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Reply to Ancie, Sydney

By Jess, 12, Norfolk, UK

Hey I agree with you!! Us girls go through more pain than boys!! Boys are allowed to bully us and hit us but we can't do it back and we're not allowed to do boys' sports like football and rugby!! They always tease us and dump us and call us names, it is so unfair and sexist! And I agree that girls should be allowed to wear trousers, not all of us like to show off our legs, you know! And we have to make a real effort to look good for boys but they just wear any old smelly thing! Boys are so immature and stupid and they think they're so IT! BUT THEY'RE NOT!!!!! On average, girls are cleverer than boys, take my IQ for instance, its 148, and some boys at my school are about 102! They always mess about in school and cause trouble and they show off and mess around and they think we're impressed by that but we're not!!!!!
Well I hope that helps Ancie! I'm standing up for girls everywhere! Don't be afraid! (August 2002)

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Boys and Girls

By Ann, 12, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Even though I'm only 12, I've already got some opinions of my own. I really hate the sexist stuff that is EVERYWHERE! Why can't people just accept that Boys and Girls are equals? There are still some people who lean towards boys.

For example, when a woman marries, she has to change her last name just because of a man in her life. Where is the fairness of that? True, it's just a name. But still... who would give up a last name, even if there's love involved? Woman aren't given the opportunity, it's just expected! Fortunately now, some women are able to keep there last names, but they have to go through legal reason. That's just not fair!

Also, there is still a little bit of: "The woman of the household takes care of the house and cares for the children. The man of the household is in charge of money and in the power situation." I do not like that! It still happens often in countries all around in the world! Places like Canada, where I live, still have a bit of that! It happens in democratic countries, even fair countries that have laws again'st sexism.

So I hate it when people say: "Girls against boys!" when they play around. Because when will they learn that there is no race of females and a race males. There is just a race of human beings. (August 2002)

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Don't Judge People By How They Look

By Ashlesha, 12, Swindon, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

I think that others should not judge people by how they look. Just because they look different, doesn't mean that they are aliens from outer space! I have this problem because I have got something called Pigmentation. This is when your skin is brown and white. But I am no different to everyone else. Yes, I might have different interests, but give us a break guys! Looks don't really matter! (August 2002)

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Hummmmm? Guys.................

By Savannah, 13, Centennial, Colorado, USA

I think guys should be a little nicer. Even though us girls aren't the best we still have feelings. Guys act like we are just toys. Sometimes. They aren't always bad though. They can do a lot of stuff girls, sometimes, can't do. Like skatebording. That stuff is cool. But i guess we are all different. You can't hate someone for being who they really are. (July 2002)

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By Mere, 13, Chi-town, USA

First of all I don't like all the sexist stuff on this site. Boys and girls are awesome! I wonder how girls can say that boys are stupid. I love guys. They are great and really cool. I have many guy friends who would be first before some of my friends who are girls. It all depends on your opinion but don't say you hate boys because soon you'll be going out with them and thinking they're hot and oh my god! actually saying I love you to them! Well of course I mean puppy love here. But yea, so although you're still in your "boys have cooties" stage, although some people never go through that stage...like me! :) Well anyways... dont hate, appreciate! cuz if there really were no guys on this planet, life would suck, let's face it. Well that's my opinion. (June 2002)

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If I was a Girl

By Gloria, 10, Grand Del Sol, Yuen Long, Hong Kong

" Oh! If I was a girl!" sighed the boy.
" Then really, I wouldn't have to play with vicious toys!"
" If I was a boy," sighed the girl.
" Then I wouldn't have to play with such posh pearls!"
It's always a wonder,
how desperate some people can be.
If you were a girl,
would you like to be a boy?
Boys, would they want to be girls?
Nobody knows,
how this strange world goes! (June 2002)

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A1s number one fan

By Daisy, 11, Somerford, Dorset, UK

Hi, I'm A1s number 1 fan and Ben is just so lush
And I love the song "Heaven by your side". I know it's an old sony but its just great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (June 2002)

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By Kyani, 10, West Memphis, Arkansas, USA

Hi, I'm new on this website.This is so exciting writing about people. I think people are human-beings that are nice and mean in many ways. People who are nice help others, and say nice things to others who are ill. People who are mean don't help others, and do not say nice things to people who are ill. I hope you like my summary about the 2 types of people. While you're reading this think, 'she's just a beginner'.
P.S. My name is Kyani and I am 10 years old and going to the 5th grade. (June 2002)

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