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  Send Your Writing about TEN YEARS

Submit writing by filling in the form

Tell us:

  • If you are ten or over: what is the best thing about being ten?


  • What will you be doing in ten years' time? Can you picture the world that you will be living in?


  • What will computers be like in ten years' time? Will you still be using a keyboard? What kind of computer might you carry in your pocket or wear?

Do not use all capital letters. Please use upper and lower case letters (as we do on this page). Leave a space after full stops and commas!
You should have your parent's or teacher's permission to fill in this form. See our Privacy Policy for more information.

Title of your writing

Your first name:

Your email address: Make sure you put your email address in accurately if you would like us to contact you when your writing appears on Kids on the Net.

Your age:

Your school Year or Grade:

Your school's name (optional):

Your school's city or town, county or state and country:
(If you're writing from home, enter your home city or town, county or state and country)

Your writing: Please check that spellings and grammar are as good as you would wish, and that you haven't made any typos. Writing that needs a lot of editing will not be accepted for the website. Entries all in capitals will not be published.

Now check your writing again. Are you sure it's as good as you can get it?
Note that we do NOT organise email penpals. We never give out or publish email addresses.

Click here when you're finished:

or if you've made a mistake clear the screen and start again:

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