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By Rachel, 10, Newcastle, UK

Paryton organizes all the parties in Dragonsville!
He loves balloons and party poppers and is up for a whopping good time.
All the time spent party makes him very hungry and so his favourite food is hot dogs.
The dragons voted him best dragon of the year and everyone loves him.
He is famous because he organizes parties all over the world of dragons.


By Milo, 9, New York City, US

Eragon is famous for beating an army of more than
70,000 knights out of Dragonsville. He is 87 years old. Whenever an army of dragons are going to war, Eragon leads them. Eragon is freinds to all dragonlings. He likes to listen to hard rock. In
his spare time he likes to write funny poems. His
favourite instrument is the electric horn.

Claxton Hawkwing the 3rd

By Samantha, 12, Lindenhurst, New York, US

Claxton Hawkwing the 3rd is a wealthy, kind, and generous dragon. He comes from celtic descendents of the far north. Thus explains his heavy coat of fur, lare wings, and love of the bagpipe. He has a heavy coat of fur for the long and harsh winter months, large wings for catching the enormus gusts of wind, and the love of the bagpipe because, as I said before, he is of celtic descendents. His family always gives to those in need and always donate money to the homeless shelters. He is the most loved of all the dragons in Dragonsville. All the girls swoon over him and love to hear him play the bagpipe.

Read a Lot

By Emily, 9, Whitby, Canada

He's very quiet and loves to read. He's quite friendly and would probably never breathe fire on you...it's weird!!!
He's from Dragonsville and lives with his family. He is 13 years old. He is terrible in dragon school where they learn to breathe fire and other dragon things. He thinks he should go to human school.
He plays with his family about once every 2 days. His parents says he should take being a dragon more seriously but he just keeps his nose in the book!

Fire Trumpet

By Madison, 9, Headingley, Manitoba, Canada

The dragon that I am writing about is named Fire Trumpet. Fire Trumpet grew up in a town called Little Pebble. Fire Trumpet was almost 2 when his family decided to move to Dragonsville. He really loves it here already. His birthday is Jan3. He has made lots of new friends and one of his best is Cutie. They spend so much time together it's hard to believe there just friends. Fire Trumpets favorite class is music. He plays the trumpet and is very happy playing it. Fire Trumpets most embarassing moment was when he found out he could blow fire while playing the Trumpet.


By Kendra and Robyn, 8, Canada

The name of our dragon is Cutie. Cutie is the age of four. Cutie is yellow with colorful wings. The name of Cutie's mom is Heather and her dad's name is Zan. Cutie has three sisters and four brothers. Cutie sleeps with her mom and dad. She also sleeps with her
ripped up stuffed dragon. Cutie lives very close by a castle in Dragonville.

Lie De

By Toby, 11, Exmouth, UK

Lie De is a dwarf Japanese dragon. She is 100 years old and she was born in Tokyo during the Han dynasty.
Her dad was famous as the friendly yet, relucant dragon.
She is a mother of seven; Jet Fang, Sang Pow, Hi Jin, De Lie, Jasmin, Fire Light and Snow Ball.
Her husband was a son of Smarlg of the lonely mountain and his name is Smarg.


By Morgan, 9, Canada

Sheba is 10 years old. Sheba is a dragon who likes swimming, flying, and fire-breathing. She has lots of friends. She holds the Dragonsville record for flying a marathon and winning five times! Her best friends are Anna, Ellie, and Jessica. Her favorite food is spagetti. She has a pet dragonfly called Flashlight.


By Haley, 9, Prince Albert, Canada

Buttercup dragon is 3 years old. She likes to play
hide and go seek. She eats grass, burgers, and fries. She was born in 2001.
She loves dogs.
Buttercup is the colors of yellow and green. She has blue eyes. She has 3 friends named Lu, Tash, and Missy.
She is very good at spelling. Her mom is named Jote and her dad's name is Dula. She has a brother named Dakk.


By Breann, 9, Saskatchewan, Canada

Firebreath is 5 years old. He is red and yellow. His favorite thing is to play a horn. Firebreath lives in a cave. He eats lots of fruit, vegetables and meat. His parent's names are Practice and Sabertooth. He has a pet named Inginla. He is in kindergartan at Flaming Dragon School.


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