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By Sarah, 11, Horatio, Arkansas, USA

Friends are like sisters,
They stay by your side the whole way thourgh,
They do not lie,
They do not spread secrets around,
They stick up for you when someone is picking on you,
They listen to you when you need it the most,
They help you when you feeling down,
Friends are like sisters,
Do you have one like this?
(December 2003)

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Best Friends

By Sofia and Becca, 11 and 11, Swindon, UK

Me and my best friend, Becca, get along really well! We think that best frinds are great! If you need a shoulder to cry on or have a laugh, they will probably be more than happy to help! (December 2003)

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By Atana, 16, Okinawa, Japan

Somewhere, wherever,
Above the mountains, beyond the sea,
I can feel them coming closer
But I’m scared, so now I flee.

Somewhere, wherever,
I’m lost and all alone.
I thought that I could make it
Through the storm — on my own.

Somewhere, wherever,
That someone hears my cry,
Here they come with out-stretched arms
I don’t know what to feel inside.

Somewhere, wherever,
I begin to run away,
I could hear them with their soft voice:
“I’m your fr… WAIT, WAIT, WAIT!”
(December 2003)
As I turned back to hear
What it was that they had spoken
When I noticed they didn’t come for me
I felt more heart broken.

Somewhere, wherever,
Somebody needs a friend;
A friend who needs a friend
So they can be friends until the end.
(December 2003)

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My B.F.F.

By Desiree, 10, Beardstown, IL, USA

My friend and I are like sisters, we were born together, we have so much in common,a nd before we were born our parents and sisters were friends. We are both loyal and never fight or get jealous. We do everything together. We even tell each other all of our secrets and keep them. We even do each others hair and makeup. We even have the same crush. We shop at the same places and eat at the same places. The only thing we don't have in common is that we live in different places she lives in Bluff Springs, IL and I live in Beardstown, IL. WE ARE B.F.F. (November 2003)

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By Ellie, 10, Boston, MA, USA

I remember Emily,
All the fun we had together,
She was my best friend.

Sleepovers every Friday,
We stayed up late,
Talking until Mom would say,
"Go to sleep, girls."

Emily was my best friend,
From age 0 to age 12.

But then she moved away,
And my whole world broke apart.
(November 2003)

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Sandy's Lesson

By Jessica, 12, Romeo, MI, USA

Sandy was a shy girl who badly wanted to be one of the popular girls. Sandy had a best friend Amber. Amber didn't care much for the popular girls. She was happy just having Sandy as her friend. They would do everything together. Amber would go to Sandy's or Sandy would go to Amber's house. When they were at one or the others they would always dance and sing. Sandy mostly sang and Amber mostly danced. They were practicing for a talent show because it was a contest. The contest was who did the best. The talent show was in a couple of days, so they had to go to the school and see if they made the talent show. When they got they got there they had to rehearse their song. The talent show manager said that they made the audition.

Amber and Sandy went back to their house to tell their moms. After that they started to practice more. It has been a couple of days and that day was the talent show. They went to the school and waited for their turn. One more person was ahead of them. They waited till the last person was over. They got up on the stage, and the music started to turn on. They were very frightend. Amber was dancing good and Sandy, wow she was really good. She has never reached the fourth tune and that day she did! The popular group started to come over to Sandy and Amber. Amber said that she was going to go to the bathroom.

When the popular group came (Sheena, Samantha and Lindsey), the popular group asked her if she wanted to be a part of the popular group. Sandy was so excited. She said, "yes"! Samantha said that they were going to go to her house and wanted to see if Sandy wanted to come along. Sandy was so excited she said yes to that too!

When Amber got out of the bathroom, Sandy wasn't there. Amber decided to head home alone. When Amber got home she called Sandy. Sandy's mom Sherry picked up the phone and Amber asked if Sandy was home.

Sandy picked upthe phone and said, "hello"? Sandy was so mad all she could say was, "I don't want to talk to you!". Sandy slammed the phone down and Amber just hung up. The next day at school Amber and Sandy never talked. When Sandy got home her mom was standing at the door waiting for her to open it. When she opened it her mom told her she had to get her tonsils out. Sandy ran to her room crying because all her friends wouldn't want her to be in the popular group anymore if she doesn't have the same voice.

Sandy went back to school with a different voice and nobody knew it was her. She went up to her friends and said, "hi".

They replied back, "what kind of voice is that"?

Sandy just walked away because she knew that they wouldn't want to talk to her.

When school was over and Sandy got home, she tried to call Amber. When Amber picked up the phone Sandy told her who it was just in case she didn't recognize her either. Amber knew who exactly who it was and replied, "why are you calling me? I thought you liked the popular group more than me?".

