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Lola rose - Jacqueline Wilson

By Nafisa, 13, London, UK

Lola Rose is about a mum and her two kids who have to run away from there horrible father. Jani is telling the story of what happened. Jani, Kenny (her brother) and her mum run away as far as they possibly can, to get away from their horrid father. The family changed their names and identities, and began to start a new life in another city. Jani changed to Lola Rose, Kenny to Kendall and mum to Mrs Luck. After living happily for a while, disaster strikes as Lola Rose's mum becomes seriously ill, and has to have an operation. It's up to Lola Rose (Jani) to take control and look after her brother and herself, while their mum is in hospital. Will the family be able to hold together? (October 2004)

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Ally's World by Karen McCombie

By , 12, Bury, UK

Ally's world is a book just full of laughs. Ally is a girl who's mother left them to travel the world. We watch her as she struggles to combat teenage life. With a carefree dad, a bossy sister, an animal mad brother and a very strange and sparkly sister. She tries to cope with friends, families and boys amongst many things. So pick up a copy of Ally's World by Karen McCombie. By the way Karen McCombie has written many books on Ally & friends so there's quite a few to choose from. (October 2004)

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Fruit and Nutcase by Jean Ure

By Laura, 13, Inverness, Scotland

I think Fruit and Nutcase is a really good book. It's about Mandy Small's life story. She thinks if she is not there to hep her mam and dad they will get a divorce. Mandy always says a "special" prayer saying "please God don't let mam and dad get divorced." There is a girl called Tracey Bigg and she gets on Mandy's nerves. You should read it. I have 2x and I just got it a month ago. (October 2004)

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Midnight by Jacqueline Wilson

By Jess, 11, Derbyshire, UK

Midnight is about a girl called Violet who has a brother called Will who was adopted. Violet has problems with making friends and she dosent have many mates, so then a new girl called Jasmine comes and chooses to make friends with her. Jasmine's dad is a movie star so is her mum. But her parents are split up so her dad has a girlfriend.
Jasmine got dumped in a boarding school but her father Jonathon came and recued her. He took her home.
Violet is the biggest fan of a fabulous author called CASPAR DREAM who writes fantasy books about fairies.
Violet secretly writes letters to him and keeps them in a box at the back of her wardrobe.
Midnight is a fabulous book and should be in the top 5 charts for books. I recommend it to lots of girls who like reading maybe some boys might like it !!!!
Midnight is definitely in my top 5 !!!!!!!!!
(October 2004)

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The Mum Minder by Jacqueline Wilson

By Taylor, 9, Albany, WA, USA

Dear Jacqueline Wilson
Hi my name is Taylor and I have read one of your books The Mum Minder.
It is now my favourite book.
I wish it was mine.
I know the book very well.
I want to tell you about your book so you can know what people think about it so you can write more books like it I am sure I will read it.
I think your book would be good for every one because it’s a good book to read.
I think your book deserved an award because it’s a great kid’s book.
I don't like reading but I saw your book on the shelf in the Albany Primary library and told myself I have to read books so I got the book out of the library and started reading it.
That night reading your book made me feel happy because it was the first book I sat down to read.
When I started reading I could not stop reading it.
I thing all kids books should be like that.
(October 2004)

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Brian Jacques - The Flying Dutchman Series

By Courtney, 11, Scotland

Brian Jacques is more famous for his Redwall Series than anything else but now I am here to tell you about a less famous series of his called the Flying Dutchman Series.

The story starts out as a mute boy on a ship, who takes in a dog and feeds him. He is called Neb and his dog is called Denmark, Den for short. The Pirate ship the boy is Cabin Boy on is called the Flying Dutchman, ruled by a ruthless and violent captain, Captain Vanderdecken. The crew is a mismatched bunch, all from different countries.

Vanderdecken has a dream. He wishes to make it safely round the dreaded see off Cape Horn. On the Captains third try he goes mad with stress, fury and failure and raises his head to the heavens and curses God. But and Angel appears (a very good description of it by Brian Jacques) and curses Vanderdecken and his crew (even those who died in his attempts) to sail the seas forever.

But the angel sees good in Neb and Den. She gives Neb the ability to communicate to anyone in any language and Den and Neb are able to communicate by thought. They put their names back to front to make Ben and Ned. They must too live forever which is a sad punishment for as those who they become friends with die they must forever live with the thought of them.

