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My protector

By Ashley, 18, Columbus. Franklin County, USA

My brother is
My protector.
He has always
Watched over me

He has promised
To be my protector
No matter how old
I am or who is my
Boyfriend or my love

My brother will always
Be my protector to me
It does get annoying
But I realize later
That he's only doing
It to protect his big
Older sister

Plus, I love
My brother that
Much to let him
Protect me in
Any way he can
(Mar 2004)

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She lost someone

By Miranda, 11, WI, USA

To Chiron, AZ, USA
I know how you feel I lost someone too and I miss her so very much - never got to see her before she dead. I hope you see this and write back because I want someone to talk to because we have something that we both miss very much and it really hurts. I am really sorry what happened. Bye.
(Mar 2004)

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My mother

By Ashley, 18, Columbus, Ohio, USA

My mother is
Always there for me
My mother will always
Helps me when
I'm in trouble

My mother knows
What to do when
I really need her
Help with my problems

My mother will
Always love me
No matter what
Silly things I do
Or the things
I say

My mother will
Always be there
And to help me
When she needs to.
(Feb 2004)

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All about my brother Ryan

By Haley, 10, WI, USA

My brother is a great artist. He can draw all sorts of things. He is really good at drawing things that he makes up himself. Once he drew a dog that has a halo above his head. He even tought me how to draw it. Sometimes he even makes a guy that has a sweatshirt on and has spiked hair. I keep telling him he should be an artist when he grows up. Ryan can be very funny too. Lots of times he makes a funny voice. He makes everybody laugh when he does. He is a very nice brother and I would NOT trade him for anything. He is the best brother I have ever had. (Feb 2004)

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By Fiona, 7, Scotland, UK

My friends make me feel sunny and happy. When I fall they help me up. They let me join in their games too. I love my friends. (Feb 2004)

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The Odd Couple

By Lara, 10, Balzan, Malta

There was once a very odd couple. You could almost say that it would have been better if they hadn’t met at all. It was as though they both did things to irritate each other. They sometimes got on each other’s nerves so much that they would even start hitting each other.
Well, you should guess how they would feel after their big squabble. They would feel like apologising to each other. Eventually they did, but they would forget about their friendship and start arguing all over again. I am not going to keep you waiting any longer about who this couple was. They were......... related and............ in the same family............ they were sisters.
They were about ten years old. Their names were Sarah and Lisa. Sarah and Lisa were twins too. Lisa wasn’t very tall. She also had astounding wide brown eyes and silky straight hair. Sarah looked precisely like Lisa since these were identical twins.
You probably wouldn’t believe this, but these two youngsters used to fight also at school in class. They both felt as though they felt resentment towards their sister. But I’m sure that deep down they loved their sister and wouldn’t want anything to happen to them. You ask, why don’t they tell each other about it? Well I’ll tell you why. If one of them spat out the remark about this, the other person would probably tell the other children and they would all start teasing her. Or, it could be a totally different thing.
For instance. Say Sarah told Lisa how she felt, Lisa could tell Sarah how she felt too and maybe they wouldn’t have as many squabbles as they used to.

Not to bore you, I am going to tell you one of their most astounding stories of all. This incident showed abhorrence, companionship and benevolence at the same time.
It was a lovely Spring day and both of them were invited to a party after school. Lisa had disobeyed her mother and was not permitted to leave the house. Obviously, because of this harsh rule her mother had set, she couldn’t go to the party either. At first Sarah started teasing her because she couldn’t go to this lovely occasion. But before Sarah’s mother took her to the party, she ran up to her sister's room and said, “I’m really sorry that you cannot come to the party. I’m also very sorry that I started teasing you.”
Their mother was calling Sarah from downstairs but Sarah was still in the progress of apologising to Lisa. After Sarah had apologised to her sister, a thought hit her. She would stay home and talk to Lisa. After she had discussed this with Lisa, Sarah told her mother that she would stay home with her sister. Their mother had shown a sign of great relief as she hadn’t felt like taking her daughter to the party.

And so the story ends full of happiness and love. You would be surprised to know that, and Lisa and Sarah’s mother. The two have now grown up to be mature and independent ladies which are what you will become later on if you are very good while you’re young. I’m sure of it!
March 2004

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By marie, 11, Texas, USA

My friend Samantha is not talking to me because she has moved to a different city. She has been mad at me and I don't know why? So Samantha if you are reading this please tell me why. I want to be best friends again like we were when we lived by each other. I want to talk to you more and play with you and have more fun. It is just that I havent seen you in a while and you haven't been returning my call. Just to let you know that I am very sad. I just want to be friends again. (Feb 2004)

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By Jade, 14, Newtown, Powys, UK

