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By Sui, 12, Jyväskylä, Finland

I hate lambs!!! They are very horrible animals and cruel! I once was a with friend and lambs came and started pushing us around!! It was horrible! I want to move out of Finland because there is lamb everywhere!! :(((

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Liverpool F.C.

By Alex, 10, Worcester, UK

Hi I'm called Alex, Year 6s greatest! Sorry I was going a bit O.T.T! Anyway I just like to say that Liverpool FC are the greatest footy team ever! Yes OK I admit it, Manchester United are better! But Liverpool are still good! Oh, and by the way any Birmingham Fans, well my mouth's just dropped open with a lot of bad words coming out! Anyhow see you all later!
From Alex. Dec 2002

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Why do we have wars?

By Matthew, 10, Wakefield, Yorkshire, England

Why do we have wars?

Is it because some people just like violence?
Or do they just want to demolish peace?
Do they want to be feared all over the wide world?
Do they want people to die in a cruel way?
Is it because they despise one person?
Or is their anger focused on wiping out a group of people?
Do they want to cause havoc everywhere?
Do they want to prove they are the greatest?
Or do they just want to start a war to create violence and killing.
Why do people start wars?
There is never a certain answer,
But there is one thing you must never do:
Start a World War. Dec 2002

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I love Will Young

By Vicky, 12, Warwick, UK

can i just say that I love Will Young and i think he is absoloutely gorgeous. I think he has a fantastic voice and I don't think people should slate him because he is gay. I really hate Gareth Gates and I am sick and tired of magazines publishing him and not Will Young. If there is anyone out there who is feeling the same way, please write. Nov 2002

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My Opinion on SCHOOL!!!

By Becki-Anne, 12, Scotland, UK

My Opinon on SCHOOL!!!!!

I HATE School! It's so boring!The teachers ramble on about a whole lot of RUBBISH and all the kids call you names (not me)
All the boys in my class are DISGUSTING!!!!! They are either really small and skinny or think they are SO hard.They also annoy me SO much.
There is also this girl who keeps following me EVERYWHERE!!
It's so annoying.
All in all school's not bad, I have decided. Nov 2002

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Be safe

By Shar, 11, Albany, NY, USA

I live right where that 11 year old girl was kidnapped. I was scared to go outside. I wouldn't go outside without a grownup.

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By Sara, 12, Scotland

Although almost no-one in Scotland or the United Kingdom celebrates Thanksgiving I still decided to do a creative writing piece on it. Poems are usually my specialty but I couldn`t find much to rhyme with Turkey and Pilgrims so I hope you enjoy this just as much. My idea of Thanksgiving isn`t the turkey or the dinner, it's the communication, spending time with your family. I guess that's what I'm thankful for, my family. You don`t know what you have and how much you appreciate it until it's gone. Oct 2002

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Please do not happen again

By Sasami, 10, New York, USA

I wish that wars didn't exist. I am still really sad about what happened with the twin towers. I hope it does'nt happen again with any other building. Oct 2002

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Reply to Michelle, 13, Kent, UK

By Georgie, 14, Kings Langley, UK

I read your opinion and got goose bumps! It's a brilliant piece of writing, but also true.
There are a lot of people out there who care, but sometimes it's hard to find them I guess.
Luv Georgie xxx Oct 2002

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My opinion: September 11th

By Helen, 13, Dublin, Ireland

Hi, My name is Helen and I am so upset about terroists and suicide bombers. My question is WHY????
What pushes these people to make them the way they are?
Look at September 11th. Not only did it affect the people of New York forever but it also rippled out to the whole word, scarring lots of people both emotionally and physically for life.
Tears come to my eyes even as I write these as I think of the horrific events that day.
I know the subject is very painful for a lot of people. Today (as I'm writing this) is Sept. 18th a week after the 1-year anniversary of the events. That day I couldn't take my eyes off the memorial services on the TV even though i'd been so upset by it, I NEEDED to watch it. I NEEDED to watch other people who were feeling the same way as me. Are any of you people on line now? If so I would love to see a reply.
Thanks for listening, it's great to know there is a place where kids have a voice. Sep 2002

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To A1's number 1 fan

By vicky, 11, Warwickshire, UK

Dear Daisy,
Can I just say that I think you are mad. A1 are so not the best band in the world and Ben is not lush at all. I think that The Calling are the best band in the world and Will Young is the most lush, brilliant singer ever. Sep 2002

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By Kay, 15, Birmingham, UK

You are all a bunch of freaks! All this talk about cats and dogs and nobody has even bothered to mention Hamsters, ferrets, guinnea pigs etc...
Well I think that rodents are the best, but so are cats and dogs.
c ya. xxxxx Sep 2002

