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My bestest ever friend

By Abs, 11, Sittingbourne, UK

Hi Faye,
We have known each other for 7 years.
I really miss you.
Luv Abs
(August 2004)

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My only friend

By Ayna, 8, Victoria, Australia

I have a friend who is my only friend and now she has gone overseas. Now I have no one to play with. So every day I am inside playing Monopoly cause that's my favourite game. (August 2004)

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Androda's Wish

By Joanna, 11, Piedmont, USA

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Androda. Although she had lots and lots of friends, she was not popular. She REALLY wants to be popular. That's the ONLY thing she needs.
One day, Androda was walking home from school when she came across a vending machine with soda. Next to the vending machine sat a homeless man. Androda felt really sorry for him. Fortunately, she had 20 dollars. Androda handed the homeless man 10 dollars.
"Thank you, kind and young child," said the homeless man, "My name is Fedrick. Since you have been so kind to me, you can have a wish."
Androda was really happy. She immediately replied, "I would like to be popular for the rest of my life."
"Then you wish shall come true!" said the homeless man. Then he whispered to Androda,"By the way, I'm really a wizard."
The next day when Androda went to school, ALL the popular kids crowded around her. Her friends were staring at the crowd, looking really puzzled.
"I've never seen Androda surrounded like this," said one of Androda's friends, Mikaela.
ALL of Androda's friends agreed.
Androda tried to walk out of the crowd, but the crowd followed her. She did not like it AT ALL.
During class, the teacher, Mrs. Hickamadoo had an announcement to make.
"We are now going to start studying about the Ten Commandments. You will be working in pairs. I'll give you 2 minutes to find a partner."
EVERYONE wanted to be partners with Androda. Even the most popular kid in the class, Jenny wanted to be with Androda. Androda felt really important. She picked Jenny and apologised to the rest of the class.
During lunch, the popular kids sat with Androda. They talked about boys and makeup. Usually, Androda and her friends would talk about what they had for dinner, or other random things.
After school, Androda invited all of her friends over. This was the only time where the popular kids would leave her alone. All of her friends came over, questioning Androda why there was a crowd around her. Androda didn't want to tell them about the wish because if her friends knew she wanted to be popular, they would all be mad at her.
The next day, Androda saw Fedrick again. She begged for him to undo the wish.
"I hope you learned something important," said Fedrick, "It's not the quantity of friends that will make you special. It's the quality."
Tears started streaming from Androda's eyes. "Yes. I certainly understand now."
The next day, when Androda went to school, there was a crowd around her. But this time, the crowd was made by only her friends.
(August 2004)

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My best friend

By Sophie, 11, England

best friend
is called Sophie.
She has got the same name
as me. And she is kind, thankful,
bossy, caring, always there for me when I
am upset, lonely, poorly, scared and so on. We always hang
around with each other and take her puppy out and mine. We stick
up for each other, have sleep-overs and so on. I really don't want to go to
secondary school because me and Sophie are going to different schools so we will get
new friends and best friends but I don't want a new best friend! Oh well, wish me good luck!
(August 2004)

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My Mate Kate

By Clare, 12, Bristol, UK

Kate is a joker
Some of her jokes are quite bad
One thing I like best about Kate
Is that she makes you smile when you are sad

She's loopy, nutty and as friendly as can be
At school camp, she had us in stitches in our dorm
Strutting up and down in a towel singing
And if her jokes are good, they go down a storm

She is ever so caring, she wouldn't hurt a fly
A real animal lover that's Kate
Kate is always happy
And that is why she's my mate!!!!

P.S. There are many more reasons but I can't fit them onto one page!!!!
(August 2004)

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I have a load of friends but no best best friend

By William, 15, Walton, UK

Hi ya my name is William. I have a load of m8's but I dont have a best best friend the sort that you can tell a secret and they will keep it for ever and ever but no, my m8's if I tell them something they spread it round the school. All I want right now is a best m8 that will listen to me and give me advice. One day it will come true I will have the best friend a boy could want but if you want to be my best m8 or want anybody to listen to your problems just send feedback to me because I will always listen.
(August 2004)

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My Best Friends

By Cassidy, 11, Hull, England

You can only have 5 best friends so here are mine: Danielle, Stevie-Louise, Connor, Cherrie and Rachel. These are my best friends because they are always there for me and we hardly ever fall out. If we ever do fall out we always become friends again not long afterwards. I really appreciate them very much. (August 2004)

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Here for you

By Stormy, 13, Texas, USA

I may never understand
the work that you must do,
I may never be as good
in certain aspects as you.
But I'm always here for you.

And I tell you this with honesty,
even if all others forsake you,
I will stay by your side
until the end of time,
I'm here for you,
no matter where you stand.

Our lives may be different,
and our paths spread far apart,
but I'm always here for you,
my friend.
(August 2004)

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That's not FAIR!

By Kristin, 12, Gulf Breeze, Florida, USA

PLEASE HELP ME!!! One of my best friends, Michelle, one day all of the sudden hated me. I had no idea why, I thought I had done something wrong! It turns out I didn't do anything wrong. She told me that she didn't like me because I wasn't popular, and because I was a loser. I'm over that now, but the rest of her friends, were most of my friends. Now that she dosn't like they hate me. I don't know why, they just DO!! It turns out I havn't done anything to them either. I don't know what to do, so please help me!
(August 2004)

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Friend Confusion

By Rachel, 13, USA

I have two extremely good friends; Anna and Taylor.
Anna and I have been best friends since kindergarten.
Taylor just moved here and now we're friends.
Taylor doesn't accept the fact that Anna is my true best friend and she's just my friend. She thinks I don't really like her or I'm teaming up with Anna and treating her poorly.
What should I do? Please answer me!!!!
I am in need of advice from someone! Anyone!
How should I explain it to Taylor without hurting her feelings?

