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By Ashley, 17, Marathon, NY, USA

F is for friendship
R is for Rough times we go through together in hard times
I is for intresting things that go on through between you too.
E is for exciting times you share together
N is for nice and naughty
D is for dreams of real friends that come true
S is for sweet times and real secrets

Friends are very special people that understand you, and care, also give you support. Also they listen to each other. (May 2003)

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The Best Friend That I DON'T Have (I wish)

By Deborah, 10, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

I wish I had a best friend who listens to what I say.
I wish they would not laugh at me when I say a foolish thing.
I wish that they would respect me more. I wish they thought I was true.
I wish they would listen to what I need to say.
I wish they would not laugh at how my family looks.
I wish they would respect me more about the way I look.
I wish they would tell the truth and not tell a lie.
I wish they would comply.
(May 2003)

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My best friend Claire

By Haley, 12, Newport Beach, CA, USA

Claire is my best friend. She sticks-up for me and she even saves a special spot for my tears on the cuff of her sleeve. We get in fights, but who doesn't. We give each other answers on school stuff, but who doesn't. Claire is so caring, and she never keeps secrets because she knows how powerful they can be. The only secrets we have, are shared with each other and nobody else. Some people talk behind our backs, but we would never do that to each other. Claire enjoys life the way it is, and tries not to rush everything. Sometimes we get in trouble so we take the blame for each other, yeah that means the opposite person gets in trouble, but what are friends for? I just hope some of you are as lucky as me to have a friend like Claire. (May 2003)

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By Emily, 10, Maryland, USA

The word Friend. It rings in your mind when you play and when you sleep. The word friend isn't it strange? The way we each have our own meaning of the word? With each meaning a name comes to your mind. For the name of my friend Heather it reminds me of peace and fun. The name of another close friend is Amberlin, to me it means silly and game-like. Another friend that I just met this year is named Erica. Her name reminds me of fun and games. You see all friends have a different meaning of friend to you because they are different and they have their own personalities. I know my friends are special and that yours are too. Every one of your friends should be special to you!(May 2003)

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Hyper gang

By Georgia, 10, England

I have 2 best friends, we're called the hyper gang
when we're at a disco we shake our thang!
Holly, Rachel and me,
We are the hyper three.
We may be hyper, we may be nuts,
But we are super cool and we got some guts!
We are so brave, we are so tough
when we have some coke there is no such thing as enough!
we have a laugh, we have some fun,
we like to party until the day is done.
Thats who we are, respect us true,
and the next member of the hyper gang could be you!
(May 2003)

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By Georgia, 9, Thornton Heath, UK

Hello, My name is Georgia and i am 9 years old, but soon 10. I am a Blue fan, i especially like Duncan. If any one is interested, they can reply, because I would love to have some more friends. My nan died in January, so I am very tearful so I would also like cheering up! Please reply!

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By Sara, 12, Karachi, Pakistan

My topic is going to be friendship because it is a real "unexplainable" relationship and when you're feeling all sad and are just bored out you can call your very best friend to cheer yourself up. You can gossip, chat about latest fashions and even cheer up your very best friend.

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By Lily, 7, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Claire is my best friend. She is very nice. She loves
dogs. Her birthday is May 2nd. She has one dog named
Presley. She loves Presley. Her favorite sport is soccer.
Her favorite subject is Art. Her favorite thing to eat is
pizza. Her favorite drink is Kool-Aid. She likes to do
swimming, soccer, tennis, play with Lily (that's me!),
color, paint, play outside. She is the best friend I have
had in the whole world. She likes Summer, Winter, and
Spring. If you don't have any friends, you should get

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My Friend

By Hali, 7, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

You could get lonely without a friend. My friend is
Caitlyn. We like to do the same things. We both like
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. we like to swing
and chase the boys. We both like vanilla ice cream with sprinkles on the top. We both like to swim.

