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  Copyright Statement

Young writers keep the copyright to their writing on the site

Young Writers: When you submit your writing to this site it remains your property (you keep the copyright).

By submitting to this site you grant Kids on the Net permission to use your writing on the website or on Kids on the Net subsites like Monster Motel, Kids' Castle or Dragonsville.

We also retain the right to use your writing for educational uses: such as downloadable teachers' notes, articles or books for teachers produced by Kids on the Net, and for research and promotion, such as in a research paper.

We do not give permission for your writing to be used in any other way without asking you first. (It's one of the few reasons we keep email addresses, to be able to ask you if someone wants to publish your writing elsewhere. We want you to be able to publish your writing wherever you want.). It is necessary for parents to give permission for use of writing copyright to their children.

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The small print

By submitting your writing to the site on any of our web forms you signify that you agree to the following:

Any copyrightable works, or writing developed in whole or in part by the Contributor and submitted to Kids on the Net (or its subsites) as a piece of writing intended for Internet publication on the Kids on the Net website or a subsite shall, upon submission, become and remain the joint property of Kids on the Net and the Contributor.

Kids on the Net retain limited Electronic Rights comprising the unrestricted current and future use of the Work for use on Kids on the Net website and subsites and any associated DVD, CD-ROM, audio, ebooks or other electronic form whether now known, or hereinafter invented, so long as the Contributor is identified as the original author of the Work.

The Contributor also grants Kids on the Net non-exclusive permission to use the Work in part or in compilation in print publications such as books and articles relating to Kids on the Net, for educational or promotional use, including in publications which are sold, so long as the Contributor is identified as the original author of the Work.

Regardless of Rights granted to Kids on the Net, the Contributor shall retain copyright over the Work and is free to resell or reuse the Work elsewhere in electronic, print and other media so long as such terms do not remove the rights granted by submission to this website to Kids on the Net.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at info@kidsonthenet.com with any questions, comments, or concerns.

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