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By Zuraidah, 12, Yishun, Singapore

I have this friend..We always fight but we knew we care for each other...Now, we have the biggest fight and we have not talked to each other for the past 3 months...I wrote saying that we should say goodbye to our friendship..She totally agreed with me... I was really sad that she doesn't care about me since I knew her for the past 4 years..Never mind, i stil have three other friends who i really care and they care about me too..… (August 2002)

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Best Friends

By Eli, 13, South Australia, Australia

A best friend will stick up for you
A best friend will play and laugh too
A best friend will admit they're wrong
A best friend will always walk along.
A best friend will change like all
A best friend will always hear your call
A best friend will remember your special days
A best friend will treasure your friendship in many ways.
A best friend will be there when you need
A best friend will show generosity not greed
A best friend will stay no matter what weather
A best friend will be your best friend forever.
(August 2002)

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If you need a…

By Cheyenne, 11, Washington, USA

If you need a friend I'm with you till the end.
If you need A break I'll watch anything just tell me how late.
If you need A clock you can have my watch.
If you need some money, come to me honey.
If you need anything-just ring me
I just got to let you know right now I need a friend so...
Will you be with ME till the end? (August 2002)

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Tears are Forever

By JoeAnn, 17, Trinidad

Tears are Forever

Never believing that I could be anybody's friend
I build this wall around me to shove everyone away
Not to let anyone inside
Hurts, pains and lies are what I thought everyone would be like.
I would cry myself every night from thinking about bad things that could happen to me
I believe love and friends were bad things
There were no one I would trust to even tell where I lived
so as they say if walls could talk
Maybe I would have people in my life but I choose not because people make us cry and hurt us
Until I let someone in my saying hello on the phone to someone who just met me.
At first I wanted to just hang up the the telephone because how did he get the number?
But people find out things when they really like you.
From that moment of letting him in my life I found out what friends are for and how to be a friend.
Today he is my best friend..
thank you smile… (August 2002)

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My Friend

By Jessica, 11, Kingston, UK

Hi my name is Jessica and i just wanted to remind everyone that if you're not invited to one of your friend's sleepovers or other things that doesn't mean that they are not your friend. I wrote this because my friend had a sleepover and I wasn't invited and at first I thought my friend was being mean but then I thought about it and decided my friend just wanted to have a sleepover with someone else for a change. (August 2002)

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My Friend's Mad At Me !

By Nicole, 13 1/2, Regina, Sask., Canada

Do you ever wonder what to do when one of your best friends or even just a good friend is made at you?

Well my best friend is made at me and i don't know what to do.
Do I talk to her on the phone or do I e-mail her? Well I did e-mail her.
But I don't know if I should call her on the phone and talk to her about whatever it is that she's mad at me for.

Just What Do You Do? (August 2002)

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My best buddy is............

By Michael, 9, South Wales

My best friend is Sion. Every day we go out and play on our main street. Not many cars come down our road [so some times we play football]. We love to make things out of wood and other things. In the summer we have water fights with are water guns [we both get wet]. There are lots of other people who live by me but Sion is my best friend. That's all for now, bye. (August 2002)

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By Rebecca, 13, Georgia, USA

I know this girl and her name was Stefanie. She has never really had a true friend. She did have a so-called friend that didn't last long. She told me once she hated herself and she wanted to run away. She wrote a poem about her never having a friend. When I told her I would be her friend she was so happy. But she still seems to be upset because of all of the things people have said about her. All she wants is a friend. If you know someone who is like Stefanie that has no friends and are sort of the "geek" of the class, do them a favor and at least talk to them. You have no idea how many times they have hated themselves and wanted to run away. Do it for them. (August 2002)

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Will She Still Like Me?

