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How best friends fight each other

By Yeddah, 8, Quezon Cit y, Philippines

Best friends do fight with each other, mostly on petty things. Of course nothing is serious because after some time or even just minutes, best friends are usually back to each other again. I do fight with my best friend especially when she is at fault or my best friend fights me because of my fault. But I am glad that I have a best friend. Arguing is not really that bad because we can learn from each other's mistakes. My best friend is so lovable and very talented and smart too. I am glad I have a best friend whom I fight every now and then. (May 2003)

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What Friends are for?

By Jasmine, 10, Chelmsford, Essex, England

Friends have their ups and downs .
Smiley faces and big frowns.
They argue sometimes, sometimes not .
But they have fun a lot, a lot.

Friends have their special times.
Run around and make up rhymes.
If someones done something wrong.
We'll forgive them with a special song.

All are friends are different sizes.
All are friends have lots of suprises.
All are friends are different colours.
All are friends don't mind each others.

Sharing secrets, eating sweets.
Giving each other special treats.
All this time we spend together.
Will always last forever and ever.
(May 2003)

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A friend you are like a best friend to me

By Spencer, 11, Richfield, OH, USA

You are like a best friend to me
because I know you are always listening.

I can tell you how I really feel,
even when I cant tell anyone else.
I can tell you when I'm mad or sad
and when I'm lonely.

Sometimes parents dont have time
to listen because they are busy
thats why I'm glad I have you
thank you for always listening
to what I have to say. (May 2003)

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The Angel

By Katie, 13, LaGrange, Kentucky, USA

I don't know how to tell my best friend
How much she means to me.
maybe I don't have to
maybe she can already see.
i hope that when we're older
she will remember me
as well as I will her
i hope she will believe.
She's the one that will get me through trials and problems
She's someone unique. Someone I can count on.
She always has an answer. She's the one I'd never doubt
Maybe one day I can tell her, how much her friendship means to me. Hopefully she'll understand the way she makes me feel… in a good best friend kind of way... (March 2003)

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By Freddy-Sue, 10, Ohio, USA

My name is Freddy-Sue & I am 10 years old & in 4th grade.
I have an 8-year-old sister.
I would really like to make some friends on the Internet, because the other kids at school make fun of me & I don't have any friends. (March 2003)

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Me and my friend

By Fay, 12, Skaneateles, NY, USA

My friend is always there for me. When we need each other she is there for me. We talk to each other about things. When I cry or need a friend she is there for me. Thants why we where best friends. Best friends forever thanks Rachael, You know I will always be there for you. BFF (March 2003)

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Friends forever

By Lina, 20, Jordan

A good friend is a hand when falling, a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen to you, a heart where you belong... thank you my dearest and best friend Lolo for always being there for me... I love you lots… (March 2003)

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Choosing good friends

By Lauren, 10, Ayr, Scotland

To Chelsea (10) - If you really like this popular girl then be her friend because it's not your mum's choice who you are friends with. I am not telling you to lie to your mum by being her friend behind her back but tell her that you like this girl and then she might understand. (March 2003)

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Friends Forever

By Max, 11, Wakefield England

Amy is strong at heart,
Though she can’t admit,
She is very smart.
Samantha I met on my
First day in nursery,
And she has never been glum.
Katrina silent and full of wisdom,
And nothing dampens,
Her pure spirit.
Kristy-Ann is a sleek wacko,
But then again she,
Never frowns. (March 2003)

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My two best friends

By Amy, 11, Wakefield, England

This is about my two best friends,
And Max and Sammy are their names.
We always joke and hang around,
And play lots of games.
Sometimes Sammy and me fall out
But make friends again.
But when Max and me are not friends
He always goes insane.
But we will always be friends
And I will always send them a letter,
To keep in touch
Forever (March 2003)

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My Best Bud Gem

By Lauren, 10, Wakefield, England

Friendship is someone special
Friendship is happy memories you will always treasure
Friendship is your best friend or true friend
Best Buds, Fab and groovy
The thought of a true friend makes you smile
A friend is a person who feels mutual affection and regard for another
Friendship means a friendly feeling, friends are kind to one another, friends can sometimes fall out but true friends can always can make up
Friendship is someone you love and I get a warm glow in my tum tum
Friendship is not fighting
Friendship is not ridiculing someone it is having patience.
Friendship is helping it is caring it is being there for another.
Friendship is Love (March 2003)

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Friends are forever

By Charlotte, 10, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England

Friends are forever,
Friends are for life.
They don’t need to be clever,
To help you through strife.

