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B-Friends 4 eva

By Stef, 12, Port Macquarie, Australia

Hi I'm Stef and I have a number of special friends, their names are Hannah, Tahlia, Eliza, Kiarra, Taryn, Sharna & Elly. They have all been there for me and I'm just writing to say how much I appreciate them. (May 2004)

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I need a friend

By Dymond, 10, Fulton, PA< USA

I have a friend that isn't my friend any more. I've been trying and trying. What should I do? (May 2004)

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When a friend leaves you

By Kirsty, 12, London, UK

When a friend leaves you,
you feel upset and afraid,
you wonder what you have done wrong???

You go over to speak to her,
she blanks you completely,
leaves you all alone in the dark.

Just give her some time,
for her to cool off,
and let her come to her senses,

in a few days time,
go to see her again,
and see what she has to say.

Hopefully she will have thought about it,
and realized you're a good friend
and asked if you could start over again

if not then she might need a break,
a chance to do something new,
but one day she will see

that you were there for me,
and she really should worship you!!!
(May 2004)

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Me and my friends

By Ellie, 11, Croydon, UK

I have a great group of friends. I see them in and out of school. We all have so much fun together and we always laugh (really loud!!). We all love shopping in town and enjoy dancing. We always hang around together and they cheer me up when I'm sad. So if you're like me and have great friends, always remember to keep hold of them! I know I will!!! (May 2004)

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! ! ! ~ * School * ~ ! ! !

By Vicky, 13, Antrim, Northern Ireland

In school I hang about with mainly six good friends. Which all you maths geniuses could work out means there are seven of us altogether.

Well I love my friends to bits but I feel kind of left out sometimes. When 1+2 go off together, 3+4 go off together and 5+6 go off together, I'm left to tag along with one of the pairs!!!

I feel like they don't want me to tag along with them because they all have secrets between themselves.

Recently I've tagged along with 1+2 but they are in a different science class to me so I don't see them that much. So I end up with 4, 5+6 who all go off whispering and don't tell me anything.

Anyone got any ideas to help???

PS. Hiya to 1,2,3,4,5+6 you guys know who you are but I'll be very surprised if you ever read this.

PPS. Hiya to Leanne!!! At least I've got one friend who doesn't go off when I'm trying to talk to her! Want to go shopping again some time?

PPPs. Hiya to my english teachers at school. Miss Walker: you may be mad but you are fun! Mrs Huges: Sorry that 1,2 and I always mess around in your class. I'll try not to.

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By Freda & Nora, 14, Hamburg, Germany

Hello! We are from Germany! Our names are Nora and Freda. How are you?
We have english since 2 years. But we have got french as first language.
Please accept the faults.
We think that friends are very important, we don't can live without them.
You don't need many, but one good friend is important. When you don't have a good friend, you feel lonely.
When you don't have a friend you must look for one. But where?! Perhaps in a sport club or in the school. You can also go outside with a dog, there you can find some, too.
And when you have too many??
Then you can have problems, too. When you want to meet one and another want, too, you can get trouble. But you mustn't decide you. You can meet the two together.
Okay, we must go now, good bye Freda and Nora (May 2004)

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Kerry, I'm Sorry

By Helen, 15, Lincolnshire, England

Kerry -

I’m really really sorry,
I'm really upset,
I don’t now why I did it,
And now I regret.

I'm thinking of you,
And how I was wrong,
To act so stupid,
And not think it was wrong.

I thought you'd not mind,
I was being stupid, I know,
But the pain that I'm suffering,
I did not know.

Please forgive me,
I know I did wrong,
I know this sounds stupid,
But I want you to know,
I’ll never be more sorry,
Than I’m feeling right now.
(May 2004)

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Friendship Break!

By Lauren, 11, New Jersey, USA

When you lose a friend remember to stay calm. If you asked for a reason why she did the thing she did to you and does not reply, maybe it is time to give her a break. If she invites you to something like a playdate, tell her you can't. That may be true and it may not, but either way you will keep your cool! (May 2004)

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My Best Friend

By Nicoya, 12, Granby, Missouri, USA

I have a best friend. I call her Katie. Unlike me she has four long legs and a mane and a tail. Unlike me her body is gray with black and brown spots. Katie is my age but much bigger and taller. Me and my horse, Katie may have a lot of differences but even if I had the power to make her more like me I wouldn't because I love her the way she is. I like Katie because she is the way she is. Some people would look at Katie and call her an appaloosa but horse lovers like myself look at her and call her bueatiful. (May 2004)

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The Saddle Club

By Nicoya, Trista, Lauren, Maci & Danielle, 12, Granby, Missiouri, USA

Nothing's gonna stop us now 'cause together we can do no wrong. Yah, together where we belong. Together we are like the sky and the sun and together we are like the clouds and the rain. Yah, together we can do no wrong, and together we are brighter than the sun and together we are five as one. Nothing's gonna change that now 'cause together we're where we belong!
(May 2004)

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By Mimi, 9, Grays, UK

Friends are bad
Friends are good
Friends are funny
Friends are sad
Friends are glum
Friends are popular
Friends are sick
And Friends are crazy
All I know about my best friend
Is…she is great
April 2004

