We make every effort to select websites that are suitable for children,
according to strict criteria of safety and usefulness. However,
Kids on the Net is not responsible for the content of external websites.
Writing by kids, for kids Write and review poems and stories
by kids just like you!
Interactive Forking Story – add your own chapter! You
can follow the story, making decisions as you go, and then contribute
your own chapter!
The Young Writers Club Loads of activities and articles to fire
your imagination, with competitions too. Check out the vast
range of interactive stories, contribute the next bit of the
tale, or kick off your own interactive adventure!
Own Publishing Partnership An organisation that aims to
raise the status of children's creative skills as writers and
artists by publishing materials written and illustrated by children.
Read and contribute stories to one of the oldest kids writing
sites on the web. They have collected over 40,000 stories so
far, and have been publishing kids' work since 1995.
Poetryclass: All about Poetry A great site for poetry, hints,
tips, somewhere to get published, and loads of links to other
kids poetry sites on the web.
Children's Haiku Garden A great place to experiment with
this Japanese poetry form – its short and sweet! This link takes
you straight to the British Garden.
Listen and Write Great site from the BBC with loads of information
about how to bring your poems to life, you can listen to some
examples and then submit your own work.

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Last revised
Kids on the Net

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