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By Jenny, 10, Newcastle, UK

Beauty is 28. She is a very dark colour of red and pink with a beautiful rose in her paw.
She has a green tummy and white tiny horns on the top of her head.
She has little pink feet with white sharp claws but she never hurts anyone because she is a loyal friend and a cool dragon, she is my best dragon out of the lot because she is so cute.
Her eyes are so wide you could fit a double decker bus through them. Her eyes are the beautiful light blue colour.
Her wings are the colour pea-green and spread out really far for about ten metres.


By Susan, 8, Yorkshire, UK

His name is Traelan, prounouced Tray-lan.
He has bright scarlet scales, a bright yellow underside, and huge wings.
He is tall. Yes, very tall. He always has a nice, yet firm smile, and (for some reason), always carries a trumpet around.
He is famous for his amazing trumpet playing - it can brighten up anyone's day. he has a great sense of humor, yet can be mean and stern.
He is the kind of person that doesn't like to travel, but he always finds himself being pulled into some kind of adventure.
In all, he is a friendly, happy dragon, with a very good temper.
But if you get him angry - watch out.


By Sarah, 11, Bedford, UK

This Dragon is an extremely rare species of Dragon. It comes from the species called The Listing Dragon. It hasn’t been seen for centuries. It was last spotted on the coast of New Zealand with a family of four children. There are only (estimated) about 7 Dragons of these species at the moment. The Dragon that was spotted was named and photographed. It was named Izzy, but it is not yet known whether it was a male or female Dragon as there have only been about 4 sightings of these magnificent creatures.

From studying the picture and the ground it landed on Scientists were able to identify the species and also where it would live. Studies show that you would be most likely to find them living in an underwater cave on the outskirts of New Zealand. Earlier on in the year explorers were sent scuba diving in the area but nothing was seen or recovered. It was also found that it likes to eat all species of fish and is even large enough to consume a Shark or Whale in a minute!

So it is quite obvious that this Creature is a mythical legend. It hasn’t been spotted for centuries, but research on this fascinating creature is still taking place to try and find out if this Creature really exists!!

Melissa the musician

By Derry, 10, Cullercoats, UK

Melissa is the best musician in Dragonsville. She always plays a musical instrument. She can play classical, punk, rock and other kinds of music. She is cool and everyone loves her. The dragons nicknamed her musical Mel.


By Alexandra, 9, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, UK

Sleeper is the sleepiest dragon in Dragonsville. He nearly always sleeps, apart from Sundays. On Sundays he reads his book and plays with his friends like Bookworm Bob.
Sometimes he plays out on Saturday(that's if he's in a good mood).
He lives by himself and that's why he always gets to do what he wants. He really likes Rosy who is the prettiest dragon in dragonsville.
When his dad was alive his dad was best friends with Bookworm Bob's dad, Clumsy. Both of them miss Sleeper's dad.


By Amy, 11, Ithaca, New York, US

Meet Artie. Artie is very artistic. He can make art out of anything! You can thank him for painting the stars in the night sky.
Artie is happily married to Frothia, who is a writer. They have twin girls, Brolia and Gralin, and they live in a cave.

Miss Lilly

By Andrea, 9, Toronto, Ontario

Ms Lilly is one of the prettiest dragons in town. She loves playing the violin and she is very shy. Lots of dragons admire her!


By Lauren and Harriet, 10, Cullercoats , Tyne & Wear, UK

Cuddles likes to cuddle her teddy all day and she likes to go in her room. This dragon loves people and would never hurt a person in her life.
Cuddles likes to travel to her cousins house on her dads back. Also she can`t fly that's why she has to go on her dads back.
Cuddles loves to help her neighbours every time they are in trouble. And she has saved 12 lives so far.
Cuddles is famous for her friendlines and gets along very well with the other dragons, especially her best friends, and mum and her dad.


By Anita, 10, Cullercoats, Newcastle, UK

This is fireball, a 200 year old dragon who loves to be the dominant dragon. He is married to the Mayoress of Dragonsville.


By Caitlin, 10, cullercoats, Newcastle, UK

Sniffy is 105 and is a green dragon.
He may be dopey, but he has a loving heart. His mother died trying to save him from King Arthur.
He likes blowing fire in his friends faces, he loves climing trees, and making friends with humans.
He dislikes being away from his mum.


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