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By Samantha, 13, UK

When you know someone is lying you feel like you are helpless. If they are your friend then you don't want to challenge them in case you cause them offence, but you feel that you need to know the truth. Have you ever been in a situation like that? Well the only way to fix it is to ignore the fact that they are lying. If it is important challenge them but in a nice way, and if it is not important then do not. Just give them time and if they are your real friends they will own up to something they have done wrong. Give them time. (October 2004)

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I really REALLY need some advice

By Elle, 11, Nottingham, England

I really REALLY need some advice!
Hi, I have just started secondary and at first I had three really good friends, A, B and R. Just lately, A has been acting really strange and yelling horrible things at B. B is really nice and doesn't hate A though. A has been saying stuff about B like "I'm gonna rip her guts out and gouge her eyeballs out if she doesn't SHUT UP!!!" And so on. Also, she'll say to me "Elle, who's your best friend?" then I'll say "no one," then she'll say "Yeah, coz you've got NEEEEHOWWWW! You always spend time with her and you just never spend time with me!!!"
I invited her round to my house FIVE times and all the times she's turned them down. Today she was meant to be coming but she made some stupid really imaginative excuse. Then she forgets to stick by it so I know she's lying. Me, R and B are going to stick together but I really Really REALLY need you guys to give me lots of advice about what I should do about A. Thanks!!! (October 2004)

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He's still mad at me

By Dana, 12, NY, USA

I was talking to my friend named Mike online and all of a sudden he was mad at me. So a few days after that I asked him why he was mad at me. He says that I swore at him and I was annoying. I am not a person that swears and I don’t say much to him online. So maybe someone else has been getting on my screen name, I don’t know. He just got on. I sent him a crying face and he signed off. I don't know what I did. (October 2004)

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By Elle, 11, Nottingham, England

I have started secondary and on the intake day, I made friends with a girl called A. Then, when I made friends with another girl, she became all protective over me and then when I talked to the other girl, she ran off and joined another group of girls. Today she's all over me again. What should I do? (October 2004)

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Best Friends Forever

By Hye-Won, 10, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

People always say to their best friends 'We'll be best friends forever', right? Well, you really can't be best friends forever. Life's always changing, and so are your friends. One day you could be best friends, and the next day rufuse to talk to each other. Like at summer camp my two best friends, Emily and Laura, completely ignored me and wouldn't hang out with me anymore. And that was overnight camp! But afterwards it really wasn't a big deal anymore. Now we're best buddies again. There is one way to be best friends forever. And that's knowing that you were best friends with someone, even for a short period of time. These memories will always be stored deep down in your heart and will never leave you. (October 2004)

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Friends Are Precious

By Izzy, 10, Hove, Sussex, England

Don't take your friends for granted,
Good friends are hard to find,
Sometimes people turn their back on you,
But at least you tried,
To make it work out,
But friends are precious,
More precious than Diamonds,
Emeralds even Rhinestones!
So don't take your friends for granted,
Soon you will see,
How hard life can be without them,
It's even hard to breathe.
(October 2004)

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Best friends

By Jade, 10, London, UK

This girl in my class always tries and takes my best friend away from me.What shall I do to get her back with out losing her? (October 2004)

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The Forgive Me Lots Poem

By Margaret, 10, Brick Town, NJ, USA

I'm sorry for what I did and what I shouldn't have done,
I know it is hard to forgive one another,
From the mean and harsh things I said the other day,
But do me one favourr when time comes to tell the answer,
Just don't say it in feeling say it from the heart with love.
(October 2004)

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!!~*Help With Friend*~!!

By Miranda, 11, London, Ontario, Canada

Hi! My name is Miranda and I am 11 years old! I have been having trouble with my friend A. lately. Lately she is making up everything that we do and if she doesn't get her way she leaves! My other friends and I were doing a play for drama class and made some parts in it for A. because she was away. When she came back, we had the script all finished and A. changed everything! Then some of the people we were working with left the group and we had to start all over again!!! Lately she wants to make EVERYTHING up!!!!! What should I do???!!! If anyone has any ideas reply to this!!!!!
(September 2004)

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Boys Make Better Friends

By Helena, 15, USA

I have this friend...or used to...who always did stuff behind my back, and said stuff about me. She really wasn't my friend, which I realized after about three years. She would take things from my story that she especially liked and put them in hers, so they became hers. This seems childish, but it really bothers me that she didn't even TELL me.
I mean, we met through church, where all the girls were already in cliques, and now she's acting like the world's falling to pieces around her ears. She, of course, completely ignores me, or acts really cold.
So I hang out by myself, which isn't too bad, because at least at home I've got my brothers and my friends, but at church the cliques are really strange and girlish and spacey.
I used to have one good friend at church...Pricilla. We had secrets and were probably the only two tomboys there.
She was really fun, we used to run to the fields next to the church after youth group and talk and sit. We could just sit and not talk and feel perfectly comfortable with each other.
But besides her, and some other friends that I have that are girls, boys make better friends.
They always laugh, they're more fun, they like getting dirty and don't mind getting hurt. Ever notice how less boys have cliques than girls? Boys are better friends. Or, at least, I understand them better.
(September 2004)

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Best Friends

By Ebonie, 9, Southport, Queensland, Australia

Dear Kayla,
We always hang out together and I always have a great time. You, your mum and all your friends are great, just like you. You are my best friend. I hope you feel the same way. Let's be friends for ever, and ever!
Eb xxxxx (September 2004)

