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To Chantelle

By Michelle, 9, Brook Park, USA

Hi, I'd like to be your friend. My name's Michelle. I'm nice, but I don't have many friends. What do you like? I like video games, especially Super Mario Sunshine. It's the best! I also like Nicktoons. I have 5 pets. My two ferrets are named Gracie and Azrael, my cat's Cuddles, my betta's Swirli, and my parakeet's Tweeters. Please reply. (March 2003)

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By Kirsty, 13, Gloosop, Derbyshire, England

Some people would travel for miles
Climb up mountains and over stiles
Swim the deepest oceans and seas
Searching for the long lost keys
Keys to friendship hidden long ago
Guarded by creature, arrow and bow
Long have some yearned for them
Like search for a flower not it's stem
The stem is strong but the flower has died
The keys are gone from where they once lied
But if those yearning men
Had ventured from their brooding den
They would have known
That you don't need skin to make bone
What I am trying to say
Is the keys could stay where they lay
And to be a true friend
You need not lend
Any forgotten treasure
Just for good measure
And say 'All I need to be is me'! (Feb 2003)

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The thing about friends

By Tanya, 10, Enniskillen, N. Ireland

The thing about friends
Is that they are always there for you
They help you when you're sad
They are there for you when you are in trouble

A friend isn't just someone who you use all the time
A friend is someone that you play with
That you share your things with
So remember you'll need a friend when
You're older so don't lose him/her now
If you do then you will regret it February 2003

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Forever My Friend

By Kathryn, 14, Miami, Florida, USA

My Best Friend is caring, kind, giving, unique and beautiful. We met when we were five, in kindergarden. She wanted a purple crayon, and thats how our frienship began. Hannah is amazing she is always by my side and we are inseparable. My parents and sister see her almost as much as me. We do everything together study, talk, and best of all laugh we have identical personalities. Hannah, I love you you are the most important person in the world to me, I wouldn't be who I am without you! February 2003

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My best friend

By Kimberly, 10, Australia

Hi my name is Kimberly and I have two best friends called Katie and Jane. Sometimes we fight but we always make up.When I'm lonely or sad they are always there right beside me. We share laughs and pain, we share sorrow and joy. I have know them since kindy and we were best friends on the first day. You should take good care of your friends because you don't always know what's coming round the corner or when it is going to get here. A best friend does not have to be rich or have a big house and if you have a best friend like that - and you know you're only their best friend because of that - then you should not be best friends with them. February 2003

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By Emma , 21 , Australia

I never usually see my friends now. They've gone overseas, in different parts of the world. I thought I would always be able to keep in touch with them and talk to them, but now I realise this might not be the case.

I still think of them every day. i still hope they'll call me. But being honest, life's circumstances find us apart and it'll get harder as we get older. I know I'll speak to them again one day, even if Christmas goes by, even if new year goes by. I wish I could do things with them every weekend, and I miss them often, but maybe I'll see them again soon one day.

Then there are the internet long distance friends, some who I've never met, some who I have. And some who I feel like I've known for ages, even if I've never seen their faces. Anyone who knows me, will say it's a pleasure knowing me and I say that straight back to them. I love them all, and even though we may not be able to see each other in flesh, I love them all the same. February 2003

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My best friend that I can trust

By Staci, 13, South Dakota, USA

My best friend in the world would have to be Sara. She is always there for me, and I can tell her everything. I am so glad that I meet her, because now I have someone to talk to when I am down, or when I need to talk to someone!! Thank you so much Sara. LYLAS!!!! February 2003

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By Betty, 8, Mankato, MN, USA

There is a boy in my class. He is not the easiest boy to get along with. He argues with the teacher. He pushed in line. And he does gross things. None of the kids like him.

One day he was crying because someone was not nice to him. The teacher said he got a taste of his own medicine. I didn't like that. That boy isn't nice to me. But maybe that is because nobody is nice to him. Something to think about. January 2003

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The bestest ever friend!!!!!!!!!!

By Elizabeth, 10, Wirral, UK

My name is Elizabeth, I used to attend St. Wulstans Primary School but I had to move because of my dad's job. At my last school I had a best friend called Sally, she was really kind and was a true friend. We still keep in touch by writing letters we also sometimes see each other because I visit my family! we really miss each other a lot!!!

Maybe if you miss your true friend, try to find out their address and write them a letter!
(Feb 2003)

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What Matters!