By Ashlesha, 12, Swindon, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

When my best friend Laura moved away, I felt very sad. We both had the same interests, we both sat next to each in lessons and we both were on the phone to each other every night. We did fight, but we would soon make up. I think the longest we were not speaking to each was for two days.
So when she phoned me up one night and told me that she was moving, I just sat there stunned. This was not the kind of news I had expected!
The rest of the time she was here went really quickly. The day finally came when I would be seeing her for the last time. It still had not sunk into my head that I would not be talking to her every day for two years.
We occasionaly talked on the phone (not that many times as the phone rate to Uzbekistan is quite high) but we sent news through emails and letters.
Then about a month ago, I recieved an email from Laura saying she would be flying in that week. I was overjoyed!
We immediatly made plans to meet up soon.
But at the same time, I was thinking, ' Will she still like me?'
When we met up, I knew my fears were not true. I was just so happy to see her!
Although she goes to another school, we still meet up and chat on the phone. Anyway, we have got a whole summer to do things together!
My message to people is that even if your friends have moved away, do not lose touch, because you will be making a big mistake. (August 2002)

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By Erica, 11, Chandler, Arizona, USA

Friends forever we would say
but soon we all moved away
Some moved to the other side of the county
Some moved to the other side of the country
And soon no one will with me but Me.
I use to have many many friends but now I have only 3.
Soon there will be one..........
Than none

MORAL: Always cherish your friends to the fullest extent, you'll never know when they might leave you.

This peom about friendship is dedicated to Shawna, my very best friend who moved to New Mexico in the summer of 2002. We will always miss you, Shawna. (August 2002)

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Lauren, my best friend!

By Lindsay, 11, Nottingham, UK

My best friend Lauren, well, what can I say about her?
Well, even though she's my best friend I have some nasty thoughts about her! But, most of them are good, in fact, at the minute all of them are good, I think!
She's very cool, casual and down to earth, if there's a party or disco that's on, she'll be there with me!
We stick together through thick and thin and nothing comes between us, even boys! Just yesterday we were at Youth club and I was with my boyfriend and she was with hers, her boyfriend dumped her and then called her names in front of everyone. She started to cry and I was there for her, even my boyfriend gave her a little bit of support. I think that we're such good friends that when we're older we'll live together in a flat with our boyfriends! We do the same things and will hopefully be best friends forever!(August 2002)

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My friend Angela

By Jackie, 15, Oklahoma, USA

Hi my name is Jackie. All the way through my middle school days I always thought that my first year at high school would the worst. Until I got there. I made tons of friends. I was in a band and lots of other things. There was this girl in the band named Angela. She was a senior so I was a little scared to talk or become friends because she was older. so through out band she seemed really nice and she wanted to be my friend. Now, see, the thing is I have never really been a shy person so I always say and do what pops in my head first. So when I found out that she wanted to be my friend I jumped in. She was so sweet and she changed my life in ways I have never thought possible. Because in middle school I really wasn't the person one can be. But she changed that, now I feel like a totally different person. She introduced me to things I never knew were there. Now though she has graduated, she's going on with her life, I always will love her whereever I am because I don't feel like I'm losing a friend I feel I am gaining a guardian angel. She'll always hold a special place in my heart. She is my role model. I would to be like her. She is leaving in a few weeks and I'm happy for her and I will always feel like she's watching over me, here or not here, it doesn't matter, she's there watching me.

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Is she still my best friend

By Raymarie, 15, NJ, USA

My best friend's name (hope she still is my bf) is Amanda.The first time I met her was weird but we kept on talking and realize we had so much in common. We talked about everything. When I was down she was always there to pick me up and make me smile. She was like my sister. I told all my secrets to her, but all of a sudden we started getting into arguments and now I'm losing her. We were never like this, we called each other every hour and now it's basically never. Everytime the phone would ring I know it was her, but now the phone doesn't even ring. I really don't want to lose her but I guess I'm going to. I cry every night realizing that even though she hangs out with other people and not with me I get really jealous but I guess I just don't want her to forget about me because I just don't know what I would do if I didn't have her in my life. (July 2002)

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I really wish

By Melissa, 13, Laredo, TX, USA.