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People Can Be Good Friends

By Madison, 7, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

A friendship usually never ends at all. And if it
does, it comes back. Friends don't laugh at each other!
(Summer 2003)

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Forever more a friend

By Alexandra, 11, Sterling , CT, USA

Heather is my best friend. Here is how we met,In 5th
grade we were both new and thinking the same
thing. {is she scared? is she gonna be my friend?} So
then a few hours later we started to ask "hi what's your name?" All the first questions of a beginning friendship. So every day we would eat lunch together and talk. So in the middle of the year we were best
friends. Sure we have gotten into fights but always make up. We have been best friends ever since. (Summer 2003)

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Friends Forever

By Tina, 10, Canada

Friends stay together.If you have a fight, you forgive. If one is sad, you make them feel better.If one moves, you send postcards. If one is sick, you tell them jokes.
Best friends share secrets that nobody knows.
You laugh together, you stick together in any situation.
That's what friends are for.

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My Mom - My best friend

By Sashanna, 20, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

Throughout my years, I have had many friends. Some have gone and others are still around. To me, a friend is someone who is always there even if they are not physically present. A friend to me is a person I can confide in, trust, share my true feeling, and tell my innermost thoughts. I have had many, but non can compare to my best friend...my mother. There is a bond between us that nothing can break. Even when she gets on my last nerve, she is still the closest person to my heart. I thank God for her everyday and hope that the relationship/friendship we have will last forever and a day. Everything about her tells a story and that story is the story of my life. She is not only a true pal but she is my mom.
*1 mom + 1 daughter= 2 friends till the end*
(Summer 2003)

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True friendship

By Leah, 14, Oak Park, IL, USA

Your friendship is the dearest thing
that I have ever had
because each moment it has done
so much to make me glad
You have encouraged me to live a better way
and be particular about the things I do and say
In many ways it has become the pattern of my life
and giving me the strength to meet
each struggle and each strife
I would not be the same without the friendship you have shown
because I know I NEVER could have done so much alone
Your friendship is my guiding light
whenever it may be
and it is all the lasting joy
of every memory
from friendship to true love

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wants friends

By Chelsi, 12, Hayden, UK

I want to make friends with girls that are nice to other people and likes the same things I do. I want to have friends that are my age and go to a Middlel school. I need to have friends that are like me. I wish for girls that likes to sleep over. My name is Chelsi. When we get to know each other better we can have sleepovers. (2003)

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Two special people

By Crystal, 15, Texas, USA

I have two best friends in the whole world their names are Amanda and Michelle. They are twins and they moved here this year and the first time we met something happened - we all clicked. I've never had such good friends all my life. Other friends stabbed me in the back and they have never done that. We are always together and we always feel like sisters. I just want to tell them that they are awesome friends and I love them just as my own family! (2003)

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Is your your friend taking your best friend away

By Samantha, 10, Abbots Langley, Watford, UK

If your so-called friend is taking your best buddy away don't just walk away, go and talk to either one but if they don't listen keep on trying because you don't want to lose her/him do you? You need to keep your hopes up and one last piece of advice don't let it slip, keep on trying and till you get her/him back and then sort something out between the 3,4 or 5 of you.(2003)

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Why I have one Best friend

By Jacqueline, 13, Steelville, Missouri, USA

The reason I only have one Best Friend is because my Best Friend has been with me all of my life and her name is Jessica - she is my #1 best friend and I try to help her when she is down. She always helps me when in trouble, so that is why I have one Best Friend - well, at least one #1 Best Friend!!!! (May 2003)

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Friends 4 Ever

By Max, 11, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, UK

Amy is strong at heart,
Though she can’t admit,
She is very smart.
Samantha I met on my
First day in nursery,
And she has never been glum.
Katrina is silent and full of wisdom,
And nothing dampens,
Her pure spirit.
Kirsty-Ann is a sleek wacko,
But then again she,
Never frowns.
(May 2003)

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Fallouts don't matter

By Emma, 10, Glasgow, Scotland

Once I lived in a lonely street
No one, no one, no one,
Would I ever meet.
But then I came to this new place,
Filled with fun and lots of joy,
Enough to put a smile on my face!
But then came the funny and joke filled girl,
Who had enough fun and laughter,
To rule the world!
It's Kirsten,
She's my friend,
the best that could be had,
To the very, very end!
But then came the deadline part,
We started saying things and falling out over nothing,
But we didn't really mean them from the bottom of our heart!
She's still Kirsten,
A truly great kid,
My friend forever,
For no one else would I bid! (May 2003)

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