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   Spells from our spellbook...

Phone Call Spell

By Lori, 8, Canada

What you need:
1 page of white paper
2 a pencil
3 a bowl
4 water
5 vinegar
6 baking soda
7 red and black food colouring
8 an eyedropper
9 sewing needle.
What you need to do you put the water in the bowl then add ten drops of the black and red food colouring then add then take the eye dropper and put 2 drops of vinegar then add the baking soda, then draw a picture of the person you hope that will call you on the white paper then hold the paper over top of the bowl then stick the sewing needle in the middle of the person's face. It might work. (March 2003)

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The Spell Book of Doom

By Jessica, 11, Garland, TX, USA

It was a dark and stormy night. Keiondria (my best friend) was over my house for a sleepover. I was going to surprise my friend with my spell book.
"Look Keiondria! I've a spell book and we're going to bring back the dead," I said excitedly.
"You mean like a seance?" Keiondria asked.
"Yeah. Come on. Mom and dad are out for a minute. Hurry before they come back."
"Ok. So what does the spell book say?" she asked.
"It says that we have to sit at a table in the dark which we already are. Light four candles. Two are red and two are black."
We lit four candles and continued.
"Now someone say these words. Sitting at this table tonigh-t. Please do not try and fright. For spirits will hurt you if you fright. Call the name and say," Please hear my calls and answer me."
So this was done and to our amazement, the spirit answered.
He showed only his holographic self. He didn't bother to say a word. He just came after us.
He could feel both of us trying our best to keep from freaking. Which was impossible. We ran to my room and locked the door.
He raced towards us and beated on the door. I wonder why he didn't just come through the door?
"Jessica. Where is the spell book?" Keiondria asked.
I remembered. "I left it on the seance table."
"We have to get it." Keiondria said.
"We have to get out of this room." I said.
"But how?" Keiondria asked.
"We have to open the door be..." I started.
Suprisingly, the ghost pushed down my door.
"You know. If you were alive, you'd have to pay for that," I said angrily.
We ran past him and I grabbed the book. Quickly I put found a spell to get rid of him. I proceeded the spell and soon he vanished.
That was 6 months ago. I had my door fixed and we decided to keep it a secret. I blamed it on me. I knocked it down by accident.
It was the most scariest thing that's happened to us. (March 2003)

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To change your teacher into a cat

By Owen, 5, Peterhead, Scotland

Eye of a bat,
Tail of a rat,
Turn my teacher into a cat !!!! February 2003

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Protection Spell

By Esmerilda, 13, Hong Kong, China

On the night of the moon
A spell shall be cast in noon
Shining bright the light shall be
Cast a spell it protection be

Tongue of dragon, teeth of dog
Cauldron black and rising fog
Not unless you have the skill
Chant the witch’s rhyme you will

The roses red you will take
Violets blue to it bake
When the cauldron bubble green
Let the whole world to be seen

Eye of human we shall add
Careful not to drive you mad
Head of chicken, mind of frog
Heart of tiger, tail of hog

Fins of fish you will need
In the moonlight blind man read
Stir the cauldron thrice about
And enemies will touch you not January 2003

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Third Eye Ritual

By Rory, 12, Concord, CA, USA

Perform this ritual to improve psychic powers three days before the moon is full, and preferably when it is in either the astrological sign of Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio. Begin by brewing a strong magickal tea made from yarrow or mugwort (herbs that stimulate the psychic senses) and then light thirteen purple coloured votive candles to help attract psychic influences. Drink the tea and then gaze fixedly into a magick mirror, black bowl full of water, crystal ball, or crystal pyramid as you chant thrice the following incantation:

"I invoke thee, oh Asarial,
Archangel of Neptune
And ruler of clairvoyant powers.
I ask thee now to open my third eye
And show me the hidden light.
Let me see the future.
Let me see the past.
Let me perceive the divine
Kingdoms of the unknown.
Let me understand the wisdom
Of the mighty universe.
So mote it be!"

After chanting, relax, breathe slowly and concentrate on opening your Third Eye. Do not permit any negative thought to contaminate your mind. The Third Eye, an invisible chakra located in the middle of the forehead above the space between the eyebrows, is the human body’s highest source of power, supernormal sight and clairvoyant vision. January 2003

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By Sydni, 11, Ohio, Paulding, USA

Owie-Fix Spell
Try to use this little spell for thoes bothersom cuts or scrapes,or even acne!
Hold your hand over the afflicted area and say:
Owie-fix, owie-fix You're the fairy that I pick. Bring the healing Come right quick!
January 2003

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Cauldron bubble

By Joshua , 10, Lancashire, England

Double, double toil and trouble,
fire burn and cauldron bubble.

The hair of a bigfoot, and a turtle's shell
A unicorns heart and as teachers smell!

Sheep's earwax and a neck of a giraffe,
camel's humps and a hyena's laugh!

cats nails and fish scales,
pigs tails and slugs trails!

Frog's legs and monkeys eyes,
A mermaid's tail, a big suprise!

Parrot's beak and ant's stings,
A rabbit's ears and crow's wings!!! Dec 2002

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Persuasion Spell

By Kari, 11, Tacoma, USA

This spell will Persuade the person or persons you are casting this spell on. Do this spell with a partner.