Thanks for taking your time to read this, ya'll.
(August 2004)
More from Rachel

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By Tabitha, 11, Virginia, USA

I just wanted to write to tell everybody that if you have a best friend and you get in a fight do not stay mad at each other, friends can be very helpful. Even if they're not your best friend. I have this best friend named Crysta and we do a lot of things together. I am so glad we are best friends. (July 2004)

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My New Best Friend

By Alycia, 11, Montreal, Canada

Hi this is Alycia. My new best friend is Tabi she is new here but she is the best lol. She is the best friend I ever had she is cool, nice, sweet and everything else. She is really really nice, she may say mean things but not let it hurt you, she is just kidding lol trust me. (July 2004)

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By Camille, 10, Richland, WA, USA

Friends are there for forever…… or at least they are supposed to but my friend was growing away from me when I still needed her. Then one day she left for good with out even saying goodbye. I have never seen her since that day. I had no one and now I'm alone. (July 2004)

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Here for You

By Stormy, 13, Victoria, Texas, USA

I may never understand
the work that you must do,
and I may never be as good,
in certain aspects as you
But I'm always here for you.

And I tell you this with honesty,
even if all others forsake you,
I will stand by your side,
until the end of time,
not matter where you stand.

Our paths may be different,
our lives spread apart,
but I'm always be here for you,
my friend.
(July 2004)

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My Best Buds RULE ALL!!!

By Rebecca, 12, Linwood, Scotland

My friends are great. I would trust them with my life. Their names are Ellen, Kayles, Jay, Kayleigh, Cheryl and basically every girl in my class (7B!!). Thanks for being there, you guys!
(July 2004)

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Why Do I Feel Like This?

By Rachel, 10, Hamilton, ON., Canada

Do you ever wonder why friends do weird things to you sometimes, well I know why! It's either because they don't feel like their friends like you so they don't, or it's because their friends treat them badly and they want you to know how it feels! If you feel like this is happening to you tell me!
(July 2004)

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All About My Friend

By Neena, 9, Toronto, Canada

Hi my name is Neena and my best friends are Krishani, Amaleny, Charanya, Venojah and Pirthanya. If I get something bad they always come for me and help me.
(July 2004)

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By Jenni, 12, Banbury, UK

"That new girl is awfully quiet isn't she?" Mary-Jane asked Lauren. "I know she's new and doesn't know anyone, but you'd think she'd try and make friends, or at least say hi!"
"I think she's weird!" said Lauren, loud enough so Aimée could hear her. The red-haired girl bowed her head.
The bell rang for break and all the children collected their coats and ran to meet up with friends. Aimée made her way to the bench and sat there by herself. There she stayed all playtime, tears in her eyes that she tried to hide because all the others would tease her and call her names. The bell rang to say that break time was over and now it was time for maths. Aimée filed in to the classroom with everyone else.
People whispered and giggled as she made her way up to her teacher and whispered something in her ear.
"Oh she's telling Miss that we've been being nasty to poor little Diddums!" Lauren laughed cruelly.
"Quiet! Everyone sit down! Im very sorry, this morning I was so busy I forgot to introduce to you, Aimée. Aimée is from France and can't speak English as well as you and I. She can understand what you're saying but often doesn't know how to reply."
"I... can... say... easy... words... but...I... I... can't... say... lots of words... when... I... talk."
"Thank you Aimée. Well done! You can sit here next to Samantha and John. They will help you if you get stuck on your work or if you get lost around school."
Aimée nodded, smiled and took her seat. She had a feeling school would be much better if people understood her and were there as her friend rather as an enemy. Mary-Jane and Lauren said sorry to Aimée and she kindly forgave them.
"Sorry Aimée. I'm sorry about what we said, we shoud never have bullied you and made you feel unwelcome. Would you like to be our friend?" said Mary-Jane.
"We promise never to be mean to you again. And maybe, you could help us with our French homework and we could help you with English? Sorry we made you upset."
The three new friends smiled and started talking, allowing Aimée to take her time and not feel put off by not being as fluently speaking as them. They were friends now and that was all that mattered.
(July 2004)

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By Mahala, 14, Havanna, AR, USA

My friends are people that I look up to. People that I can depend on and talk to when I am down. Are you friends like my friends? If I did not have any friends I don't know where I would be at. My friends are the people that help me through all the troubles at home and if I needed a sholder to cry on they were there. Friends are also people that I respect and they respect me back. Do you ever tell your friends thank you for being there for you or helping through all your troubles? If you haven't please do so and remember that if you give respect you will recive even more respect from everyone. Don't forget that your younger friends will be looking up to you so do the right things!!
(July 2004)

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My two Best Friends

By Nicoya, 12, Granby, Missouri, USA

I have two best friends. They are very different from me because unlike me they have four legs. Unlike me they have a mane and tail and unlike me they have hoofs instead of hands and feet. We may have lots of differences but we love and understand each other and that's the important thing. It is good that when you don't feel you can talk to other people you can always talk to your horse because you know they wont tell your secrets and they never say the wrong thing when your crying your eyes out. The point is horses are the best friends you can get. More on horses (June 2004)

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