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A Tournament

Here comes the black knight ready to joust
and all fell silent as the white Knight came out

He said "Black knight die!" and then with a cry
the Black knight fell dead with an arrow in the head

The crowd all fell silent when they all could see
that the person who shot him turned out to be me
(April 2004)

alex, 10, New Orlans, Louisana, USA

The Longest Tournament Ever!

I went to a tournament on April 23.
There were so many knights
all dressed very nice, and one who looked like a bird.
Sir Stanley had challenged Sir Henry to a fight;
it lasted from dawn
on untill night.

They had all their warriors charging and killing;
so many brave men all very willing.
Just when I thought it
would never end,
Sir Stanley and Sir Henry became friends.

They stopped all the fighting and killing by waving the flag.
Oh, such a friendship the two men had.
(April 2004)

Hannah, 9, New Orleans, USA


Fights can be very bad. When you lose you'll be sad.
When it's over and you win, you'll be happy forever again.
Everyone will bow down, and you will never put on a frown.
If you win a few more times, people will be even more kind.
This is now and that was then, now you are an old man.
Now you're teaching your son to fight. It's not as easy as flying a kite.
You must be fast, you must be strong, you must be mean, you can't be calm.
Once it's over and he wins, he'll be happy forever again.
(April 2004)

Christopher, 10, New Orleans, USA

A Tournament

In a tournament heads may fly,
and a knight may get lose an eye.
It's always about having a good fight.
Only one can be the winning knight.
So be prepared and draw your sword,
And if you win - you can become a lord.
(April 2004)

Jason, 10, Covinton, USA

The Prize Winning Tournament

Once I saw a tournament
it was on a bright and sunny day
The knights fought and fought
to see who would pay

I dozed off in the middle
But then I woke up
I saw King Henry
was holding the golden cup
(April 2004)

Amy, 10, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

My Father

Watching my father joust
I listen to everyone cheer and clap for someone to die.
It's harder to watch when it is your flesh and blood.
The helmets go on,
the knights jump onto their horses
knowing that one will not jump off.
The well-fed King and Queen sit on the pedestal
and watch as one of their good knights is killed.
The horses run towards each other
and my father's lance
jabs into his opponent's armor.
He falls off and my father is declared the winner.
Everyone cheers and I am glad to
wrap my arms around my father once again.

February 2004

Katelyn, 13, Mooresville, USA


I hear the trumpets sound, as I saddle up my horse,
I hear the crowd cheering for me and St Borice,
As I enter the arena everything goes still,
When I mount my horse the crowd goes wild,
With my lance in my hand I gallop, then I charge,
I squeeze my eyes shut, then I get in range, WHAM!
I open my eyes, 1, 2, 3, 4, I've won!!!

February 2004

Corinna and Sophie, 10, Crieff Scotland

Dead men

Dead men
Falling riders
Bloody mess
Silly slaughters

Dead horse
Gleaming armour
Burning arrows
Red rivers

Dead hounds
Pleading peasants
Poor prisoners
All is gone.

February 2004

Francis and Lochlann, both 10, Crieff, Scotland

The Knights Death

The trumpet sounded
The knights charged
The lances met
Suddenly smack bang off
Goes Sir Issac
Down he goes horse and all,
Rivers of blood trickle round Sir Issac's body,
While Sir Patrick the great,
Celebrates his win and Sir Issac's death.

February 2004

Patch and Rory, 10, Crieff, Scotland

The Knight That Fell Off!!!

The knight that fell off
Got rather cross
He thought he would win
But in fact he was bad
And when he thought about that
It made him quite sad

He stomped of the pitch
And said "I retire"
Then he went to his tent
And told off his

February 2004

Josie and Atlanta, 9, Crieff, Scotland

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011