I really wish you would tell me what to do,
cuz' sometimes I don't know what to do without you.
I find myself always thinkin' about you.
I don't know why sometimes I feel like " what would i do without you".
Everything is starting to be all about you.
I really wish you would tell me what to do cuz' I start to feel I can't live without you. (July 2002)

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A friend

By Tanya, 11, Aston, PA, USA

I am from India. I came here when I was 10. In one year everything has changed. I have a lot of good friends but only one close friend her name is Caitlyn. We have a special kind of friendship. OK we fight allright but still we have something in common that's why we are close friends. I think she knows me more than everyone does. I think a friend is a person who helps you when you are in need, makes you feel wanted and listens to you . (July 2002)

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My Shining Stars

By Kelsey, 11, Knoxville,Tennessee, USA

I would first of all like to mention my number one best friend, my Mom. I don't know how I would get through life without her. I would also like to mention my brightest stars ever, my two sisters, Haley & Erika. My sisters look up to me for respect, help and most of all, love and support. I would like to thank my very special close to my heart best friends, Afton, Megan and Alison. They have been my biggest and most supportive friends I ever had. I will never, ever forget them. I cannot mention everyone so please I give my thank yous to everyone that made my life a life to enjoy. Thank you. (July 2002)

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I wonder

By Dalitso, 14, Boston, USA

When you are gone
I look up to the stars
above wondering when I
will see you again,
every morning I rush to
my window only to find
the birds welcoming the
morning sun, I shed
tears that break my heart
wondering whether I will
see you again, I rush out
of my door killing innocent
creatures just to see you again,
if you were a flower I would have
planted you in my room, beacuse
of fear of losing you.
I wonder when I will see you again. (June 2002)

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I Was Her Only Tr ue Friend

By Brittany, 11, Dayton, OH, USA

When she was in a fight, she always came to me, and she knew that everything she told me I wouldn't tell anyone else. I never talked behind her back, because she was my friend. Friends don't betray others, and she was my true friend.

One day after church, I heard her mom ask her," Has she been talking about you ( meaning me, of course)?" She said " No" and then her mom said " I think she is your only true friend." I knew right then and right there, that I had really made a difference, and all I had to do was listen to her, and not be so mean as to talk behind her back.

I know that we will be friends forever, and If you feel that way about someone, then show that to them. All you have to do is have a good heart. Then you can follow your heart, and do what it tells you to do.

You can never be wrong if you are a true friend. It pays off when you need someone to talk to, they will always be there for you if you are there for them.

Never let a friend pass you by, you can never have too many friends. Try to be a friend to everyone and they will be a friend to you!!!!! (June 2002)

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By Kia, 13, NSW, Australia

As I'm sitting here I remember how we laughed when we were together.
I remember how we would sit up all night, giggling about things so stupid.
I remember the last night we were together, we had just said goodbye to the boys and I knew it might be the last time I saw them. Us four, best buddies, sat on the bed and scoffed a whole two tubs of ice-cream down, eating away our sorrows, just like in the movies.
I remember how we tried our best to forget that we would soon be separated, and rang the 'Santa' line to ridicule the message recording that little kids adored. We told 'Santa Claus' that we wanted to never be apart, all the time, knowing that he could not grant our wish.
Finally we drifted to sleep, close to each other soaking in the feelings of love from one another.

As I'm sitting here I know how two of you fight and glare at each other bitterly, I know how one of you has to listen to their two-sided argument, being pressured to take sides, I know how unpopular I am and how I will never have such loving friends...
Yet I know that Fate is as much a part of life as Joy, and that I can't change that, no matter how I try.

I LOVE U ALL. (June 2002)

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By Khalehla, 11, Pennsylvania, USA

Even though it's summer
And we go our separate ways
We will always have each other
To guide us through each day

Even though it's summer
And we have different things to do
We will always stay together
And I will always think of you

Even though it's summer
And we've made new friends each day
We will always be together
Through every single day

Even though it's summer
And we've grown apart
We will always be connected
At the very base of our hearts (June 2002)

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