on the Net is always interested to hear from you, wherever you live.
Tell us about:
- your family, friends and pets (two brothers
and four gerbils?)
- where you live (isolated mountains? busy city?
rainy? sunny?)
- your interests (swimming? play football for
the school? enjoy reading?)
- what you like to do at school (is your favourite
subject writing?)
- what matters to you (best friend, not being
cruel to animals, Blue or Justin Timberlake?)
- what's special about you! (dance in a show?
the Simpsons' biggest fan?)
We are very careful about the privacy of Kids on the Net
users. We don't ever give out email addresses. We're sorry but Kids
on the Net can not arrange email pals.
You can write back to other children, if you would like
to, but only on this website. If you ask for a reply, you will have
to look on the site to see your message and come back to the site
occasionally to see if anyone replies to you.
Remember safety when you write about
yourself online
- We only need your first name, age, and the place where
you live (town/county/state/country)
- Do not give out your full name, street address, telephone
numbers, or personal information about family or friends
- No-one online needs to know what you look like. Do not
give any physical description of yourself.
- And always get permission from a parent or teacher before
you write to us.
More on Net Safety
from our Net Rules! site.
If you accidentally include personal information we will
delete it before putting writing on the website.

©2003-2011 Kids on the Net and the authors
Last revised
Kids on the Net

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