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Friends Forever

By Angel, 10, Longview, TX, USA

To me, a best friend doesn't have to have money or cool stuff. A best friend doesn't have to be the most popular person in school, or even be the second most popular.
To me a best friend should always have you back, should always be there for you. Even when you're miles apart, like me and my Bf, you should still remain friends.
I hardly see her any more but we still call each other or email. She still comes to my house and we have fun.
A best friend should always be happy to see you even when you're fighting. A best friend is the one who knows all your deep dark secrets and is with you every step of the way. Your best friend is the one who sits up with you all night writing songs and playing games. Your best fried is always at your parties. Your best friend is the one who sticks up for you when the bully is messing with you and all your other friends are to scared. Your best friend is the person you can talk to when you're scared or upset. Your best friend will always be there. I know my best friend isn't perfect but neither am I. Dec 2002

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By Meg, 13, Ankeny, Iowa, USA

Friends are the most important thing. They'll help you through the bad times and good. If you don't have any friends then you don't have any family. Friends are family, kids your age, teachers, little children, animals, and so on. Even brothers and sisters. If you are lonely then remember your family do things with them, call one of your friends and talk to them. Dec 2002

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Best Friends Forever

By Katie, 13, Baytown, Texas, USA

My name is Katie, I live in Baytown very close to my bestest friends Ashley & Kaci. we have lots of fun together each day!!! Whether it's riding on a four wheeler, wrestling in the living room (and getting in trouble), or just sitting around talking about life, we're always having FUN!!! Dec 2002

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I asked God...

By Jelena, 12, Pretoria, South Africa

I asked God for a flower
He gave me a garden

I asked God for a tree
He gave me a forest

I asked God for water
He gave me an ocean

I asked God for a friend
He gave me you! Dec 2002

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You need friends really!

By Hayley, 11, Saffron Walden, UK

I used to have a no 1 best friend. She was great but then I moved away but it was ok because my nan lived down the road from her, so when I when I used to go to my nan's I used to always see her. But then a couple of months later she moved away a very long way away. I was so sad but that was when we were about 7 now we both are 11 and still keep in touch.
So I think every body needs friends to tell them your secrets and your probs!! Dec 2002

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Why you should always firstly think about friends

By Cassy, 14, Rainworth, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, UK

Hi it's Cassy here and I just want to say that friends are very important and you should always think about the ones that care about you and not the ones you need in lessons or the ones that makes you look cool but the ones who are there for when you're in tears and the ones that need you as much as you need them with emotions and problems. I have a few of those friends and I would like to keep them as my friends forever! Danielle, Amie, Karra and Nicola if you guys are reading this thanx a lot for being so great! Dec 2002

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How can we live without friends

By Kristian , 14, Orlando, Florida, USA

Hi my name is Kristian and the number one question ponders me is "How can we live without friends?" I enjoy writing and the thing that inspires is all of my friends. You see I am an easy person to meet and befriend and I am certain that no one can live without friends. Also family are friends and how would anyone be in this world without our very close friends/family. No one can live without friends!!!!! Nov 2002

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My best friend

By Talli, 14, Washington, DC, USA

My best friend Tracy moved 4 years ago. She moved to somewhere in Nebraska. If you're out there Tracy I would love to hear from you, remember you are always welcome. . Nov 2002

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Best friends

By Lacy, 16, Denver, Colorado, USA

Hi, My name is Lacy My best friend Shonna moved away in the 8th grade. Shonna if you are out there and you read this please write to me its the same address as before. I love you Shonna. Lacy . Nov 2002

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Best friends

By Jess, 11, Toronto, Canada

A best friend is the person you most want to tell about the joy you find in life, because sharing makes it even richer. A best friend is the person whom you most love with that strange selfishness that is fulfilled by making your friend happy first. A best friend is the person who forgives you when you make mistakes, and teaches you courage to make the next attempt. A best friend is the person you miss when you are alone and need to share a thought which only that person would understand. A best friend is the person you hold when one of you needs the immovable rock that no one else in the world can be. You are my best friend. I love you. Nov 2002

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To my true bestest pal!