Emma was sitting in class thinking about the boy that she liked, his name was Dan. 'I so wish that he would like me too'. She said to her best friend Louise.
'Yeah like he's going to like you, he's way more popular than you'. Louise replied snobbishly.
Emma was annoyed at that response 'he could like me, he might!'
'Go and ask him then,' sneered Louise, thinking that she wouldn't do this as she was a real shy girl.
'Fine I will.' Emma said, rather worried....
'Dan?'. Her voice came out squeaky.
'Um, yeah?'. Said Dan, a bit worried, since she doesn't usually talk to him unless she had to.
'Um well, my friend wanted to know if you like me?'. She laughed nervously, so did Dan.
'Well, erm... I don't like you as in a girlfriend, but I think you're alright.'
'Oh.' she said a bit disapointed. 'Why, do you like me?'
'Um.. well I, um, kind of.'
'Really? Cool.'
'Yeah, well then I'll speak to you later then O.K?'
'Yeah, later.'

She went up to Louise: 'He thinks I'm alright' she said.
'Yeah, but he doesn't want to go out with you.'
'We'll see about that'. Says Emma with a sparkle in her eye.

Over a few weeks Emma started to talk to Dan more and more, and they started becoming friends. Louise noticed all this in amazement and she got really red in the face at all the attention Emma was getting by the popular crowd. When Louise tried to tell Emma she was changing, Emma just ignored her and carried on. 'I'm changing for the better'. She thought to herself.

A couple of months went by and Emma was talking to one of her new mates, Alicia, when Dan came upto her a tapped her on the shoulder. 'Can I talk to you a minute Emma?'.
'Sure,' she said hoping it was what she thought it was.
'Well, you know a couple of months ago you told me you like me?'
'Yeah, sure I remember that.'
'Yeah. Well, do you still like me?'
'Of course I do.'
'Well, I was wondering, um. Well, would you go out with me?'
Emma stood there with a big grin on her face. 'YEAH!'. She shouted while jumping about. Then she stopped. 'I mean. Ahem, sure, that would be nice'.
Dan grinned and agreed to walk her home that night while talking about their plans for the weekend.

When Louise found out, of course she found out by listening to someone else's conversation, as she wasn't friends with Emma any more. She just looked at her feet and thought in her head 'If I had just agreed with her instead of making it into something big, I would have still been friends with her'.

Emma and Louise never spoke again. Not until prom night: Emma and Dan were still going out. Louise voted for her and him to be king and queen of the prom. They won, and afterwards Emma went up to Louise and said 'Hey, Louise I'm sorry for ditching you in year 9, it's just, I saw an open window and took the chance.'
'I'm sorry, if it weren't for me being so mean all the time I guess you would have still been friends with me, but any way, are we friends now?'
'Yeah, friends'. said Emma smiling.

Then everyone lived happily ever after. But remember, happily ever afters don't last forever.
(Feb 2004)

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How I have the Best Friend

By Kate, 11, Libertyville, IL, USA

I have a best friend named Ellie. She is the greatest. I love her so much. She is always there for me. Sometimes I get really sad and she is always there to make me feel better. Whenever I look at her face I smile. I always have fun when I am with her, and I have never thought one bad thing about her. She is so nice, funny, and caring. She means everything in the world to me. And if I ever lost her I don't know what I would do. I would be almost incomplete. I think every best friend should be just like mine!
(Feb 2004)

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By Jess and Alice, 10, Bristol, UK

It was morning break at school and Esther was playing with Helena as usual. Esther played with Helena every day and she was getting tired of it. She would much rather play with Maria.
"I'm just going to get my coat," said Esther. But really she was going to find Maria. Maria was on her own when Esther wandered over.
"Do you want to play with me?" Esther asked.
"Yeah sure," Maria replied.
So they played together. When Helena saw this she was furious and marched over to her.
"Why are you going off because it seems like you dont like me any more?" asked Helena. With that she marched away. Just then Alice walked over to Esther.
"What's up you guys?"
Esther told her the whole story and Alice said,
"You're allowed other friends you know and you must tell her that."
Esther thought about what Alice had said and decided to tell Helena. From then on Esther allowed herself to play with who ever she wanted to, with no trouble. (February 2004)

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My sister's best friend

By Bella, 12, Oregon, USA

I wanted to get this out, because talking to people I know, people in my every day life, would not understand. And I'd be to embarresed to explain. My sister's best friend is always in the way. Kelsey would always rather hang out with her than me. If I told her I wanted to spend more time with her, she'd never understand or pay any attention. When Kelsey's friend comes, she has a completely different attitude. I go from her sister to the little brat across the hall. When she's on the phone, she won't give me the time of day. When my sister's best friend is around, and I'm lucky enough to get a word in edge wise with Kelsey, her friend includes herself in the conversation, and I stop.
I want a sister, not an audience.
But of course there's always another side to any issue. My sister's best friend is really cool. Totally fun to be around. I like to hang out with her. But my sister tells me to get away. That she's "her" guest.
Those are two things about my sister's best friend. She takes my sister away from me and Kelsey takes her away from me, so nobody's with me, everyone's away. (February 2004)