Sandy said "no, they are not my true friends and you are. I'm so sorry, please forgive me?".

Amber was thinking about this and she needed time. A couple of days later Amber called Sandy and asked her to come over and dance. Sandy was so excited to have her best friend back again. Sandy promised Amber she would never do that again.
(November 2003)

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My friends

By Sophie, 9, Stevenage, UK

Shireen she is my friend. She makes me smile and laugh.
Ariane she is my friend. She makes me happy, sad and sometimes she makes me feel glad of who I am.
Tahnee she is my friend. We like to chatter our latest gossip and get it into each others head.
Terri she is my friend. We like to tell jokes and play.
Chloe she is my friend. We like to hang out in our school playground.
(November 2003)

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Ode to My Friend Tom

By Olivia, 9, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA

Is my friend
He lived next door,
But now he's gone
He moved away from
Me, in America,
To England.
There's email,
And phone calls,
But nothing is like
Before, when we could be
Face to face.
(October 2003)

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By Teresa, 13, Canada

Looking at the phases of my life,
Not knowing what is right,
Is my talent good enough for you?
Do you really want to see the truth,
Behind the glamour and the tears,
Through these passing years,
How can you erase all my fears?
Picking up the old green phone,
Are you there?
Put on my best dress,
Do up my hair,
Look in the reflection in my eyes,
Notice that they’re gloomy and surprised,
Is it fair that you took it all?
Did you suffer when you saw me fall?
I’m just crying cause I forget,
Why you no regrets,
Pain stabbed into me like nothing before,
You shattered and shut the door,
I loved you once,
Guess I still do,
But I’ll confess,
Because true.
I still love you.
(October 2003)

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By Hannah, 14, Cheshire, UK

Sometimes you make me so upset,
So down and depressed,
When all you do is leave me on my own,
All by myself all alone,
You say I'm only looking for attention,
So you only feed me plain rejection,
I am worth more than the way I am treated,
You better look out because you will be defeated.
(October 2003)

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Friendship Lasts Forever

By Harley, 10, Studio City, California, USA

Friendship is a way of life,
Friendship is important.
The way we treat each other is important,
Friendship is a way of life.

Friendship brings people together,
Friendship is what everyone should have.
Friend ship can never hold you back,
Friendship is a way of life.

Friendship can help everybody be happy,
Friendship changes frowns to smiles.
Friendship is helpful,
Friendship is a way of life.
(October 2003)

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By Emily, 10, Maryland, USA

My sisters are my best friends, when ever I am sad the cheer me up. Even though we fight a lot and they always get in trouble my mom says that when you get older your sisters will be you best friends. I would like to say my sisters' names: Madeline, Rebekah, and Sarah. I love my sisters very much and I am sure I will love them even more when I get older.
(October 2003)

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Don't judge me by what you see.

By Savannah, 11, Texas, USA

The way you make me feel
is nothing like a thrill
You drown me in self-doubt
I feel like I'll scream and shout
At night as I lay in bed
I remember every mean thing you said
as it goes through my head
No one understands me
because you jugde me by what you see
You'll never think it's wrong
so you keep going along
The way you behave
is like I'm a slave
I may not be the coolest kid around
and I hate that silent sound
That always around me
when you judge me by what you see
I replay what you say over and over in my mind
and it isn't very kind
I may not have the coolest stuff
and I will have to be very tough
If you judge me by what you see
If you had seen what I have seen
you wouldn't be so mean
You've never lived a day in my shoes
so why do you treat me as you do?

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The beauty of friendship

By Emma, 13, England

Friendship is the most breathtakingly beautiful concept on this planet - the most wonderful thing in the vast expanse of the universe. Friendship can make you laugh, make you cry, make you unleash every feeling known to man from deep down inside your heart. But most of us don't treasure friendship the way we should. Like the song says, "Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you got 'till it's gone." In my experience, this is very true.
I can't believe it only happened last week. It seems such a short time ago that me and Vikki were bouncing along, arm in arm, laughing hysterically, together. When I close my eyes, my mind imagines her ringing on my doorbell and throwing her arms around me as I fling the door open, as she used to every consecutive morning. Then I open my eyes and she's not there, and she never will be.
I happened when we were on our way to the park. It was a fresh, bright morning and we were full of anticipation as we strolled down from my house together. We couldn't wait for the great day ahead. Or maybe I should correct that slight misjudjement- the worst day of our lives. At least Vikki won't have to remember it. I'm stuck with the memories of that day forever. Vikki will never know what happened. It didn't take long enough for her to even take it in. She never stood a chance.
She was laughing so much tears were streaming down her flushed cheeks and her eyes were glazed. So I guess she never saw the truck. I did. It happened in a split second; I screamed, she turned to look at me but it was too late and the truck smashed into her body, sending her flying. She didn't even scream - her limp body just flew up into the air like a rag doll, with blood flying everywhere. Then it hit the ground with a thump. The driver and me rushed over; me screaming and wailing despairingly and the driver caught in an aura of guilt. It didn't take much to realise she was dead.
That day was torture for me. Absoloute hell. Not only is Vikki dead, but I feel dead inside witout her. I cannot banish the guilt, the torture, the pain and the despair from my soul, nor the image of my best friend lying there on the road from my head. So this is a message for all of you; never take advantage of the beauty of friendship.

