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 River poems from Stisted School, Essex

The River Flood

By Paige, 11

Pounding its way up and down the hill,
The water trying to find a way out,
Kicking and scratching the walls as it goes by in anger,
Dragging anything with it as it goes by,
Not letting anything get away.
Breathing in and out very heavily, like it is so angry,
Sucking in the cars and bikes, no letting them back out.
(March 2009)

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The River in Flood

By Izaak, 10

Cunningly, the river raced though the locks and played tug of war with the streams,
The river thing a pack of elephants rampaging and destroying everything in its path,
Punching, kicking the island, doing everything to the island that it could possibly do,
Streams which were tickling swans, then got drowned by the river,
Swiftly, the river ran to a canoe and hunted it down in a blink of an eye.
(March 2009)

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The River in Flood

By Lewis, 9

The River tickled the duck, as it raced past,
The River raced the swan, as it bounced past,
The River laid down as the wind gust by,
The River was singing to the clouds.
(March 2009)

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The River in Flood

By Luke, 9

Rapidly, the river slapped canoe, as I held on tightly,
The canoe was out of control, driving up different banks,
As the canoe brushed past the swans, it tickled them,
The canoe brushed past the plants, cutting the heads off of them,
Wildly, the canoe rushed down the river.
(March 2009)

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The River

By Toby, 10

Swiftly, but rapidly, the river explodes with a crash,
Guzzling the drops of water, the river jumps in the air, wildly like mad,
The ripples are racing to the lock, with a big bad bang,
Kicking together, the rain drops fall from black, grey clouds,
Locks open, water swims to get to the giant locks,
Furiously, the stream gushes through the lock gate.
(March 2009)

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The River in Flood

By Niamh, 9

Moaning, the river climbs up the bow of the boat, grabbing at the children inside as it races past,
He gnaws the edges of the islands tugging away at the reeds,
Gushing, it drags the boat this way and that,
Leaping, he weaves through the rocks laughing and dancing,
Bounding, the river sweeps past the boat gobbling all the smaller waves.
(March 2009)

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The River in Flood

By Jack, 10

Galloping, the river immediately begins circling the islands like hound dogs on the hunt,
Shoving swans out of the way, the river makes its first attack on swan island,
Crushing and smashing, the river bombards the banks, disintegrating them into tiny pieces of mud,
Rushing, the river terrorises Owl Palace Island, snapping ivy in half,
Punch, kick the river smashes into the derelict building,
Rapidly the river rushes to Hermit Island and attacks the treehouse,
Spraying water over the island as if chuckling,t he river disappears through the lock.
(March 2009)

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The River in Flood

By Ross, 11

Constantly the fiesty river punched and grabbed at the canoe,
Eating away at the bank, the river chased the terrified rabbits,
Carelessly, the river dragged the tired swans miles off course,
Viciously the river pushed and pulled at the children in the canoe,
Sprinting past Hermit island and smashing Swan island, the river departed to the sea.
(March 2009)

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Rushing River

By Georgina, 9

I glare at the rushing river, as it munches on the chocolate banks.
Along goes the river, as it slaps the locks on its way,
The river keeping low, stalks the canoe,
Smashing the rocks on its journey down to the bottom of the waterfall,
Treading on anything in its path, it sprints past the canoe.
(March 2009)

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The Flood

By Phoebe, 10

Rapidly, the river bounces through the battered lock,
Hunting for the midnight swans, in the dead of night,
Laughing as he races with the weak streams,
Singing and dancing as he sees children struggling,
The river punches and kicks Hermit Island,
Circling Mouse Island, the animals hide in fear,
The river tugs the reeds out of their sand bed,
Secretly, the river litters on the river banks,
Dodging the terrified Islands it waves to the ladies,
Triumphantly, the river rests, for he will forever more.
(March 2009)

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The Rapid River

By Alex, 9

Rushing, the river pounds the edges of the banks,
As the rapid currents fly past, the wavy water gushes up and down,
As the river waves left and right, the currents smash the water and soaks Owl Palace island.
(March 2009)

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The River in Flood

By Leoni, 11

Kicking the banks, the river rapidly swept past,
Without warning, the confused animals were gobbled up by the river,
Dancing around the canoe, the swans had fun,
Water logging the banks, the river passed,
Hunting the canoe, the rapid river shunted past,
Wildly running past the confused animals, the river raced into the lock.
(March 2009)

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The River in floods

By Beth, 10

Rapidly, a gush of wind whipped onto Mouse Island,
Twisting water nearly reached the tree house onto Hermit Island,
But then like magic, water turned another direction and tucked to bed,
Calmly the river reached across, like he was the king of all rivers.
As the flood roared up with anger, it sprinted like a tornado.
(March 2009)

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The River in Flood

By Emily, 10

Rapidly, the river started to kick the canoe, as it sprinted downstream,
Angrily, the river circled the canoe, with clenched fists,
Swiftly, the river tickled the swans bellies, as it rushed along,
Dancing, the water gushed through the lock,
Dragging the stones with it, the river gushed up stream.
(March 2009)

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The River in Flood

By Frederick, 10

Gracefully the furious flood races downhill,devouring anything in it's way,
Barging it's way through the locks, he sees a canoe,
Cautiously he hunts the canoe, hoping to smash it in to pieces,
Suddenly he knocks his prey over and sprints away, trying not to get caught,
Soon he is at full strength, with smaller rivers flowing into him.
(March 2009)

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The River in Flood

By Cameron, 9

The river kicked the swans,rushing past swan island,
Dragged the canoe to the derelict house,
Circled around mouse island,
Danced through the flying horse island,
Tangled through tangle island.
(March 2009)

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The River in Flood

By Tom, 10

Gloriously the river sprints, in a race to the marvelous sea,
Digging into the meanders, as it turns,
Tossing around animals, dead or alive,
Ripping plants out of the ground, as it spreads out into the open,
Hunting down areas that are dry,
Raging in fury as it turns as fast as a drill.
(March 2009)

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The River in the Flood

By Ruby, 11

The river banks were swallowed up,
The waves punched together,
As it gushed through, it tickled the reeds.
The river bounced against the canoe,
The waves swept through and grabbed the canoe.
(March 2009)

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The River in Flood

By Rebecca, 9

Rapidly the river gushed through the locks,
The river tickled the bellies of the swans as it went along,
Peacefully the river flowed along the bank,
The river kicked the canoe as it went by,
Fearlessly the river bent round the lock.
(March 2009)

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River to Sea

By Luke , 10

As the water GREW,
The river stood up,
The banks were now a speck,
The almighty river,
Tripped and fell,
Splashing into pieces.

The river KNOCKED onto,
The door of the lock rapidly,
But the lock said, 'Go away,'
The circling river burst through!

Dancing over the streams,
The river calmed and fell,
Asleep onto the sea bed.
(March 2009)

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By Michael , 10

The river is eating away the banks.
Dragging away our canoe to the sea.
The locks doors are smashed like teenagers vandalising a building.
The water tickles the bank.
Rapid water kicks the trees like a bully.
(March 2009)

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The River

By Alex, 11

Swimming, the river pounded around the rock.
Rushing, the river tickled the ducks.
The river bounced on the boat, side to side.
The river kicked the ducks away.
Gushing in the locks, it mashed on the rocks too.
(March 2009)

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