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Home Alone

By Jonathan, 9, Roanoke, VA, USA

My friend and I think that we should be able to stay home by ourselves. I mean, two responsible 10 year olds makes a very responsible 20 year old. All you kids out there, please tell me what you think. My friend and I are going to put on a presentation to our parents and try and convince them to let us stay at home by ourselves. Wish us good luck! Sep 2002

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By Quinn, 11, NH, USA

I am home schooled and love it! But sometimes - quite often actually - people ask me questions that annoy me a little. They start quizzing my on how much I know! I hate it! Just because some one is homeschooled does NOT mean you are stupid, right? I have also had people ask me "How do you make any FRIENDS?" Or "How do you LEARN any thing?" And "DO you get to sleep in?" It's hard sometimes. If you are homeschooled, I am sure you have gone through some of the same things!

I also have something to say about the "Boy" subject. In case you didn't notice, you wouldn't be ALIVE with out them. In order to live, we need contribution from both genders. Sep 2002

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Hey there!!

By Tracy, 13, Mt Albert, Auckland, New Zealand

Hey there,
Well its my first time in this website, and it seems real cool! I have been reading everyone's opinion thingys and I have found that most people have written about RACISM, SEXIST PEOPLE and BOYS. And I agree with all of you, as RACISM a'int good, SEXIST PEOPLE are cruel and BOYS are just darn right ANNOYING! Well only some of them! Sep 2002

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By Melissa, 13, Sewickley, PA, USA

Hey! I was writing in response to some people's opinion about Eminem. I know some people hate him and I respect their opinion, but quite honestly, I don't understand it. They're reasoning is that his songs are too violent or innapropriate, etc. I admire Em sooo much because he expresses himself and doesn't care what other people think, as long as he's enjoying himself. The Declaration of Independence states that everyone has the freedom of speech. That gives Eminem the right to say whatever he feels. A lot of people have a problem with some of his lyrics also.. and I don't see why?!? He's only KIDDING! You don't see him protesting against anybody. Watch the 2000 Grammys, he performed w/ Elton John. Eminem donates money to charities and such, which shows what kind of person he is, he's honest and generous. As far as the violence thing goes, he's just expressing his feelings. He mentions his ex wife Kim in many of his songs and how he wants to harm her. Yeah, he says that, but he's expressing what he feels, they didn't have a great relationship, but I don't know too much about his personal life, and thats his business. He hasn't committed any violent acts towards anyone, so I don't see what the big deal is. I respect him for his personality, generosity, humor,and did I mention he was HOTT?? OMG! He's talented and he's hott! Thats definitely a +!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for reading :-) September 2002

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Sexist Sucks

By Brian, 12, Northwest Territories, Canada

I think all of the conversation on here is so negative. You seem like everything is about whether you are a boy or a girl. You girls think that it is unfair to all girls for you to be treated differently. I'm not saying this is right but I am saying to stop blaming everything on your sex. Be happy for who you are, and you shouldn't complain for what the Lord gave you. I'm not saying to shut up or anything but some things aren't fair.
Remember, it's just my opinion:),
Brian September 2002

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By Toni, 14, Washington County, PA ,USA

Hello. I am bored. I never really do anything because there is nothing to do where I live. Maybe so many people wouldn't do drugs and stupid stuff like that if there were actually something to do. Someone needs to write to the US government about it. September 2002

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Dear girls aged 8-13

By Michelle, 13, Belvedere, Kent, England

I read your writing and thought of me.
When i was 10 i was really scared of growing up, the worst time was when I started high/secondary school.
I thought, I can't play had or hide and seek at my new school, there will be older kids there, but I was fine. I think everyone gets scared of growing up, but we all have to grow up some day. Just use all the time you have now to be a kid, then when you become a teenager it's ok, teens can do a lot of cool stuff. This weekend I am starting at a youth centre for 12+ages. I cant wait til I make loads of new friends there.
Just think you may like the stuff 10yr olds do, but you will love the stuff you do when you get a bit older.
luv Michelle (August 2002)

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No Body Would Know

By Michelle, 13, Kent, UK

This is just saying how people don't care. And how people won't help the people in need.

He lies there alone.
Tears in his beautiful blue eyes.
Will anyone notice a 3-day-old baby lying in a cardboard box, with only a thin blanket wrapped round his naked body?
We think did he get a name, ever a cuddle, or has he, in his short life ever been told he's loved?
Will someone find him.
Take care and look after him.
The street is silent.
Someone walks past holding their own baby girl in their arms.
Whispering how much she cares for her daughter.
She hears the little boy cry.
She walks on, she doesn't stop….. (August 2002)

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