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Are you out there, Alice?

By Rosa, 10, Beetley, UK

I'm looking for my pal, Alice, who lives in London, Forest Hill. I left in year 3 and we haven't seen each other for about 2 years. She used to go to Fairlawn Primary.
Alice, if you read this PLEASE get in touch! I'm missing you loads!
From Rosa Oct 2002

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My bezzie mate!

By Amy, 11, Halesowen, UK

My bezzie mate Leah is great. She is always there when I need here and she is very kind. Everybody likes her and I am especially lucky coz every1 wants to be her bezzie mate. But I am. She never has a nasty word to say about any1 and when we fall out she always says sorry. She is one of the most popular girls in class and we don't play with that gals. We play with the lads. She likes some of the things that I do such as:
footie, bball, boyz, music, family (except sisters), dogz and each other. I just want to say thank you to her for being the best ever friend any1 could eva be!
I really like her! Oct 2002

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April you are my best friend

By Tabitha, 13, Florida, USA

April you are my best friend in the whole wide world. Even though we have been pushing apart i will always be your best friend and you will always be mine. April you are the one and only person who has ever been as good to me as you are. I know we might not go to the same high school together and we don't live any where near each other but I'll always be here for you.
People out there reading this these are the rules of a best friend
* always there when you need them!
* always lending a hand!
* Will always stick with you even if it's not what the crowd is doing!!
* always puts in their 2 cents !!!! even if it's not what you wanted to hear
* always always tell your friend the truth
* never say anything behind his or her back
* never do anything that could hurt your friend!!!!!!!!

If you are a true friend you will have already these simple rules.

April you don't have to worry about these rules, you started them!! THANKS FOR BEING MY ONE AND ONLY BEST FRIEND BF4L October 2002

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This is for my best friends

By Kayla, 11, USA

Hi! I would like to tell you all about my best friends and why they are my best friends:

Becca: Becca is one of my best friends because she is so nice, she sticks by me and sticks up for me when people are mean or acting stupid. She's tough, and she is very likeable.

Nicole: Nicole is another one of my best friends because she is nice, she is strong, she is cool and funny and she can do anything. She is one of my VERY best friends. We've been best friends since 1st grade, and we're in 5th grade now.

Paige: Paige is MY BEST FRIEND because she is so nice, and smart and funny and so creative. She is such a good friend and you can tell her anything and she won't tell a soul, Paige if you are reading this, I want to let you know you are such a good friend!

Deseraie: Dezz, You're such a good friend, you're funny, cool, nice and very athletic. Expecially when J. called K. on the bus that name (LoL Dezz) You were like "No, I'm the ____ _____!!!

Danielle F: You were my enemy for many years, but we've become very good friends. I hope we won't become enemies again; I'm sick of fights. You are really nice now, and I want everyone to realize that! LoL Danielle!

Maddi: Maddi, you are such a good runner! OMG I can't stop you! LoL! Anyway, you're a good friend and I'm glad if we become better friends because you are so nice! LoLzz

Annie: Annie...you are SOOOO funny! I'm glad we're friends!

Isabelle: You have been my best friend since pre-K. we've been BFF's for such a long time! Let's not let it end!

Danielle B: Danielle, you are so nice!

Natalie: We've been really good friends, let's stay that way!

Last but not least, Ronnie (Veronica): Veronica, you are such a good friend!October 2002

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Best friends 4 ever

By Jessica, 12, USA

My name is Jessica and me and Janel are best of friends, and I know she will always be there for me like I will be there for her. I wanna say that I care about her a lot and i will always be there for her through the good and bad times...… Sep 2002

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What is a real friend?

By James, 16, Williamsburg, USA

What is a real friend?

A lot of people ask me that. A real friend is someone that would stick up for you when you are in trouble. He or she will help you when you are having trouble with something. If you are sad and been sad for a long time he or she will help you as best as they can. A lot of people lose their friends. Why is that you ask? Well it is because your friend that you thought that you could count on is not there for you anywhere. There, for you get new friends over and over again. Then you might think about who you think is your friend and who is a real friend. Sep 2002

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By Danielle, 12, Wexford, PA, USA

Friends should be kind and loving, not pushing you to do something you don't want to do. I think a true friend should like you for who you are, not what others think of you. Sep 2002

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Ideal Friendships

By Katherine, 12, Hong Kong

Besides in the Chicken Soup stories, I wonder how many people have "ideal friends". Probably, chances are, if I conducted a survey on this question, the large majority would answer, "No." Now, I wish I had known this sooner.

Ever since I attended school, I have experienced many problems with my social life. When I was younger, I was often too bossy and picky about my friends, and when I was in elementary school, I found it hard to make friends and keep them.

All through my row of friendships, I browsed for someone that matched my "ideal friend" description - and my "ideal friend" description was probably impossible to categorize into. I mean, who can act up to a standard of always compromising and being in a good mood?

Every time I made a new friend, I would wonder if the new friend would be ideal, but every time, I was disappointed, either she wasn't patient enough or too self-centered.

Finally, after many years of judgement and searching, I opened up and saw the world as it is. There is no thing, at least, for the majority of us, as an "perfect ideal friend". I had finally learned to accept people as they are.

To me, ideal friendships are illusions. They don't exist. All friendships have their share of problems and those that don't have misunderstandings or arguements are not real friendships.

Perhaps I didn't find a "ideal friend", but over the last few years, I have a found a lot of real friends, and I think that's what counts. Sep 2002

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I miss her bad

By Jaime, 11, Charlton, Mass., USA

I had a friend I met in the Bahamas. She couldn't speak English that well, so she had to think before saying it. I had to help her. She came from Germany, I'm in Mass. so we don't see each other. We used to stare out at the sea and fool around. But I can't, she's in Germany. I'm sososoosso sad about that I cried two nights. I liked her like a sister, no-one will take her place so I'm writing a poem.

