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The Tournament

The swords clash
the sound of dying men gets louder and louder
blood stained weapons fall to the ground

The sound of cheering people rings in your ears
crying people mourning the death of their loved ones
the royal people looking for there favourite knights.

The smell of roast pig wafting through the air
the next day all is quiet.

February 2004

Dougie and Jock, 9 , Crieff, Scotland

The Best Tournament Ever

I travelled back in time
To the Middle Ages
And discovered many things
But the one I liked the most was the tournament
It was a battle between Sir Forter and Sir Nightrew
They wore fancy helmets with feathers
The crowd was screaming and rooting
It was a bloody tournament
But I liked it a lot.

January 2004

Yumika, 9, NYC, NY USA


The knights line up,
Confident and proud,
They scream in delight
And shout out loud.

The next knight doth come forward,
Raising his sword,
The knights way behind him
Are getting bored.

He leaps onto his horse,
And doth shout a battle cry,
The other frightened opponent,
Gets rather shy.

The knight doth take advantage,
Of this hesitation.
He runs forward
And fights for his nation.

The sword goes slash, slash,
The bow goes ping, ping,
His nation is excited
And they start to sing.

The knight ends the fight
With one final slashing,
The trumpets are blown
And the drums they are crashing.

January 2004

Alison, 10, Monsey, New York

The Funny Poem of the Joust

There was a Kingdom
No farther than Rome
With a very nice Prince
Named Price Bajam Tome.

He love to joust
Very much, indeed
With his big tall horse
Named Silverstone Speed

The Prince was invited to joust one day
But his horse was out with his friend Jay!

In the end his horse came home
but it had the plague.


January 2004

Leah, 10, Mississauga Canada Ontario

The End

I charged and battled to the end
I tried my all to show
My heart and courage would not bend
And all my name would know

He charged and battled to the end
His lance reigned blow on blow
My shield did little to defend
My heart can no more know

January 2004

Helen, 12, Edinburgh, Scotland

The Last Laugh

My friend, the knight
agreed to fight
not knowing what would happen.
He got on his horse
with no remorse
not knowing what would happen.
He charged ahead
with his sword of lead
not knowing what would happen.
As he neared his enemy
he laughed to himself happily
not knowing what would happen.
Poor, poor, knight
for he lost the fight
not knowing what would happen.
His opponent glared with disgust
as my friend sadly bit the dust
not knowing what had happened.

January 2004

Julie, 16, Pennsylvania, USA

Win! Win! I must Win!

Win! Win! I must Win!
I must win to win the heart
of lady Princess Eginheart
What will happen if I lose?
That would be horible!

Here we go! We're going to start!
To win the heart of Lady Eginheart
I must win! I must win!
Oh no! Oh No!I have lost!
Oh woe is me ! Oh woe is me!
I must get the key!
The key to lady Eginhearts sacred room!
Oh how I wish to be her groom!

January 2004

Cassidy, 9, Canada

The Tournament

a jab in the eye
a dart in the leg
a jab in the foot
a dart in the hand
the king is winning or is he?
You decide.

January 2004

Eve & Jenny , 11, Nothamptonshire,England

The Black Knight

As I watch the Black Knight,
And I see how he can fight,
I'm astounded.

As I watch the Black Knight,
How he uses all his might,
I'm dumbfounded.

As I watch the Black Knight,
I see everything he does is done right,
Applause sounded.

As this tournament ends,
There's a cheer that the crowd sends
And now the Black Knight is surrounded.

January 2004

Jamy, 8, Melborne, Australia

The Death of the Game

The sweat drips into my eyes
My helmet is stuck
Riding harder
No way to survive
The stick thrusts out and
The spear impales
I feel
no more.

January 2004

Louisa, 12, Walkersville, MD, USA

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011