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I need more friends ok

By Miranda, 9, W I, USA

Well all my friends don't like me because I wanted to do something eles and they wanted to go to the park and I just want to go in my dad's Hummer and they did not want to because they were too scared to. So please write back ok bye.
(Feb 2004)

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My Best Friend

By Kim, 15, Liverpool, UK

Do you have a best friend,
Who has so many friends,
You constantly feel alone,
Especially when you’re the,
Isolated middle child?

Do you have a best friend,
Who started something new,
Made new friends even
Got an obnoxious boyfriend,
And has so little to offer?

I am continuously ignored,
In my kinda big family,
So I bath in attention,
Especially from my best friend,
Who now I see so little of.

When it comes to friends,
You think why do I have so many,
And why do they mean so little,
To me in my big world,
Is it because they’re unbelievable?

My best friend is having a prob,
With that sad boyfriend but I feel,
The need to cheer her up yet,
Everyone is so far up her ****,
That I cant see the red flame.

One day I’m really angry,
At my red-haired best friend,
She doesn’t care but its only,
When her friends come over to me,
And cry “She’s gone.”

Now I believe, you cant,
Have one person all to yourself,
That one person is so much,
To many people that,
Life isn’t worth being,

Which is what we all are, really.
(February 2004)

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My sister Hay Hay

By Miranda, 9, Wis., USA

My sister is always there for me. She is there when I get hurt. She plays with me, she sits by me when we are going to do something like play a game or something else and makes forts with me and puts makeup on me and I do it to her. She is nice to my friends and I am nice to her friends too. Good bye, I hope you all like this story. (February 2004)

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My Friend

By Ciara, 12, New Brighton, PA, USA

My friend is Josland. We are very good friends. We play basketball together all the time. The best of friends also can turn out to be the worst of friends. But me and my friend Josland never fight. We're the best of friends. The main part is that we love to hang out with each other. (February 2004)

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My 3 best friends

By Katherine, 10, Blandford, Dorset, England

Hi! I'm Katherine. I am going to tell you about my friends and their pets and personalities. Ok, Kayleigh has two cats called Bootsie and Basil, some fish and two guinea pigs called Twix and Snowball. She also has a mouse but I don't know what his name is. Kayleigh is a very kind person and she is smarter than me .She is my best friend and that will never change. Oh! I have more best friends than this but I'm only doing 3.

Georgia has two pets; one is a cat called Poppy and the other a dog called Seamus. Georgia is my best friend because she is always nice to me, that is why she is my best friend. She sometimes goes off with Amy but I don't mind, I just follow her.

The last best friend I will tell you about is Katie. Katie has a dog. I don't know that dog's name either but she is my best friend because I have known her for a long time .

Those are 3 of my best friends.
(January 2004)

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Now She Is Gone

By Cat, 11, Norfolk, England

I have a friend,
She is the best,
she's pretty and funny, different from the rest.
If I am annoyed or simply upset,
She'll help me through,
She's the best you can get.

She's caring and good,
Loyal and sweet,
She's really special,
Someone I want to keep!

She also is smart and kind,
I don't think I can ever find,…….. A better friend than………………. Chelsie
(February 2004)

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My best friend

By Christian, 8, Kenosha, WI, USA

One time my friend and I were at his house - his name is Aaron. We were about to make a band so we set up his drumset. It was fun but hard. After we were done we played the drums. Moments after he said "Hey we need sticks." Aaron was right you can't play drums without a pair of drum sticks. But just seconds later I had an idea. I said "I could just go to my house to get a pair of sticks" and I was right. About 10 minutes later we were back. After that we played and played. We had so much fun (January 2004)

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My mate's called Caragh

By Alice, 13, South Wales, UK

My best mate's called Caragh but insists on being called Rachel! She's the best mate in the world. Problem is she lives miles away. I live in South Wales, she lives in West but we are the best of friends.
We've been through a lot together and I miss her a lot . We go to the home educators sea side festival - one whole week of freedom how great is that? A beach and all too. It's fun to camp with your best mate for a whole week but every day I miss her even more!
But she's mine and no one can take that away!
(December 2003)

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By Amanda, 11, Tulare, CA, USA

I think having friends has a meaning because your friend should be there for you and you should be there for your friend. Also I think they should understand what you have say. If you have a problem tell your friend, but if you can't trust them well they need to learn how to gain your trust.
(December 2003)

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