The two books have sad twists to them and I must admit the riddle-packed first book is better. Can Ben and Ned save a WHOLE village by solving riddles? Find out! (October 2004)

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The Tales of Redwall by Brian Jacques

By Courtney, 11, Scotland

The Redwall Series was written by the best author ever, Brian Jacques. Brian Jacques wrote the first book for the series, Redwall to read to blind children, then he was asked if he wanted to write another one.
In each book there are only animals, mice, hedgehogs, badgers, otters, hares and other such creatures are the 'goodies'. Rats, stoats weasels, ferrets, and foxes mostly make up the 'baddies'.
Each book always is a fight between good and evil, and who else wins but the good side! In every book there is a tearful ending as a 'goodie' dies, usually just when you're starting to like the character.
If you haven't read a Redwall book I STRONGLY advise reading one!!!
(October 2004)

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Girls in Love by Jacqueline Wilson

By Hannah, 12, Wallasey, UK

Girls in Love is about three teenage girls (Ellie, Magda and Nadine) and how their lives change when they start Year 9. Ellie meets a boy called Dan in Wales, but doesn't like hime much, Nadine gets a really creepy boyfriend who pressures her to go further than she wants to and Magda starts going out with this dopey boy called Greg. They survive through good times and bad times together, and their adventures make you feel as if you are personally involved in the story.
I have read Girls in Love 16 times and I don't think I'll ever get bored of it. All of Jacqueline Wilson's books are amazing, but I think the 'Girls' books are definately so. I hope she will continue to write such great books, and I look forward to reading her future work.
(September 04)

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Be More Chill by Ned Vizzini

By Caitlin, 14, Bury St Edmunds, UK

‘Be More Chill’ written by Ned Vizzini, published by Harper Collins

An amazing book with a realistic plot that provides an interesting and frank insight into boys’ minds.

Jeremy Heere buys himself a ‘squip’, which is a miniature computer (with Keanu Reeves’ voice) that lodges into his brain and lets him know how to be cool. It's all in the hopes of impressing Christine who he likes (until he’s squipped, then he ‘digs’ her!). But, is Christie cool enough for the squip?

Girls: the secret of the way boys’ minds work is finally revealed in this book!

Boys: There are some GREAT tips on how to be cool. 5/5

Suitable for older teens only!
(August 2004)

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No, David

By Clarissa, 7, Texas, USA

The book that I read was No, David by David Shannon.
It is about a little boy named David.
David always gets in trouble.
His mom tells him not to climb on the shelf, not to bring mud in the house and not to talk with his mouth full of food. She also tells him not to play ball inside, not to play with his food and not too put his fingers in his nose.
I like the end of the book because his mom calls him and she gives him a hug and tells him that she loves him.
(August 2004)

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The Winter King and the Summer Queen by Mary Lister

By Francesca, 10, Stockton on Tees, UK

The main characters are the winter King and the Summer Queen.

The book is about a King and a Queen who are very different the Queen is the sun and the King is the bad weather, and their make two kingdoms one.
The best part is when you are introduced to the King and Queens friends because they are very detailed and colourful.

I give this book 10/10 because it is colourful and interesting.

I would recommend this book to people who enjoy a happy story.
(August 2004)

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Ben's Fantastic Plant by Pamela Oldfield

By Jonathan, 10, Stockton-on-Tees, UK

This story is about Ben who was given a strange blue seed from his uncle. It soon grows into a fantastic plant over night, but Ben is worried something seems to be wrong, Ben’s plant is growing out of control. Then the plant dies and gets regrown in a different country.

My favourite part is where the plant grows to big to be controlled.

I would give this book seven out of ten. I would also recommend this book for children age one to five years old. It has no naughty language in this book.
(August 2004)

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Angels F.C by Michael Coleman

By Junior, 10, Stockton on Tees, UK

Angels FC are in the Cup Final against Harnett Rovers and are winning 1-0. There is only a few minutes left when their opponents get a penalty. The only problem is their goalkeeper Kirsten Brown has never saved a penalty in her career and they score. So there will be a replay match and then a penalty shootout.

The main characters are Kirsten Brown and the rest of Angels F.C, Ginger from Harnett Rovers and Cap Man.