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By Matthew, 13, Croydon, UK

long hair
too tall
next to him
I feel so small
like a gorilla
with gangly arms
he tries to woo women
with his charms
but one thing about Chris
he is a bit weird
and looks as though
he is growing a beard.
March 2004

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The New Girl

By Teresa, 8, Taber, Alberta, Canada

Oshita sat down at her desk at school. She was about to put her books away, when an unbearably loud “c-r-e-e-a-a-k-k-i-i-n-n-g-g” sound resonated from the classroom door. All heads spun around. A new girl came through the half opened door. Her bright pink lips were trembling. She wore a bungalow blue T-shirt, and dark green pants, and oh, what magnificent blue-grey eyes she had.
“Please sit right here next to Oshita,” announced Mrs. Dinsmore. She led the new girl gently to the desk. “Now what was your name again, please, was it Lucillia?”
“Y-y-y-e-e-s, m-m-y name is Lucillia,” she stammered. She slid cautiously into the old-fashioned wooden desk beside her. These desks were from long ago. “Ouch!!!” she screamed as a splinter went through her new pants and straight into the upper portion of her right thigh.
“What’s the matter Lucillia?” the teacher asked.
“A-a-a-a splinter ran into m-y-y-y,” she stopped. She was shocked and scared and trembling so hard that it shook the desk she was sitting in. The rumbling of the desk sounded like an earthquake beginning right there in the classroom.
The teacher rushed to help her up. “O-o-o-h, what’s the matter Lucillia? Are you alright?”
“Y-e-e-s-s, I-I a-a-m,” she stammered. “May I have a Kleenex, please?”
“Yes, you may,” the teacher stated.
Lucillia blew her nose. It was almost recess.
“Recess time everyone!” announced her teacher.
They all went out to play, but nobody asked Lucillia to play. She was very lonely. She slowly went over to Oshita and opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She wished she was home in bed! The bell rang. The students went into the school.
“Get your math books,” stated Mrs. Dinsmore. They did two pages as usual. The bell rang for lunch time, and once they were out of the classroom they made a mad dash to the lunchroom. She sat alone at the table on the far side of the room. Her classroom number was 508. Lucillia had a sandwich, a piece of cake, a pizza and a bar. She didn’t eat her bar because she was nauseous. They finished eating and went back to class. They did their work. It was 2:30. “Time for art everybody,” said the teacher.
“Yeah!” everyone yelled. They were told to paint a picture that they liked.
“Put the paint on the picture, not your desk,” ordered the teacher.
They all painted quickly.
At last, it was time to go home. How happy she was!!
“Students, it is time to go home,” announced the teacher. They all cleaned up and went home.
“How was your first day of school Lucillia?” asked her mother.
“Okay, sort of,” she sighed. She went straight to her room. She wished that she didn’t have to go to school anymore.
Three days passed, and finally Saturday and Sunday came. It was night time and it started to snow. It was cold! Looking out the window the lights were dancing through the snowflakes. It got stiller, and stiller until you could only hear the snow crunching down as people walked by.
“Wake up lazy head. It’s Sunday morning, time for breakfast!” shouted her mother. Lucillia, her brother Joe, and sister Becka, all bounded down and they had bacon and a bun for breakfast. There was nothing to do and she was bored all day long.
“Mom, what can I do I’m bored!” she complained.
“Well, maybe you could go out and build a snow fort,” she suggested.
“I don’t want to,” she yelled. Her eyes were bulging and glaring like cold glass. She was mad! Her face was flushed! She went to her room feeling quite sad. She bit her lip and fought back tears. Her mother came to see what the matter was.
“Lucillia, what is the matter with you anyway?” she asked.
“Go out of my room, please, I don’t want anyone to come and see me anymore! Now go out, please, and lock the door!” she sobbed.
Her mother intended to leave, but she certainly would not lock the door. “I wonder what the matter with her is. Did she not have a good time in school, or was it something I said?” she thought.
“I don’t know what the matter with her is, she was shaking all over!” Her mother shook her head and left.
Joey was two years old. He was a good trouble maker. Joey heard the news about Lucillia. He thought he would make her happy. He went to her room and opened the door. “Ha! Ha! Cry-baby, what’s the matter with you?”
“You little elf, go to your room or I will pull a lock of your hair out!” He did not go so she ran after him and caught him. She pulled his hair until he screamed. “Now go!” she yelled after him.
He went to the kitchen and told his mom. “Mom, Lucillia pulled my hair and called me an elf,” he cried out.
“Stay here with me, son, I don’t think Lucillia is feeling well today,” mom informed him.
It was bedtime for all of them and time for all of them to go to bed.
“BEDTIME!” called her father. He then tucked in Becka and Joe. Night passed quickly. It was nice and quiet around the house. It was still snowing. Lucillia sat up in her bed and thought, “Tomorrow I will go to Oshita and ask her to play with me.”
Morning finally arrived, Lucillia hadn’t slept. She went upstairs to eat her breakfast. She didn’t talk to anyone. She got dressed, went out the front door, and started for school. School was not far away. She was almost there. She reached the front door and opened it up. There she stood checking herself over to make sure she was presentable. She slowly went over to Oshita and opened her mouth. “Will you p-please be mine?” she questioned.
“It’s not Valentine’s Day,” laughed Oshita.
“I wasn’t done my sentence, the last word was ‘friend’!” she insisted.
“Oh, maybe I will be your friend if you won’t make any trouble,” Oshita mumbled.
Lucillia was happy. So happy in fact, it looked like she had worms because she nervously squiggled and wiggled and moved all around.
At last she had a friend and she didn’t need even need to ask her mother what to do.
(March 2004)