The sea was bright
as you and i would see
the things we do
cant be explained
You and i could never be apart
the sea was bright the sun was warm
the sand was yellow and so was your hair
the sea was bright and so are you. Sep 2002

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REPLY TO LAURA (Why is it so hard?)

By Myles, 9, London, UK

Dear Laura,
I'm sorry that your friend is so nasty to you, it has happened to me as well. I think that you shouldnt keep her as a friend any more. You can always talk to me. Just make sure that your friend C is really saying the bad things and that people are not lying about her though. It's not nice to lose someone but if the things you heard are true, she was never really your friend. Let me know how you get on. Sep 2002

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I miss her

By Valerie, 12, Pennsylvania, USA

I had a friend. Everything was fine at the beginning of the school year. But then, when it was close to the end of the year and she had to move when school was out. I was her best friend and she didn't want to leave me behind. So instead of trying to get my email address or something, she decided that if she tried to break our friendship then she wouldn't have anything to miss. So one day at school, she started to fight with me and said that it was because she thought I said something about her, but I knew that wasn't it because I really didn't hang out with anyone else but her. So I fought back not knowing what she had planned. then at track the next night she wanted to renew our friendship, I accepted, but it wasn't long after that she went back to fighting with me. She and I were sent to the assistant principal when the teacher found out. She sorted everything out and told me that she wanted to leave not having anything to miss. then, I gave her my e-mail address and now since she moved we still keep in touch. I miss her very much!! Sep 2002

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Friend Ship

By Quinn, 11, NH, USA

Friendship is taken
from the Buddy Ship
and given to
some one
to take a sip
They get along together
on the Friend Ship
Where they are given it
to take a sip
When the storms come, they work through it togther
when the sun comes, they share it together
when the sails rip
They mend it togther
But when the ship breaks
and the it drowns
the must suffer this tragedy

Keep your Friend Ships Sailing! Sep 2002

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My Best Friends

By Jade, 11, Logan City, USA

My best freinds are Jodie, Felicity and Melissa. They are the best in the world and we are really close. We have decided to start a club, that's how good friends we are!!! If they read this, I hope they appreciate it! Thanks Guys!!! Anyway, I hope you have great friends as good as mine!!!

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A friend

By Bessie, 13, OK, USA

a friend is a person you can look up to.
a friend is a person that you can tell any thing to.
a friend is a person who will never let you down, and will always be there when you are sick.
a friend will stick to you tell the very end and will never turn your back on you. If you were my friend that is how I would treat you.

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To my friend

By Kristalle, 12, Brampton, Ontario, Canada

To my friend
Our friendship will never end

Although we're in two different places
I'll still remember your face

I'll remember all the things we did together
From now until forever

We share lots of feeings
And our friendship had lots of meaning

Together we went through thick and thin
And every battle we will win

So there is one thing I ask from thee
Please remember me! September 2002

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My friend

By Kerry, 10, Suffolk, UK

When I had to move house I was really upset because I had to move a way from my friend. We did write to each other for a while until she stopped writing to me. I phoned to ask her why she werent writing to me but she put the phone down. So I am still writing to her but she isn't writing back. I think she doesn't like me.

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How Can I Say Goodbye

By Chelsea, 12, OH, USA

My friend Joscelyn and I did everything together I mean everything dressed the same,did our hair the same way,and had all the same friends. She used to come over all the time or I would go over there. If we weren't playing together we were talking on the phone, we were like sisters.
One day Joscelyn and I were playing outside. I remember it felt so relaxing and calm out. Well anyway we were playing and her Mom told us that they were moving an hour away from here. We were so upset. Our parents told us we'd see each other on the weekends but Joscelyn and I knew it wasn't going to happen, that it's not that easy.
She hasn't moved yet but in a week she is I dont know how to say good-bye. Even though I have other good friends it's not going to be the same without Joscelyn. September 2002

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Popular Friends

By Cate, 9, USA

I had tried to make friends with the popular girl it was fun-sort of-at first. But you're changing yourself when you like something, she doesn't like, it crushes you - or you lie about it I've had experience. I was mean to a lot of people that are my best friends - when you're with popular people you start thinking its cool to be mean - and you do!!! September 2002

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What are Neighbors for?

By Heba, 12, Thousand Oaks, California, USA

Our happy days, our sad moments. We'll knock a door, and hope it opens.
I glanced around me.. I wandered and wondered.. Which door shall I knock? Wich door will open?
I stared again.. Why go so far? As far as a star? When there is a person whose door will open with all the helping and care.
It doesn't need a long ponder, I will always know my destination and run to my neighbor.
I knocked the door, and it slid open. My neighbor of course with a large smile that made me forget my depression. I was welcomed and calmed down. We started by discussing the problem and the solution was there.
A neighbor must always be like that, with a heart that fits us all. Laughs when I laugh, helps me when I cry, and understands what I say. So he can get what I get and more.
With some words I can describe a great neighbor who is, when all other doors are locked, in front of me, I will find and open one just next door. And in the dark I will find a spotlight that leads me there.
How great, useful, and helpful are neighbors. September 2002

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Is your friend a bully or a friend

By Siobhan, 11, Scotland, UK

My title is "is your friend a bully or a friend?". The reson why is because I think that if you want a friend that you should look for people your own age and that are nice to you and respect you. If you have a friend that bosses you about I say that's not a friend at all. That's just some kind of bully using you and pretending to be your friend and isn't one at all!!! Thanx for letting me have my say about friends!

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