By Tessa, 12, Canberra, Australia

Have you ever had a friend who is so much like an angel, that you think they are one? Well I’ve got a friend and yes, I’m pretty sure she is an angel! For she is so incredibly kind-hearted! Her beauty on her face stands out like a person with a bright pink top on in a crowd of people with blue tops on. And is she only beautiful? NO! She’s got a brain as well! Plus a sense of humour that will brighten your face quicker then a bullet could be shot out of a gun! This might sound a little unbelievable, at first, because you don’t find many amazing friends out there in the world. But believe me I’m telling the truth! She is really an angel! I am so lucky to have her as my best friend! And I am even more proud to say her name is Alice! Nov 2002

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By Ashley, 13, Indiana, USA

You are my
Only friend and
U are my best friend.
That I write to you. thanks for being there for me all my friends at my school. THANKS! And now.

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My best friends Anisa and Rabia

By Zakiya, 10, Birmingham, UK

Hi my 2 best friends you are the ones who help me when I am sad. I am very happy. I went on this because you will appreciate what I am writing here you are the only 2 who help when am sad and lonely.
Bye Nov 2002

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Best Friends

By Keiki, 11, Barrigada, Guam

Hi my name is Keiki and I am from Guam. And I am 11 years old. I chose the title Best Friends because they are the only ones you hang around with. They are like gold that you keep like treasure. You won't ever lose a friend cause they will always be there when you need them. It's always hard to not be with out your friend for a week cause you always think of them. You may be thinking how do I know all this - is that I been through all this. And all I wish is that I will always will make a lot of new friends. My message is always keep the old friends and the new. It is hard to make new friends.You may get in a fight one day but the next day you're talking to them. Nov 2002

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My best friend

By Sasha, 11, Hengoed, Wales

My best friend is Cerys, she helps me with my work if I do not know what to do! She is always there for me. We have known each other for 6 years and she is like a sister to me.
We have lots of fun and we have a lot of good times together. Nov 2002

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My best friend

By Jessica, 9, NSW, Australia

My best friend is Ashleigh.. She is the best friend ever. She is nice and funny. Unfortunately she has a best friend that she has known longer but to me she is my best friend. Nov 2002

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Don't Give Up

By Lauren, 11, Melbourne, Australia

FIVE ways to solve things if you and your friend are having a fight

1> One thing you should never do is start teasing them for this gets them angry
2> Never tell because they are making fun of you cause they will tell everybody that you are a dibber-dober
3> Always stand by them and ask them what did I do
4> Take them to movies more times
5> And always after a fight ask if they want a drink or ice-cream.

Thats what i like to do when I'm in a fight with my Friends. Nov 2002

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By Larisa, 10, Western Australia

Friendship is a very rare thing because it doesn't come every now and then. Ena and Dado were my very best friends but now they have left to live in Sarajevo. The minute I saw their back I started to cry. That was a very emotional time for me. Now I started to make new friends. One of them is called Katherine she is doing her very best to make me feel better and she is doing an extremely good job at it. Now she is the only good friend I've got, and I would like to call her my best friend. Nov 2002

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Grieving Day

By Janelle, 14, Traralgon, Victoria, Australia

I wept as I said
Goodbye to my soul mate,
My friend. As we carried
His coffin out we walked
As slowly as we could.
We saw his friend who
Howled with tears. As we reached
The cemetery, the headstone was
Already there. Written was
“To the best dog ever.” Oct 2002

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Not A Real Friend

By Natosha, 13, UK

If you think that you have found a true friend, make sure they are not just trying to use you for something. I mean I had this friend that I thought I could trust, but I was wrong, they ended up just wanting to have me buy them stuff and the only reason they became my friend in the first place was because they lost a bet and whoever lost had to be my friend for 2 weeks. So just be careful who you choose to be your friend. Oct 2002

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