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  Screen Reviews: from Chicago Charter Schools, West Belden

See also the Book Reviews from West Belden Campus, Chicago Charter Schools (February 2004)

Cheaper by the Dozen movie review

By Daniela, 11,

Are you interested in seeing a movie? You should see Cheaper by the Dozen to figure it out.This movie is about 12 kids fighting for a little thing. It talks about how they argue and fight. This movie is funny, interesting, and a little sad. I recommend it.

I think the 8 year old boy in this movie felt sad because no one in his family believes him. Sometimes I feel sad for the same reason. I also think that the 8 year old boy feels sad because everyone in his family thought that he was the one that causes the problems.The boy feels sad because his frog died and my uncle died too.

The setting of Cheaper by the Dozen was uncomfortable. It was too many settings on this movie. Some of the settings were it took place was in a house. It was big but I don't think it was big enough for that family. Another setting where it took place was in a school. The kids that were in the school were mean and sometimes jealous. The school was big but nasty. Finally,another setting was in a birthday house. It is a setting because it was a neighbor's birthday. This setting makes me feel like I never want to live there not even when I get married.

I really enjoyed the plot of this movie.This movie is about a family just moved to a new house. They all hated their brother so he decided to leave his family alone and go somewhere else. This movie is emotional, funny, and a little sad.

Overall,I really enjoyed the movie Cheaper by the Dozen. I identify with the character Hillary Duff. She doesn't care about her brothers. The setting was great specially when they moved to their new house and made new friends. I really recommend it. If you see Cheaper by the Dozen you will love it.
(Feb 2004

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Pet Sematary

By jocelyn, 11,

Pet Sematary - Isn't that a scary movie? When you see that movie you will think that's a really scary movie. It will scare your pants off. It's a very interesting movie. It's about a dad who buries almost all his family in a cemetery. I hope you like it.

The setting of the movie is in a house that is big and scary. It is cool and in a cemetery. Parts of the house fell off and is on the floor. That is the creepy setting.

The plot of the movie is about a dad who buries his family in a pet cemetery. He does not know that when you bury them there, they will come back as zombies. After he buries the little boy, the boy comes back and tries to kill the dad. By mistake the boy kills his mom. That is the plot that will scare you out of your pants.

My favorite character is the mom. I say this because she is smart and cool. Also, she has the same tastes as me. That is why I like that character.

I hope when you the movie,"Pet Sematary" you will like it as much as I do. I hope that the little boy will turn good again. I really liked the movie and would love to see it again eveyday. That is why I like the movie Pet Sematary. (Feb 2004

Ed's note: Why does this movie have the word Cemetery spelled incorrectly in its title?

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By Priscilla, 10,

Stepmom is all about a girl name Anna and her little brother, mom, dad and a stepmom. Anna's parents separate. Anna is always mad because she thinks it is her stepmom's fault her parents separated. Her mom gets cancer and she is sad because she is going to die. She is also mad because a boy in her school keeps on bugging her.

First her stepmom only wants to help her but she hates her. Anna loves her family but it's broken. Her and her mom were good friends until she knew her mom had cancer. Anna made a big mistake like telling her mom she dosent like her because she is going to die.

The setting is a beautiful place. You feel like you are in a small city. In the setting the most important place was the mom's house. It looks like if there was a place with a lot of trees. I love it because I feel like in peace. The colors of the leaves are beautiful.
I think Anna's mom is going to survive. Anna is not going to like her stepmom. Would Anna and her brother stay with her stepmom? How long is her mom going to live? Did the boy keep on bugging her? Do her mom and stepmom get along?

Finally I really enjoyed it, it is about love, sickness, sadness. Well this is all I know, see you next time. (Feb 2004

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