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Sportfreunde Stiller

By Oliver, 13, Anklam, Germany

I've found Sportfreune Stiller really good.
They make good songs. My favorite member of the group is Peter. Peter,Floh and Rüdes rocks the stags. Peter and Rüdes play they guitar, Floh is the drummer. Sportfreune Stiller is are the best band. (October 2003)

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By Kelly, 11, Cochrane, Ont., Canada

Eminem is so hot I could kiss right now I am his BIGGEST fan I love all his songs. I'd rather listen to his music than do homework or doing something really exiting!

"Well gotta go listen to music"

(June 2003)

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By Gabriel, 14, Escondido, CA, USA

Mexico is a good place to visit because you could go to visit places and know people. I think Mexico is so beautiful because my family lives there. And because there are some friends of mine too. Thats why I love Mexico!!!(Spring 2003)

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Are women really treated fairly?

By Heidi, 10, USA

Hi! Are women really treated fairly? NO! Why is that, I ask? Why are men treated better then women? Because men think they are better then women. They think they are better then us in all most every way. Men make more then women in most jobs. Women have to go though the painfulness of having a baby and men think it's nothing special. Should women stand for it? I don't think so. (2003)

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Eminem and Stefan Raab

By Julian, 12, Berlin, Germany

I like Eminem because he is a very good singer and he is a good filmstar in his film "8 mile". He has very great songs . All my friends like him. Some people hate him. I don`t understand they, because he is the best. My second popstar is Stefan Raab because he is very crazy and he has got very funny songs. I don`t like Britney Spears because she is so conceited. BYE EVERYBODY!!! (March 2003)

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By Lotte, 12, Berlin, Germany

Britney Spears: I think Britney isn`t the best. She is a normal popsinger.
Eminem: Eminem's songs sound very well. Because his texts are sometimes rubbish.
Shakira: Shakira's music is good and she is good looking.
Tupac Shakur: Tupac's history is interesting and his music is good.
Robbie Williams: Robbie is a little bit handsome and sometimes his music is good.
Marlon: Marlon is stupid. He looks ugly. His music is rubbish.
Cristina Aguilera: Cristina's music is good and her style,too.
Avril Lavigne: Avril's music is good and her fashion is (March 2003)

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By Nico, 12, Berlin, Germany

I think Eminem is one of the best rappers of the world. His music is great and all young people know him. His are often number one hits and his first film is a number one hit, too. For me Eminem is the best. (March 2003)

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By Conor, 11, London, UK

Year 6 is getting way too much homework, why can't we have a break? I personally think that the teachers are doing this because they want to keep their jobs.Teachers complain that they are not getting enough money but we are completely opposite because we don't want enough homework.
AND I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!!!!!! (March 2003)

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What true sexism is

By Dami , 12, Rhode Island, USA

Isn't it weird??? If a girl isn't allowed to play american footaball, a lawsuit is filed and the world goes crazy. If a boy isn't allowed to do synchronized swimming, he may protest, but no one cares. If a boss says to his employee, "You look lovely!!!" the employee can sue for sexual harassment!! It's crazy, girls are getting messed up about what true sexism is. Most people think sexism is only when a girl is insulted. It probably has never occured to people that sexism affects males too.
The list goes on. If a commercial makes fun of a woman, all the feminists start screaming "Oh you're so MEAN!!!" when hundreds of comedies and commercials make fun of men, and not a single man protests. I am a girl, only 12 years old, but I can see that a lot of things aren't fair for boys and men. People know that women can be doctors, but scoff at the idea of male nurses.
So what do I suggest??? That we girls do something. We have been fighting for our rights for ages, and this doesn't mean that all the boys' rights should go out the window!!!!!!!!! (March 2003)

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By Dami, 12, Rhode Island, USA

It first starts with a dull ache, right in the pit of your stomach. Then slowly,slowly, slowly, the ache disappears. It comes again, worse than before, even more acute and you clutch your stomach in pain. That's what it's like to be...HUNGRY.
Imagine not being able to eat, when you really need it. Not being able to chew on a hamburger, or slurp up spaghetti. Imagine having a slice of bread... made to last you for a week. There is no food around you, or lots of food around you, and you can't touch it, smell it's sweet or spicy tastiness, you can't even pop a bit into your mouth which is dry and tasteless. How long can you go on??? How long can you endure...HUNGER. (March 2003)

