightful and terrifying, in cases which her brother Will is involved, and maybe her new best friend Jasmine.

A bit of romance included, with a great ammount of brilliant comments given to Jacqueline for this beautiful tale of Violet.
(January 2004)

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Midnight by Jacqueline Wilson.

By Rachel, 10, Beds., UK

This book is about a girl, inspired by her fairies, with a brilliant imagination. Despite the fact that her brother isn't really her brother, they get along well.
The girl is called Voilet, her brother Will.
When she finds a new girl at school, she thinks that it'll change her life forever.
Change her from being an SC ( Sad Cow, as the boys in her class would say), to an SB ( Sexy Bunny )
The boys in her class would call her new friend ( Jasmine ) a super-super-super SB, she thinks.
Especially her brother Will…
(January 2004)

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The Dead Girlfriend by R.L Stine

By Kathy, 12, Rotherham, UK

This book is about a girl called Annie who moves houses to a beautiful village. She meets a boy named Jonathan Morgan at the falls and he eventually becomes her boyfriend. So what is his last girlfriend died mysteriously at the falls where they met. She makes friends too, Dawn and Ruby. Dawn warns her that Jonathan's dangerous but Annie's not so sure. She's devastated when awful things begin happening to her. Her bike is broken. Her cat is murdered. Annie can't take it any more! Who's behind it all. She suspects Ruby. Present at all the catastrophies. But a small part of her wonders if Dawn could be right and it is Jonathan.
Is it Jonathan or Ruby or neither or both?

This is an excellent book. Completely un-put-downable and truly gripping with a suprising ending. Definitely a must read. Another of R.L Stine's fantastic teenage novels. Also look out for "Wrong Number 2", "The Babysitter", "Camp out" and "College Weekend". These are 4 of my personal favourites. (January 2004)

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Jade Green by Ellis Reynolds Naylor

By Katie, 12, Durham, NH, USA

When Judith Sparrow becomes an orphan and goes to live with her uncle, strange things begin to happen. She discovers some unsettling events which took place in the very same room she is sleeping in. This story is full of twists and turns until the very end (and especially the end!)
I loved this book because it captured my mind and wouldn't let it go until I had turned the very last page. From the first to the final page you are in the book hearing what is heard, seeing what is seen, and feeling what is felt. It is a must read!!!
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone interesting in a quick but awesome read. It is a great book, even for those who are not obsessed with ghost stories. This book will amaze you, whoever you are!
(December 2003)

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Holes: Louis Sachar

By Johnny, 12, Rochester, NY, USA

Holes was about a boy named Stanley Yelnats who gets falsely accused of a crime. He is sent to Camp Green Lake where all the boys there are supposed to do is dig 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep holes under the close eyes of their mean counselors: The Warden, Mr. Pendanski, and Mr. Sir. Stanley makes friends with an orphan named Zero. Together they find out that they are digging to do more than build character. They go on a fun and amazing adventure!
This book was one of the best books that I have ever read! I would give it a 10. It is one of those books you won't want put down (I read 100 pages in one night). I highly recommend seeing the movie and I highly recommend reading the book. It was great!!!
(December 2003)

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The Windsinger by William Nicholson William Nic

By Maria, 12, Wellington, New Zealand

This is an excellent story about a pair of twins called Kestrel and Bowman and their dribbling, annoying companion Mumpo, who live in a city called Aramanth, where exams are everything.
When the rankings system of the city based on academic excellence humiliates their father and sentences their family to the harshest punishment, Kestrel and Bowman, with Mumpo at their feet, escape the city and set out to discover the evil secret which controls Aramanth.
This book won the Smarties' Best Book of the Year award in 2000, and is an exciting, gripping tale, which is a real masterpiece and is recommended to all children between the ages of eight and fourteen.
The Windsinger is the first book of the Wind on the Fire series, and the other two books are just as good, if not better, than this 10/10 fantasy novel.
(December 2003)

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Caleng and the Moonstone Pearl by M. Romero

By Harriet, , Morrow, Ga. USA

Great youthful epic fantasy!

Living in the Kingdom of Goliad in the Land of Faye, Prince Caleng may be a purebred Faerie, but like youths of any species he is curious about everything so he impishly seems to get into everything. His goal is to become a great wizard even more renowned than the mighty Andrade. However, instead he finds himself leaving his home at Brzden Castle on a dangerous quest.

He seeks the legendary wizard Fyn'hazzmhn, banished by his father King Perret, many ages ago. For through the aid of the mighty wizard, Caleng hopes to rescue his missing father. However, the lad's odyssey takes Caleng far beyond the realm of faerie into a world full of hate, a land of mortals in which he is not only a lost soul transformed into a human body, but could easily meet "mortal" death in this ball of confusion.

On the surface this youthful epic fantasy is clearly aimed at a young audience but adults will also appreciate the powerful tale that contains several moral points imbedded brilliantly into Caleng's adventure. The story line is fast-paced yet the author M. Romero insures that key characters, especially those that are mythological, seem real. That is the key to the quest as the Land of Faye and the other realms visited by Caleng seem authentic so that the audience receives a fabulous story that is both complex and simple as only a grand enchantress of a writer can do.
(November 2003)

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P.S. Longer Letter Later, by Paula Danziger and An

By Hayley, 11, Chicago, IL, USA

P.S. Longer Letter Later is written in letters. Best friends Tara*Starr and Elizabeth write letters to eachother to keep their friendship going after Tara*Starr moves away. The characters are very realistic and they both go through a lot in the book. Things that I don't want to give away if you read the book. Me and my friends all like this book and I recommend it for anyone! There is also a sequel, Snail Mail No More, written in e-mails. (November 2003)

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