Don't worry this isn't true. I made it up
August 2003

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My best friend Becci

By Alice, 13, Norwich, UK

Becci is my best friend, we became friends when we both joined the Hewett school. We are always going to the talk which is a club, city on Saturdays and staying at each others. We both fancy boys but have different tastes. We hang round in a little group, but it's always me and Becci who link together. She loves Gareth Gates and I totally adore David Beckham. We don't really have a fave subject at school but we both think that art is ok. One thing is we can chat a lot in it and its not that bad either. I hope we stay best mates for like ever! August 2003

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The Power of Friendship

By Emily, 10, Maryland, USA

Have you ever heard the saying, the power of friendship? I've heard it a lot, and I've come to know what it means. It means that friendship has a power to it. Let's see, I know - have you ever gone through a hard time in your life? Did your friend help you through it? Well that was the power of friendship. I have a few friends who showed the power of friendship to me and helped me prosper it. For that I'd like to recognize them. These are the people I know with the power of friendship. Amberlin, Heather, Erika, and Kirsten. If you have some friends who showed the power of friendship to you give some power of friendship to them. What I mean is thank them for their help, or them staying your friend even through the hard parts of your life. Don't let the power of friendship grow weak between you and your friend, prosper it and let it grow. That is how I got such good friends these past years! August 2003

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Our Friendship Future

By Emily, 9, Bowmanville, Canada

My best friend's name is Alexandria. Alex and I have been best friends for about 5 years. We enjoy being friends. We have gone to camp, trips and school together. We both believe in the guiding law.
We have decided what we want to do in the future. We hope to live together in rather a big house or an apartment.
In our house we will have 6 bedrooms. One for Alex, one for me, one for Jennifer (I'll talk about her later), one for a sleepover, one for the cat's and one for the dog's. There will also be a kitchen, a sitting room and a dining room.
We will have as many dogs as the law will alow us and 3 cats. We might have birds and fish. We won't be able to have bunnies because I'm allergic. (Alex and I have a lot of allergies)
Alex and I will travel around Canada and Europe. We would like to visit the Edmonton mall in Alberta. When we finish this I would like to become a singer. Alex and Jennifer would be my managers.
Jennifer is a friend who I met through Alex. She will do the things I've said above with us. I'm sure you all want to go and think of your future, but remember not everyone's friendship comes to a good end. June 2003

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Our Friendship Future

By Alexandria , 9, Bowmanville, Canada

In the future I'm going to live with my best friend Emily.
We're going to have three dogs and two cats.Emily and I have been best friends for 5 years now. Emily and I will live in a big house with one kichen, two bathrooms, six rooms
(one for the dogs, one for the cats, one for our friend Jennifer because Emily is going to be a singer so Jennifer will be her manager.), one for me, one for Emily and one for us to share. We will also have a living room for are friends and guests. Emily and I will travel all around the world and discover new things. Emily and I will also go to the Edmonton mall and shop as much as possible. We'll also go to Wonderland and have as much fun as possible.
Thank you for reading my friendship future I hope you enjoyed it now plan your one future and have as much fun as possible. June 2003

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By Marisa, 13, Californa, USA

I'm so scared to go outside with any one beside me. I don't like to go to school because kids make fun of me. I'm scared I can't trust anybody because they all end up back stabbing me. I'm scared and I have no friends. And now it's all up to me. And now that I take time to understand that the most important thing in my life is not how many friends I have, but my family. (Autumn 2003)

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Sick of it

By Saskia, 14, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

I'm sick of always caring,
and I'm sick of being there,
I'm sick of being your comfort when no one else seems to care.

I'm sick of the way you treat me,
and how you treat everyone else,
I'm sick of the way you diss me,
when I turn up at your house.

I'm sick of always giving, and getting nothing in return,
and I'm sick of forgetting, what I will probably never learn.

I'm sick of you and all your bad,
and I'm sick of all your flirting,
I'm sick of all your friends,
and I'm SICK of all this hurting.
(June 2003)

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