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Cats and Dogs: To Rosanne…

By Michelle, 9, Brook Park, USA

I like both dogs and cats, but this is proof that you are wrong:

1. Cats are pretty and lovable and JUST as loyal as dogs.

2. Cats exterminate rodents that can carry diseases (e.g. rabies)

3. My granny and pap's cat, Buddy, plays with them ALL the time.

4. My cat, Cuddles, is just as smart as a dog. (But my ferret, Gracie, is a lot smarter.)

5. Cuddles is not a wimp!! Enough said.

6.You can't walk a cat, but walking a ferret is kind of cute!! (I have 2 ferrets, so I know.) Plus, cats are intelligent enough to follow his/her owner without a leash.

7. My cat loves me a lot and always sleeps on my bed.

8. My cat actually likes being petted like a dog.

9. My cat isn't very picky.

10. My cat is so loyal to me, she can't even go any more than a few yards from our house (And we don't have a fence!!)

So no more fighting, dogs and cats are equally good, but ferrets rock!! I know they're not very popular, but once you get past the biting, ferrets are the best pets ever invented!! (March 2003)

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Boys and girls: Blayne…

By Michelle, 9, Brook Park, USA

Not all girls are like what you think. There are two kinds. One, girly girls, is the kind you were thinking of. The other type, tomboys, play sports and video games, don't care about makeup, jewelry, and fingernails, and just like mostly boy stuff. Plus, you WOULDN'T even be here without girls. You see, once your own mom was a girl. (March 2003)

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Zack the Great

By Zack, 12, Omaha, Nebraska, USA

Hey guys, I'm writing cuz I really need your help. You see the problem is that I think that I am the best thing that ever lived but none of my friends do. What can I do to make them all believe that I am better than them? Thanks for y'all help. February 2003

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Reply to Adele: Why being a girl is so cool!

By Clive, 13, Thomaston, Maine, USA

Boys are better. We don't have to worry about make up, fixing straps, no one cares if we burp in public, and we can go Christmas shopping within 45 minutes. A boy's life is easy. January 2003

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Reply to Kate, age 13, Missouri, USA

By Kristi, 13, ME, USA

I think Eminem is hot but I have never noticed the pimples but personally he is hot!! January 2003

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You are right (replying to Ms.Kate)

By Chelsea, 10, CA, USA

Kate, I totally know what you mean. Boys r so dumb. I don't see why God made them. They shouldn't judge girls about how they look. Girls rule!!!! We are #1for ever. Pokemon is really worldly. The rules do not even make sense. January 2003

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By Abigail , 9 , Weymouth, United Kingdom

My favourite website is www.kidonet.com it has lots of fun games like Doll dressing, Super hero making and lots lots more. January 2003

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How life can really be in the year 2002-2003.

By Nichelle, 11, Baltimore, MD, USA

Life in the year 2002-2003 can be very confusing. It's confusing because technology is taking over. By the time I am 15 and 9 months (which is in 4 years and 5 months). I won't be able to get a job because the computers are taking over everything. When I go to the supermarket all I have to do is rum a item on the counter and type the amount I have on the computer. I hope the inventers don't get to carried away.
Sincerley, Nichelle January 2003

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For kids with family probs...

By Lana, 13, Bristol, UK

Hiya I just want to say that I have recently been through a rough patch in my family life and it eventually sorted itself out. I want to say that if you are ever feeling glum over family just talk to someone. It'll make you feel much much better. It will sort itself out in time. Thank you for reading. Luv Lana -xxx- January 2003

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Being a patriot?

By Momo, 13, USA

I find it so confusing how people after Sept. 11 decided to wave flags and stick them on their cars. What do they think they are going accomplish by doing this? It's not patriotism. Patriotism is trying to help your country, make it better in any way possible whether it be the smallest thing or something huge. Waving a flag is not going to stop terrorists from coming here and bombing us. This country is so pumped with fear we have to hide under our own flag. It's sad. I'm ashamed. Dec 2002

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