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By Chloe, 7, Nottingham, UK

I hope you like my rose dragon. I really love her.


By Tyson, 5, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Rose lives in a cave on the top of a mountain. She lives with her younger brother. He likes to buy balloons. He likes to pop popcorn with her smoke and fire. Her name is Rose because she has a large garden with only roses growing in it.


By Taylour, 10, Cedar Park, Texas United States

This dragon's name is Kira. She flirts with male dragons and she always carries around a Rose. She is in Gymnastics and loves Central Park. She is 67 years old in dragon years but in human years she is 16. Her favorite color is Red and she loves Chicken and Dumplings.


By Morgan, 11, Sydney, Australia

Lola is a very cool dragon, she is always showing
off but of course she can't help that. She is called
Lola because she is always going off into LaLa
land at school!


By Kendra, 9, Canada

The name of my dragon is Music. He is 10 years old. Music plays the violin. He lives in Notes. Music has three friends. There names are Drum, Piano and Clarenet. They met when they were 2. Drum started to play the drums when he was 4. Piano started to play the piano when he was 5. And Clarenet started to play the clarinet when she was 3. Music calls her Clair. Music started to play the violin when he was 1.

Huddle huds

By Bailey, 7, Essex, UK

Huddle huds is a kind and caring dragon. She's always cuddling her son because people think she's horrible but she's not, she's a sweet dragon she loves flying above the tree tops with her son doddle. He hates school all he loves is his mother, Huddle huds.


By Nicola, 10, St.Helens, UK

Carealot is a mother of three. Even though she seems that she's a mother to every dragon in the land. She even took care of elderley dragons, baby dragons and sick dragons. She 2900 years old.
She has the power to heal you with a kiss and she's a reason to smile in the morning. Just like your mum.
She is up at 6:30 every morning and makes breakfast for everyone berfore cleaning, ironing and collecting more food.
Carealot makes you live forever. And she always has a smile on her face. You are always in her heart.


By Anneke, 13, Queensland, Australia

Loves to play his Bagpipes, he is famous for making the most loud and awful so called music. in his spare time you will find him either composing new "music" or taking a well deserved nap (at this time all the dragons living near him take their ear plugs out and enjoy their music ). when Scott isnt playing or napping you will find he is quite a likeable dragon preffering to talk about the latest songs.


By Lisa, 11, Buderim, Queensland, Australia

Once upon a time, there was a very rich and beautiful being.That being was a dragon. One day that dragon had a baby. She named her Saphira. Saphira was a lovely pinkish mauve colour with beautiful blue eyes like her mother. She had beautiful shades of green and yellow and always had a smiling face. One day her parents said "This is the last time you will see us in a very very long time." She asked why. "Because you will be in a egg. Then when someone finds it, they will keep it. You decide then whether he or she is the right person for you. If not just keep waiting". Saphira was stuck in that egg for millions and millions of years until one day in 2004, a young girl came and found the egg. She cared for it. Saphira decided that this was the perfect person. So she hatched and they became the best of friends.


By Tyler, 9, Copperas Cove, Texas, US

His name is Lightning because he is as fast as lightning. He loves to race. He doesn't always come in first even though he is as fast as lightning, because sometimes he trips over his big feet.
He has many friends, D.J and Loranta are his best friends. They don't look the same as Lightning. Lightning is green and yellow and he shines like a brand new nickel. D.J is as green as the grass when it is wet. Loranta is as blue as a Texas bluebonnet.
Lightning and his friends hold the world record for racing around the world with a time of 3 hours. That is fast! Holding a world record has made Lightning the most famous dragon in Dragonsville.


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