When you’re having a bad time,
They’ll be there for you,
They’ll climb and they’ll climb,
‘Til they see you through.

Bad times will become good,
You’ll no longer be sad.
Things will be, as they should,
And you will be glad.

Friends are not an accessory,
That suggests you are cool.
However friends are necessary,
So don’t be a fool. (March 2003)

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Best Friends For Ever

By Gemma, 10, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England

Lauren is my Best Friend she always has been and she always will be. Just recently we went through a hard time but it made our friendship much stronger. For a while we weren’t getting on too well but now we’re getting on great. When things weren’t going to well we were very important to each other as we helped each other through our hard time. Now we are much happier as a team. If there were a Best Buds Champion Cup we would definitely win it. I love Lauren and Lauren loves me. We first met before we even started playschool. I still remember that day, I hated it but Lauren looked after me. BEST BUDS 4 EVER. (March 2003)

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Once Friends

By Brie, 12, Sandusky, OH, USA

I had a friend for four years. You could not separate us, we did everything together. Go to the mall, hang out etc. until this year at school. Everything changed! She got new friends and started acting weird and she said she didn't want to be friends with me any more. Her mom walked up to me and yelled at me in public about how I was treating her wrong. I let her go and fly and roam with people of her nature. I regret it! Whenever you get in a fight with your friend say sorry even though you might now have done anything it helps. I just wish I would have! (March 2003)

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A very short poem for a very long friendship

By Audrey, 13, Singapore

Holding a pen in my hand,
writing to my dearest friend.
No matter how rich or poor,
our friendship will never end ! (March 2003)

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My Best Friend

By Jessica, 6, Drexel Hill, PA, USA

Best friends visit each other's houses. Friends can see each other at school. Friends can go to the beach with each other. They can make arts and crafts with each other. They watch movies together. They can buy flowers together. They can even play on the computer together. They can have sleep overs. Friends can plan fun things together. They can make Valentine cards together. They can be in Brownies or Scouts together. (March 2003)

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I want a friend

By Yasmin, 8, Yeovil, Somerset, UK

I am 8 years old, I like reading, and playing, and also I like watching videos. I go to a big school, and I like my teachers. I would like any one my age to please write back to me. (March 2003)

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My Best Friend

By Katy, 14, Cortez, CO, USA

My best friend
lives down the street
I only have to walk
a couple of feet.

She is there till the very end
and we swap secrets now and then
If I don’t tell her right away
she finds out some other day.

There is nothing I keep from her
because I know she wont tell the world
but there’s times when we fight,
but after that we are contrite!

She has my back
and I have hers
because we are sisters
no matter what occurs.

Dedicated to my friend Sara. (March 2003)

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Friends of Our Class

By First Grade, 7, Deer Creek Elementary, Texas, USA

Friends are nice and playful.
Friends are good to have.
We love our friends.
We like when we get to play with our friends.
Our friends are cool.
Our friends help others.
Friends are fun.
Our friends are great.
Our friends are happy.
Friends help us clean our messes.
Friends are gentle.
Sometimes our friends fight.
But, we will always love each other.
We wrote this with our friends.
By Miss Coombes' Class 2003
(March 2003)

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Real Friends

By Codi, 13, Blakely, GA, USA

Having real friends is very important. It's nice to be able to talk with people we trust. Real friends help us and are there through the good times and bad times. Real friends are comfrortable with who you are and accept you for who you are. That's what real friends are!! (March 2003)

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