My favourite part was when Brown thought she caught the ball and she caught Gingers head instead.

I would give this book 10/10 because it is a funny book and I would recommend it to anyone who likes football.
(August 2004)

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Me, My Kid and HollyWeird: The Adventures of a Kid Actor

By Synthia, 12, LA, CA, USA

This book is great for families. Especially ones that include a teen or pre-teen. It is written by a 11 year old and her Mom. The child, Gigi is a kid actor and she and her mother moved from Florida all the way over to LA so that Gigi could act professionally. This book is based on the first six months of their life in a new place as written in their journals.
You get to come inside the audition rooms and feel the pressure of memorizing 5 pages of dialogue in a half hour. This book ends up being about, not just acting though. It talks about family and life all together. For instance, if they are traveling you will hear about all of the cool places they are going. You will hear about who they met that day and what pops into their mind when writing in their everyday journal. (August 2004)

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Double Act by Jacqueline Wilson

By Harriet, 10, Stockton-On-Tees, UK

Double Act is about two twin sisters who have moved to the country. Their father has a new girlfriend (Rose) who at first they hate. Ruby, who is confident, wants to act, but Garnet is shy and doesn’t want to. They have a major falling out because only Garnet gets a scholarship at the grandest boarding school in the area. Garnet tries to be as nice as she can to her sister, but Ruby is horrible to her. Ruby changes her hairstyle but Garnet copies so Ruby cuts of all her hair. They make up at the end of the book.

Ruby is a character who is adventurous and makes you laugh, whereas Garnet is a character who is timid and is not as courageous or as bossy as her sister.

My favourite part in the book is where Ruby throws a sponge in Rose’s face.

What I didn’t like about the book, was when the story ended because I wanted to carry on reading.

I’d give this book ten out of ten, because it is a touching and interesting story.
(August 2004)

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Me, My Kid and HollyWeird: The Adventures of a Kid Actor by Chartreuse and Gigi Braun

By Sophie, 12, Los Angeles, CA

This book is great for families. Especially ones that include a teen or pre-teen. It is written by a child and her mom. The kid is Gigi. An 11 year old angel/devil. This book deals with the ups and downs in the family. It is outragously honest and incredibly funny. I would suggest this to book everyone and their mom. (August 2004)

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The Lottie Project by Jacqueline Wilson

By Cassidy, 11, Hull, England

The Lottie Project is just one of the brilliant books in Jacqueline Wilson's collection.

It tells of a girl who compares a Victorian life to her own. I think this is another great storyline by another great author. It has inspired me to think about writing books for a living just like Jacqueline Wilson.

It is amazing how much adventure and emotion can be crammed into one book alone. I would give this book a big 100 out of ten. I do hope many other people have or will enjoy reading this book.

(August 2004)

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The Fib by George Layton

By Adam and Daniel, 11, Hull, UK

The Fib by George Layton is a book full to the brim with inspiration, and realistic stories. The Fib is a book based on a child (himself) growing up in the fifties. It has a variation of traumatic and joyful stories. The way he writes is strong and efective with a good description of everything and a good sence of humor, these stories include big decisions and lies for the character. This is well and truly a excellent book, and it is a book for all ages.

We rate this book 10 out of 10 as it is truly brilliant book, which makes you think about all the aspectes of life. Everybody should read this book as it is one of the best books we have ever read.
(July 2004)

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Double Act: Jaqueline Wilson

By Natasha, Nicola, 11, Hull, UK

Double Act is about some identical twins Ruby and Garnet. Their dad gets a new girlfriend and the twins don't like her. They keep playing tricks on her like swopping their seats and getting her confused. Her dad gets really mad with them and tells them off. They have to move home and they go to live in the countryside, they don't like it there. They have to go to a new school. Garnet gets a new friend and Ruby gets jealous and they have a really big argument and fight.

It is the best book in the world!!! We would both recommend it 8 and above because it is mainly writing. We like the book because it is sort of an action story with all the fighting and arguing between Ruby and Garnet.
(July 2004)

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Double act by Jacqueline Wilson

By Robert, 11, Hull, UK

Double Act is a book about twins who look the same and do everything together. This is a great book and it is a book that everybody can read. Jacqueline Wilson is a great author and I have read nearly all of her books and Double Act is probably the best.
(July 2004)

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