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By Roger, 9, Enid, Oklahoma ,US

Flame is always playing his trumpet. He eats five times a day. He is friendly around people,unless he's hungry. He is playful,and cheerful. Flame is red and yellow. Thats how he got his name.


By Jordan, 8, Milton Keynes, UK

Kimico is a loving, caring Dragon. Kimico is used to caring for young dragon's, she would make a wonderful babysitter. Kimico is puple with little yellow horn's, a light blue tummy, a light blue butterfly shape on her tail, a light blue crest on her head and a long light blue crest all the way down her back. Kimico is good at playing with young dragon's.


By Priya, 12, Manchester, UK

Maggie was born in 1889, in Glasgow, Scotland. Her mother was killed in the great dragon wars along with her dad. So she was raised by her auntie Lulu who was very strict. Maggie grew up always wanting some love and she still does.


By Ingrid, 11, Newcastle, New South Wales , Australia

Sarah is a Faerie dragon. She may look young but is actually in her 20's and is choosing her career. Her hopes are to become a fortune teller and help the public of the town with her magic. Sarah also enjoys to ballet dance, cook and mountain climb with her fairy godmother Zelba. Sarah is married and has 3 children. She is very happy with her life.


By Ellisha, 9, Ashton, Bristol, UK

Kylie loves writing and art.
She has moved so much. She went to live with her friends, then with her mum, and finally with her dad.
Once she helped her best friend when she got bullied at school. She is a great big chatterbox. She is popular what with her chatting, and with her art as well.

Purple spark

By Flame, 15, Glasgow, Scotland

Purple spark (nicknamed Sparky) grew up in Swampland with her mother and father, Dotty and Pip. She moved to Dragonsville as a young dragon of 6 years where she made her three best friends Twinkle-strand and Pinky.


By Dotty, 12, UK

This is twinkle-strand. She is called this because she has a strand of hair that sticks out from the others, and it twinkles like mad.
Twinkle-strand is only 4. She has no parents because she came from the land of Dragontown, not Dragonsville, and in Dragontown, you don't have parents, you are very independent. When she came here, Puff and Sparky looked after her, until she was strong enough to fly. She still vists Dragontown every year.
She is famous in Dragonsville for her golden spark of hair.


By Giorgina, 9, Carlton, Nottingham, UK

Rainbow was named Rainbow because he loves painting. The yellow in him is the colour of his mother. The green in him is from his father. His father once saved a dragons life by fighting the dragon of doom who was killing someone else. His mother is famous for looking after injured dragons.
When he was at school he was one of the best dragons and was always good at art. When he got older he painted pictures and is now a famous dragon painter. He is always friendly and when ever somebody needs help he helps them.


By Tabitha, 13, Warsaw, Indiana, US

This dragon is named Elston. There are many great adventures of Elston BUT this is the greatest of them all.
He was but a young dragon when all of this occured, and all of his life, which was five years, there had been a feud between the kingdom he was living in at the time and the kingdom nearby.
Elston was sitting by the river imagining life without younger dragons picking on him for his horrible violin playing. At least that's was they called it. But it was not so. Elston was a fabulous violinist! He knew that the other dragons just didn't appreciate the sound of his violin. As I said Elston was sitting by the river when a great stamping occured! It was great, and the earth itself trembled with it. Lo! It was the army of the Kingdom next to theirs. The Kingdom Next to Farkesses. Farkesses was the kingdom where Elston lived, a grand kingdom full of laughter and stories of the old Dragons.
But on this day there was to be a great war. As the story goes, the Kingdom Next to Farkesses declared war on the Kingdom of Farkesses, and poor little Elston Little Elston hadn't noticed a thing(for they were fighting across the river from him) and he began to play his violin. The warriors of the Kingdom Next to Farkesses fell on the ground, covering their ears, and yelling so that they could not hear the racket. The warriors of Farkesses however were used to it and they were able to slay many of the enemies.
So our dear Elston saved the day, for the first time of the many that he eventually would.

Mr Readalot

By Kathryn, 9, Copperas Cove, Texas, US

Mr Readalot lives in a part of Dragonsville that is very rich. He is 56 years old and has been working at the same library since he was 20. No one wants to fire him because he is a good librarian and is very sweet to everybody who comes in. He gets paid quite decent and helps pay the rent with his daughter, Whitney, who is 27 and is a famous dragonstar. Mr Readalot feels like he gets paid too much because he love working at the local Department of Books. In fact, he's worked there so long the kids started to call him Mr for short. The bad news is that he has a poorly niece and will retire so that he can take care of her.


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