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Sam and Sam

By Amanda, 9, Holt, MI, USA

Once there was a little girl named Sam. Sam loved everything about herself. She was beautiful. She had flowing blonde hair and sky blue eyes. She wore only the hottest clothing ever.
Except one day she walked up to someone she didn't know and asked them "Do you want to play with me?"
Then the person replied "Why would I want to play with a snotty, ugly little brat like you?!"
After that Sam ran home sulking. Finally she got there. She immediately asked her mother "Am I a stotty, ugly brat????!!!!"
"No, no, no! You are a kind, genorous sweet little girl!!!!"
The next day Sam went to school. She saw the person. The girl ran up to Sam. The girl kindly asked Sam to play.
"Sure....." she replied, "but what was wrong yesterday?" "Well I broke up with my best friend.... and I've done some thinking overnight and I thought YOU could be my best friend..... you will, won't you?"
Sam was shocked "Of course!!!" she said.
"Well, anyway my name is Sam Gilbert, yours?" said the girl.
"Sam Hope!" Replied Sam in excitement!
Sam G. suggested that they go to the mall after school. Sam H. agreed. So after school off to the mall they went. They went to the best store ever for girls, Limited Too. They got the best clothing and acsessories ever. And from that day forth Sam G. and Sam H. were Best Friends.
(September 04)

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Friends forever: me and Kara

By Ashley, 13, Pennsylvania , USA

You are my friend,
You helped me through the good,
And you helped me through the bad,
You helped through the times that I was even mad,
But that's what friends are for, Right?
You are my friend,
There is no doubt about it,
You are caring and nice,
And kind as can be,
You are my friend,
Isn't that true?
Me and you had some great experiences together,
We had some good times,
And some bad,
But you will be my friend no matter what,
When I would cry you were there for me to wipe my tears away,
I wish you were here with me right now,
But your father wont let you talk to no one,
But it's not your fault,
Dont worry about it,
But you will be my friend,
No matter what,
You are my friend,
And we will always be friends forever!
(September 04)

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Untitled Farewell (Broken Smile)

By Helena, 15, USA

Swirling darkness, aching, falling,
Nothing's up and everything's down,
Silver mist falling over everything,
Making it distant,

Then the mist clears,
I catch sight of your face,
Smiling sadly,
In a daze I think; "your smile's broken, and I can't fix it",

You tell me it'll be all right,
That it's better this way,
You say you'll miss me,
But you'll be waiting,
For me

I remember,
Your eyes all sad,
You'd told me you were dying,
I said no, you couldn't die.
You'd told me before that you wanted to be a scientist,

That you would find a cure for cancer, the cold, and stuff,
You said we'd still be friends,
Even though everyone says a boy and a girl can't be,
Everyone said you were my boyfriend,
We'd just laugh and roll our eyes

No way.

You squeeze my hand, tell me it'll be fine,
Everything will fall in place,
And I'll understand,

But I won't!
Why do you have to do this?
Couldn't someone ELSE'S best friend die?
Why mine?

You take a deep breath,
Squeeze my hand again,
And slip away into something better,
The broken smile's still there

But my tears sting my eyes,
I'm still sad,
But you were right
I smiled, gently letting your hand go

Now I understand
(September 2004)

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Best Friends

By Layla, 13, Nottingham, UK

Hi all my friends are my best friends we've known each other for a long time when I mean a long time I mean a long time. But anyway friends are always there for us when we're down or going through a rough time. Yhey will always be there for you. (September 2004).

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No Friends

By Paul, 14, Leicester, UK

Hi I'm Paul, and I moved from a school where I had lots of friends, but this new school I have got no friends, and people always bully me.
(September 2004)

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I don't like lies

By Sara, 9, Florida, USA

One of my friends lies a lot. I wouldn't consider her one of my best friends. The problem is she thinks that I lie to her when I don't. Can you help? Thanks!!!
(September 2004)

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Life and Death

By Abbey, 13, Northumberland, UK

Life used to be full of happy colourful people,
Together we had fun, the laughter never ended,
Friends forever,
Even though she’s not here anymore.

Now the world is full of enemies,
My home is full of cries,
I sit alone in a dark, dark room sad,
While sadness and death lies over my life.
(August 2004)

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One True Friend

By Sharon, 15, Orlando, Florida, USA

Many think that having lots of friends is better than one, or that having lots of friends will make you happier. Both are wrong. I really only have one friend in person. But I suppose that's due to the fact that I'm a not-so-sociable, quiet person. I don't see the joy in having lots of friends, yes it may be good for some, but not for me. I only need one, and one I have. The problem with lots of friends is this; most of the time they never last. Sooner or later their friendship with you runs out. And later you find out that only maybe one or two of that whole group of "friends" really turns out to be a "true" friend. A "true" friend doesn't have to be close by in order to keep your friendship strong. A "true" friend doesn't have to visit with you often in order to keep your friendship a happy one. "True" friends last forever. I know this...I have one. So far our friendship is going on 11 years. Building a friendship with a "true" best friend doesn't come easily, it takes time, but once the building starts you'll find that it'll all be worth it. Very worth it. I know this. Next time you want a friend for the weekend, go find you one, but next time you feel worn out of your so called "friends", then go start a world wide search for a "true" friend. Like I said, it's worth it. A "true" friend sticketh closer than a sister...or brother. (August 2004)

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Hanging out

By Taylor, 10, USA

There is a girl in my school that my mom said I can't hang out with. She's nice to me but sometimes mean to me, too. Should I tell her and help her to be nicer so I can hang out with her? She's in my class next year and she used to be my best friend. (August 2004)

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