By Nathalie, 10, Fort Myers, Florida, USA

To me best friends should always be trusting and loyal.
They shouldn't care if you're fat or skinny small or tall. What really matters is what is inside of the person like thoughts and feelings. How best friends treat you and other people is what's important. If more people wouldn't care so much what's on the outside, then people would be a whole lot better off. That is what I think friendship is all about. January 2003

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By Anna, 13, Tasmania

Friends are the people who get you through life.
They support you and don't leave you hanging.
Without friends, you are in your own world, a lonely world where you float around, getting nowhere.
If you are a true friend, you will have true friends. January 2003

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Choosing good friends

By Chelsea, 10, CA, USA

I sort of have a little problem. I just started at this school in September and this girl asked me to be in her popular group. She's nice, funny, pretty, and smart just like me. She's my best friend, but my mom doesn't like her. What should I do? Should I dump my friend or the other way around? January 2003

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I Shall Never Forget

By Kirsten, 12, Stirlingshire, Scotland

My life revolves around you,
And why? I’ll never know.
And why I cry for endless nights,
For which, I have nothing to show.

Whatever draws me to you,
By whatever force, I am pulled,
A single sneer in my direction,
And forever I am fooled.

That any careless gesture,
As a laugh, for all your peers,
Will leave my inner self still yearning for you,
And my outer self struck with tears.

Careless? Maybe, I do not know.
Heartless, the truth I wish to find,
As well as all these questions,
That seem to linger in my mind.

Are you cold and heartless?
Is there more to be revealed?
I shall one day find these answers,
And never, shall I yield.

To any remarks or comments,
That will mentally do me harm,
And always, I am sure you know,
Bewitched am I under your charm.

So all that I may wish for,
All that I dream will be,
Together, I and you,
Forever, you and me.

And once this day is over,
And the sun begins to set,
I’ll tell you this, for once and ever,
You, I shall never forget.
January 2003

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All about friend ship

By Katie, 10, Chaddesden, UK

I think friendship is very thoughtful. Friends can help you if you fall over and you can have a lot of fun with friends because you can play things with them. Friends are very kind and trusting. You don't have to have friends at school you can have them any where, like at home or on holiday. If you meet a friend on holiday you can write to them. Friends care for you.
You can fall out with your friends but you make up and still be friends. You can ring up your friends and have a sleepover, it is really fun. Friends watch out for you. You can do the same for them as well, but you must always remember do use your manners, please and thank you. You can have boys as a friend as well. You can do anything with friends. January 2003

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Special Friend

By Faye, 14, Preston, Lancashire, England

I’m at that stage of life, where nothing’s going right.
I try to talk to some of my mates,
But no one notices,
No one cares.

Except for the one and only person who really knows me.
That special friend who cares.

I ask her opinion,
And sure enough she has an answer for me.
She tells me to stop worrying,
All teenagers go through the same.

The next day I’m an awful lot happier at school.
No one notices,
No one cares.

Except for the one and only person who really knows me.
That special friend who cares.

Written by Faye, dedicated to my best m8 Rachael for all her help!!
Over the years I’ve realised one major thing,
There’s no point worrying about silly little things,
When you’ve got your best friend at your side listening, helping, and being a true friend.

I say this to my friends but as usual…
No-one notices,
No one cares.

Except for the one and only person who really knows me.
That special friend who cares. January 2003

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Time to Say Goodbye

By Audrey, 16, Mesa, AZ, USA

The time will come
When we have to say good-bye
To the ones we love the most.
But no matter what happens
Or where they go,
They will always be in our hearts. January 2003

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Friends like these

By Shabnam, 10, Burnley, UK

My two best friends are Ayesha and Asifa they always look out for me whatever happens. They help me when I need them. They are the best friends in the world.I love the way they look after me i would also like to give them a big thank you. Jan 2003

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A little bit of all

By steph, 13, England

Hi Laura, my name is Steph and I live in England. Although we live across the other side of the world from each other, I know exactly how you feel. Strange isn't it how we can have the same emotions yet different lifestyles. Let me tell you my story and then I will tell you how to deal with your problem. Last year, at my old school, I sat on the same table as this boy. He was one of my best friends until I told him in a text message (mobile phone) that I wanted to go out with him. Ever since he won't look at me let-alone talk to me. So my advice is, don't think about making him your boyfriend just yet. Find out what he thinks of you if you were to go out with him. Don't say anything just yet. I know it's hard, but in the end you might loose a very close friend and then you will definitely have no chance of going out with him.
Speak to you soon, I hope my advice was good enough and quick enough for you. Good luck.
Steph. Dec 2002

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By Pinja, 12, Joensuu, Finland

Your friends are one of the most important things of your life. When you're alone your real friends will make you happy again. You need them and they need you. You don't need to have a best friend. I don't have the best friend, because almost everyone who I know is my friend. Dec 2002

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I love my sport

By Stacey, 12, Kintbury, UK

Hi I'm Stacey
I'm really good at sport and I'm always getting into clubs and I'm always picked for the team at school but the thing is that my friends moan at me cause they think I spend too much time doing it and I break up with them all the time and it's really upsetting me because I want to be their friend but I don't want to quit my hobby just baecause of them. Dec 2002

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