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Creative Writing
Kids on the Net

WiredKids Approved Safe Site Seal

  Kennings from Oliver Goldsmith Primary School, London, UK

What am I?

By Ashley, 8, London, England

Fast runner,
Quick biter,
Rubbish snatcher,
Quick eater.
(October 2003)

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What am I?

By Talisa, 8, London, England

Slow walker,
Leaf eater,
Rain lover,
House carrier.
(October 2003)

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What am I?

By Chadka, 8, London, England

Fast runner,
Slow swimmer,
Bone eater,
Cat catcher,
Meat eater.
(October 2003)

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What am I?

By Ebru, 8, London, England

Giant hunter,
Large creeper,
Scary leaper,
Fast eater,
Night hunter,
Clever sleeper,
Fast catcher,
Careful creature,
Big danger,
Strong leader.
(October 2003)

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What am I?

By Oshin, 8, London, England

Heavy walker,
Long sniffer,
Loud roarer,
Greedy eater,
Fast runner,
Water drinker,
Branch snatcher.
(October 2003)

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What am I?

By Tahmidul, 8, London, England

Egg hunter,
People eater,
Slimy wiggler,
Scary wiggler.
(October 2003)

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Cat kenning

By Faduma, 8, London, England

Fast runner,
Eye glower,
Mouse eater,
Sharp scratcher,
Lazy purrer,
Brave climber.
(October 2003)

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Lion kenning

By Dritan, 8, London, England

Fast runner,
Scary hunter,
Meat eater,
Lazy sleeper,
Huge leaper,
Sneaky creeper.
(October 2003)

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Elephant kenning

By Lisann, 8, London, England

Enormous ear,
Big footer,
Long noser,
Heavy footer,
Water drinker,
Slow runner.
(October 2003)

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Kangaroo kenning

By Milan, 8, London, England

A big jumper,
A big leaper,
A giant footer,
A dark poucher.
(October 2003)

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Worm kenning

By Andrew, 8, London, England

A slimy slitherer,
A puddle swimmer,
A leaf eater,
A long stretcher,
A soil digger.
(October 2003)

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Lion kenning

By Sam, 9, London, England

A kill taker,
A big eater,
A big runner.
(October 2003)

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Crab kenning

By Chevelle, 8, London, England

A shark snipper,
A side walker,
A good swimmer,
A hard sheller,
A red sheller,
A fat grabber.
(October 2003)

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Lion kenning

By Georgina, 8, London, England

A fast runner,
A meat eater,
A lazy sleeper,
A horrible growler,
A night hunter,
A good catcher,
A hairy facer.
(October 2003)

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Elephant kenning

By Abidemi, 8, London, England

A big stomper,
A long smeller,
A mouse frightener,
A slow walker.
(October 2003)

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Kids on the Net

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