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 War Poems


By Matthew, 15, Wakefield, UK

Remember the day, observe the silence,
for those whoose love was left unfounded,
the deprived children, their guard has fallen,
and the ranks of mothers strafed by sorrow.

Remember the hour, fulfill the vow,
for souls cast off to the foreign shores,
the phoenix of brothers who rode from fire,
and the harrowing cries of the fallen.

Remember the second, witness the grief,
for the crippled limbs, pain goes on,
the gift of remembrance is their curse,
and the constant anguish is their burden.

Remember the souls, so still in their bed,
for the cause they suffered so much, so long,
only the immortal stone recalls their name,
and memories that should never be lost.

"For our tomorrow they gave their today,"
The final respect we should always pay.
(February 2008)

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Need We Fight?

By Miranda and Jessica, 10, Surrey, UK

Your dizzy head spins round and round,
As a shrieking cry, the never stopping sound,
A bullet in the head,
A wounded leg,
But we must fight on!

As a dagger plunges forward,
You dart to the left,
But no one can help you,
As you fall to the ground.
But we must fight on!

As the Germans flee,
An applaud of glee,
Peace starts to spread like butter on bread,
She floats above like a dove.
Need we fight on?

Sweeping through the air,
Her strawberry blond hair winds down to her delicate ankles,
Her soft porcelain skin,
Her blue twinkling eyes,
Her rosy red lips.
Peace has arrived!
(February 2008)

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By Emily and Megan, 10, Surrey, UK

Peace is a loving young lady,
Sky blue eyes ,
Rosy red lips,
She is beautiful, she is beautiful.

Her hair is golden brown,
Swaying in the breeze,
As she floats along,
She is beautiful, she is beautiful.

She wears a silky pearl dress,
White as snow,
She has a dove with her where ever she goes,
She is beautiful, she is beautiful.

Peace is affectionate and friendly,
Caring and kind-hearted,
Generous and thoughtful,
She is beautiful, she is beautiful.
(February 2008)

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By Daniel and Niall, 10, Surrey, UK

War is an enraged demon,
Ready to kill anything in
Its path.
Why is life like this?

War is death warmed up,
Wrapped inside a
blood-stained blanket.
Why is life like this?

All those poor peoplesý lives
That have been wrecked
By the pain of death.
Why is life like this?
So many wars,
So many arguments and so many deaths.
Why is life like this?

We should stand firm
And sort things out by talking,
Not through blood-shed, pain, tears...
Life should be like this.
(February 2008)

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Peace's Promise

By Rosina and Julia, 10, Surrey, UK

My heart is painfully struck with terror,
As I gaze down at the bloody battlefield.
Screams pierce my ears, yet they seem so far away...
A wound can heal, but can a broken heart?

As they fire their bullets,
Yes they strike!
Only expecting to find glory,
Their whole body is raked with shuddering.
Aren't they now a murderer?

I try to look away,
But my eyes are like magnets,
Glued to the heart-stopping scene before me.

Is it worth your leg?
Is it worth your eye?
Is it worth your very own life?

I begged War to stop,
But he just sneered,
Glaring with his blood-shot eyes,
He cackles with his thunderous voice.
I have no will-power against him.

He craves blood and flesh,
Poisoning the human race.
When, when I ask you,
Will peace roam the world?
(February 2008)

One day, I promise,
We will be fulfilled with glee,
Through perfect harmony.

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