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The Black Knight

He wears a suit of black shiny armour.
The only way you could defeat him is only in his sleep.
But when he holds a sword and shield he is invincible.
He rides into battle with pride.
His best friend is his horse whose name is Pegasus.
After his very last battle - he was never seen again.

March 2004

Max, 11, Gold Coast, Australia

King Drew's Tournament

Sir Drew, the worst king of all
held a tournament just outside town hall.
It was a battle with no remorse
to find someone who can knock Drew off his horse.

Everyone will praise and sing,
because the winner will be the next king.
Though many men tried all day
they couldn't move him anyway.

There was only one contestant left
puny little Jonn Arthur Cleft.
He was the smallest man in town
surely the King would knock him down.

We saw the fear in his eyes,
but he won to our surprise!
He is an excellent king, fair and just
come and meet him you simply must.

We now have a life of joy and laughter
and we are happy, for ever after.

July 2004

Kyle, 11, Gold Coast, Australia


"Charge" said the king.
"Charge" said the Queen.
"Charge" said the prince and princess together.
"Charge" they all said together.
They charged with their mighty strength.
They went with a clang
they fell off their horses
and couldn't get up again.

July 2004

Kaitlin, 11, Australia


On my horse sitting up high
I am frightened
will I die ?

The trumpet blows
The tournament begins
I live.

June 2004

Sammy, 6, Rotherham UK

The Most Interesting Tournament Ever

People killing, people dying.
Swords are swaying, arrows shooting.
Families crying, because people are dying,

50 men are 'bout to die,
And all saying their last goodbye.

People killing, people dying .
Swords are swaying, arrows shooting .
Families crying, because people are dying .
(April 2004)

Natasha and Hayley, 11, Birmingham, UK

The Knight in shining armour

The knight in shining armour charges through the field,
Waving his silver sword and his highly polished shield.

The queen was sat there deep in thought,
The king in interest,
Said,"nobody will win today,
for my knights, they are both best!"

But the knights still greatly hated each other,
And planned another fight,
But this time they had both agreed to fight,
It in the dead of night.

In the morning when the king woke up,
he got a great big shock,
"Oh those fools, I'll wring their necks!"
& "Oh I'll have them flogged!"
(April 2004)

Sidonie, 11, Colchester, England

Fighting Knights

Fighting knights in the courtyard.
Look! The red one is working very hard.
I hope, I wish, the red knight wins.
Oh no! He's about to run into the horse pens.

Whew! That was a close one!
Finally the end has come.
The red knight is number one.

The crowd roars with joy and cheer.
They just can't wait until next year.
Until then, the red knight rules.
The black knight shall sleep with fools.
(April 2004)

Grace, 10, Rocky Point, USA

Un-horse the horse

A tounament goes like this:
Horses charge
Lances raised
Faster, Faster
Armour checked
crowd is quiet
Faster, Faster
Knights nervous
who will win
Faster, faster
Knight falls
People cheer
Slower Slower
(April 2004)

Benjamin, 12, Wollongong, Australia

The Charge

You run,
You charge,
You pull out your lance.
All breath is taken
When people glance.

The fight
Is on
You can't back down now.
You shut your eyes.
And then-POW!

You shudder.
You blink.
You are off the horse.
Then comes the next round.
Then comes the next course.

You run.
You charge.
Do it all again.
Think of all you can lose.
And then-

A jolt.
A clang.
You just stand there stunned.
The tournament is over.
You have won.
(April 2004)

Brianne, 12, Murrysville, PA, USA

About a Tournament

A tournament is a fight
A fight performed by knights
With no intention to hurt or kill
To win the tournament with their own will
Sometimes for entertainment
Sometimes to win their lady love
But some of the time they don't even win at all
(April 2004)

Sarah, 9, New Orleans, USA

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011