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A Mark On My Heart

By Haleigh, 10, Hamilton, OH, USA

I am so cold, I've worn so thin…
what has happened to me?
All I wanna do is let you in,
you've made me see…

There is a mark on my heart,
a mark on my heart from you.
All I want to do is start
to grow closer to you.

You have changed me,
I'm craving you.
You've changed my personality,
I am completely new.

There is a mark on my heart,
a mark on my heart from you.
All I want to do is start
to grow closer to you.
(Mar 2004)

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Do I know?

By Masha, 11, Boulder, Colorado, USA

Hi helpful ones.You know when your friend are nice when it's only you and them. Well sometimes when you invite them in the same place with your other friend? They sometimes forget about you. Once I invited two of my best friends over at the same time. They never met before and they didn't need to. They forgot all about me and went to do things without me. When their moms came to pick them up, their moms noticed me and my friend asked, "when did you get here?". What should I do?
(Mar 2004)

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By Harriet, 11, Llandudno, North Wales

You think that I don't notice,
Everyday another lie.
And I wonder how you can tell un-truths,
Looking me in the eye.

You act all casual when you false speak,
Hoping that I won't care.
But if you saw a glint of concern,
Lie, You wouldn't dare.

So what happened to our everlasting bond,
The oath we were forbidden to break.
But when I find out, you'll beg to me,
Telling me we all make mistakes.

Well you can't stop me, I'm leaving now,
When look for me I'll have runaway,
I hope you cry, wishing to die,
Cursed for the rest of your days.
(Mar 2004)

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By Annerieke, 13, Zwolle, Netherlands

My name is Annerieke and I am 13 years old
I live in Zwolle (Holland).
I think you are just my age and I think we can be friends! (I hope you think the same)
My hobbies are: doing things with friends and some things like that.
I like that because I like my friends very much!
And Ii like to camp with my friends and family.
My friends are:
Kassandra: she's 13 years old and she verry little but she's very nice too.
Anne: she's 13 years old too and very funny! When I'm with her then I'm always laughing!
Mayke: she's very sweet and nice and she can listen to my problems very well!
With Anne, Mayke and Kassandra; we always talk about boys!
And that are my best friends.
I have friends out of school too!
Mariem is my best friends because I do all that things that I do with Anne, Mayke and Kassandra with her! And we're shopping always! That's a hobby for me too!
Shopping is Mariem's biggest hobby! Ha ha
But we can talk about boys very well and her brother is a friend of mine too!
Her brother's name is Wouter.
He is 15 years old and I laugh with him always! He's very funny and last summer I had a relationship with him! But friends was much better than that so……
Well I'm from Holland so I think that my writing is not verry good.
Another friend of me is Robin.
She's very funny too and a good friend of me! She's 12 years old. I've got a lot of friends but these friends are my best friends I think.
Oh yes! And I have 2 brothers. One is Stijn: he's very stupid I think but he can be nice too!
My biggest brother is Joost! He's very big and very nice too! He's 20 years old and verry sweet!
See yah! Bye bye

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By Rachel, 10 , Liverpool, UK

We try to talk,
But begin to walk,
We've fallen out again,
She's driving me insane,
I've lost my rag,
She's a silly bag,
Then I look at her face,
Then look at the human race,
She's still my best friend,
She always will be no end,
I stare at her eyes,
And with no surprise,
She giggles,
And wiggles,
And struggles some more,
Then she stamps her feet annoyed,
Then she begins to laugh,
I know it seems naff,
No self respect,
But she's my best friend what do you expect?
(Mar 2004)

Poets Note: This is dedicated to Danielle she is soo cool I think she is the bestest friend in the world.

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By Rebecca, 18, Walsall, UK

Paul is a good friend to me, he is kind to me, he says thank you to me. He says I am kind to him. We go to the library together. He says: do you want a drink Becks? I say yes, We been to Youth Club and playing games and Football and snooker. I was so happy whene Paul came to youth club, I said do you want a drink? I went for a drink and said to Paul are you going to youth club at 7o'clock and 9o'clock at night: we went to action sports together. (Mar 2004)

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Friendship - Emotions

By Jade, 10, Norwich, Norfolk, UK

Friendship trusts me always, no matter what I do!
She trusts me when I lie, she trusts me with the truth.

Friendship trusts me, she always plays with me,
No matter how nasty I am!
Friendship never buys me presents
But it's better to give than to receive.

Even when Friendship cries,
She'll always have me by her side.

That's Friendship.
(Mar 2004)

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