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Rainbow Dash

By Hannah, 11, Swindon, UK

She's a rainbow that fills the sky. She is playful, cute and loves the other dragons. Rainbow dash is never unhappy, tired or bored! She is very ENERGETIC!


By bethany, 8, Preston, UK

Jo is a beauty girl. She likes to play with Kate her best friend. She likes to play the trumpet. The trumpet is a beauty to the world.
Jo has two people on earth and they are call Hayley and Bethany. They like Jo, and they like sweets so they share the sweets. They can be found in a secret garden.


By Wail, 12, Athens, Georgia, US

Rayu is highly famous for writing many great pieces of dragon literature including "Day of the Dragon", "Harry Flamer", and "Dragon's Lot". Though many think he's a bit funny in the head. He's really just a highly intelligent dragon with a lot of very deranged ideas floating around in his head.


By Bethany, 11, Ashleworth, England

Rosehip is 11 years old. She is very famous in Dragonsville because she makes rosehip medicine at the local hospital. She has been able to cure 1000 dragons already because her rosehip medicine cures anything from dragon flu to dragons who can't breath fire. Rosehip has lollypop pink skin, a lime green belly, two crystal white horns and a blood red rose. She carries a red rose because she can also make dragons dreams come true.


By Alyssa, 8, Ayr

Grumpy is a grumpy dragon. When he doesn't get
anything he wants he goes in a bad mood. When
you give him what he wants he gets little nicer.


By Anna, 11, Hong Kong

This is a picture of my dragon Angel, she is the best artist in Dragonsville. Angel has helped many young dragons to paint.
She has at least 10 friends and over 30 fans supporting her.


By Susane, 8, Westminster, Colorado, US

Rosey has to have a hug from everybody she sees. As she is doing that she always calls them friend, and while she hugs that exact person transforms into a friendly person just like Rosey.
This happens because Rosey has a special power that can make anyone just like her, except that doesn't mean look like her.
Rosey will cry and look sad if you won't give her a hug.


By Bethany, 8, Preston, England

Pearl is a sweet litte girl, and she likes to hold a rose. Her best friend is Charlotte the muscial trumpet dragon. She likes to be found in a secret but very quiet place, pruning her beautiful roses.


By Bethany, 8, Preston, UK

Beauty is a sweety and a wise dragon. Her favourite flower is the red rose, beauty can always be found in the secret rose garden posing to herself.


By Kelsey, 8, Glasgow, Scotland

Scottie`s catch phrase is `yummy dummy Scotland in my tummy`.
His mother, (Otty), wanted his name to be like the country he lived in -Ireland- but Iry just didn`t
sound right so that is why they moved to Scotland.
He has a baby brother called Balloon.


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