Slow down (say the person's name you are casting this on), so we can win.
Blunder and Stumble. Let the fun begin.

Say this five times straight , no stopping . Make sure to say it with partner. And to make the incantation (means spell) work the best, find an blue crystal and rub it between your fingers while reciting the spell.

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The Truth About Halloween Candy

By Matthew, 8, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA

My third grade class thought it would be fun to do a project on Halloween candy, so on Halloween night we had to keep track of the candy we got from the first five houses we went to. The next day we recorded the kinds of candy and how may pieces of each we got. I had 28 pieces! In all our class had 64 kinds of candies. We made eight categories:
Chocolate without Peanut, 150 pieces
Chocolate with Peanut, there were 98 pieces
Chewy Candy, 41 pieces
Lollipops, 40 pieces
Hard Candy, 24 pieces
Sour Candy, 20 pieces
Gum, 10 pieces
Other, 18 pieces
In all there were 402 pieces of candy from our class!
After we did that we made a graph of the candies.

After we did all of that we took a survey of the third,
fourth, and fifth graders. The survey question was,
“What is your favorite candy to receive on Halloween?”
Here are the results:

1st place Chocolate without Peanut
2nd place Chocolate with Peanut
3rd place Chewy Candy
4th place Hard Candy
5th place Sour Candy
6th place Lollipops
7th place Other
8th place Gum

Believe it or not, the top three categories with students were Chocolate without Peanut, Chocolate with Peanut, and Chewy Candy. That’s important, because that’s what is also the favorites for parents to give out. But in fourth place with parents was Lollipops, while kids put
Lollipops in sixth place and Hard Candy was in fourth place. Sour Candy is in fifth place for the kids, but for grownups Hard Candy is in fifth.

So basically, kids are saying that parents are doing a pretty good job of giving out the candy kids like, but they could do a little better job of giving out fewer Lollipops.
Also, parents are giving out a little too much Chocolate without Peanut on Halloween and parents are not giving enough Hard Candy, Sour Candy, or Gum on Halloween.

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The portal

By Ashley, 13, Georgetown, IL, USA

open this portal in which we stand,
come take us from this land.
we want to leave this dreadful place,
and travel far through time and space.

in this night and in this hour,
I call upon the ancient power
close this portal night or day,
I want to see it go away.

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To make your mum disappear when she's stressed out

By Leanne and Emily, 13, Chard, UK

Get some toe nail clippings of hers then,
grind them in to a powder with toads spit,
add some slugs slim,
get six spider legs and mix them in with some some lumps of gone off milk,
then add some bum fluff from your mum,
get some snakes poo and your mixure that you have made and feed it to your mum by putting it in to your mums food,

this spell is guaranteed to work

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Float spell

By Angel, 12, USA

Rise, rise, really high,
just as high as a butterfly.

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Pumpkin Head

By Andre, 7, London, UK

My dad looks like a pumpkin head
With a Zig-zag mouth
And eyes that glow red
Tonight we'll take his stuffing out
And cook it in a bowl of stout
Then we'll name this dish
"My dad's headish"

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Future Telling Spell

By Rae, 11, Birmingham, UK

This is an English rhyme for telling the future. It is old magic:

One for Sorrow,
Two for Joy,
Three for a Girl,
Four for a Boy,
Five for Silver,
Six for Gold,
Seven for a Secret Never Been Told.

When you startle a bird(s) out of a tree, count how many and you will have a key to your future. It works best on magpies but will work on almost any animal.

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Flying your own broom

By Kristin, 13, Ozark, USA

If you want to make your broom fly, which I do, you must say this 5 times. You should say,
Broom of mine, the one who I hold so divine,
how I would love for you to fly
to talk me high in the sky,
oh how I would love to go
somewhere in the hot or snow.

You must say that 5 times for it to work.
Good luck. Now I have to go. but I'll see you flying some time.

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To vanquish evil shadows

By Christopher, 12, Clarence, LA, USA

I am light,
I am one too strong to fight,
go away and leave my sight
and with you this endless night.

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Turning Brother Into A Pig For One Day

By Krystal, 9, Peoria, USA

Head of a snail and a puppy dog's tail.
Place a onion in one of your brother's socks, place a rock in the other sock. And onions never fail.
Socks smell, and pigs squeal. Brother is a pig for real!

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By Tahsina, 10, Haywards Heath, UK

Eye of newt and tail of rat
whiskers plucked from someone's cat
raven's heart and sizzling slug
all washed down with dragon's blood
tadpole toast, canary crunch
these are the things that I love to munch.


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Turn your brother into a monkey

By Shakira, 11, Surrey, UK

Mouldy Cheese
Your sister's diary keys
Baboons Butt
Hairy Coconut
Snake Tongues
Lions Lungs
Now say these words.... (while stirring mixture)

cheeky cheeky monkey no not me yes my brother by 12 o clock tonight
then drop a pic of your brother in

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Special delight

By Jeanette, 10, London, UK

My special delight has just begun
with blood of chocolate, with trick or treat fun.
my big restaurant is full of fangs
dripping down blood from human fans.
I'm wondering right now if i can see
any human who like to breed
on my special delight
but now it's midnight
I should say good night!

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