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The Race of Hope

His shadow lay still on the ground below
His horse, steady... breathing.
The time has come.
He starts, galloping full speed.
It's my turn.
Faster faster, closer closer
adrenaline pumping
closer and closer
time seems to stand still
I raise my weapon
and hope for the best.

January 2004

Breezy, 12, Humble, Texas, USA

The Tournament

Sighting this fighting is very exciting,
But it is very scary too.
If I see too much and have enough,
I think I might cuddle with you.

Swords clanging and banging with ever so much force,
Strangely usually I just feel bad for the horse.

So now you know
why I don't think I'll go
to one of these Tournaments again,
I'm getting ever so scared now
I think I'll go around
just clucking like a hen.

December 2003

Amy, 8, Melbourne, Australlia

Mister Knight

There was an old knight called Sir Treezer
Who had a love for our dear Lady Keezer
Then he courted our Queen
Who was just seventeen
And now he refuses to leave her!

Hilary, 11, Ipswich, England

Good Henry

I know they say I’m not
“all there.”
And yet, good Henry,
I have no care.

For when this great
hall fills with guests,

They all yearn to
hear my jests.

The castle lord may
awe his knights

And fill his foes
with dreadful frights.

But mighty though
the old lord be,

He’ll broadly grin
at barbs from me!

December 2003

Henry, 11, Clarkston, MI, USA


Fighting is all I live for,
It's what I breathe and eat,
It's what I live & work for,
I fight for my own meat

I win lots of money,
and lots of pretty girls,
If I don't fight daily,
I don't do what I'm worth.

December 2003

Cel, 12, Wellington Pt, Australia

The Tournament

Don't give up

I will be the best
defeat the rest

My heart beats forcefully
under my heavy armour

I will survive
my horse is tired
my family is waiting my return

December 2003

Bethany, 11, Bedford, England


I once went to a tournament,
the weirdest I ever saw,
For the lances were held backwards,
the helmets all on feet,
(oh, it was the strangest thing anyone's ever seen!)
the lances didn't break,
(the horses broke instead!)
and when told to sit up straight,
the knights stood on their heads!

I never really knew who won,
for the knight who fell was proclaimed winner,
(but I didn't see this happen, either)
and when I tried to ask the victor,
I was so confused,
'cause the winner's name was really, really
UPSIDE-DOWN AND INSIDE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 2003

Nikki, 11, Pittsworth

A basic guide to defence

This is a basic guide of defence,
It has your fighting tool reference,
If you want to learn how to use defence,
Put on your armour and let us commence...

If someone was to attack with a whopping great horse,
This is an easy and simple source,
Do not be a noble and defend by force,
Just scream and cower and run off the course!

If your opponent tries the stab in the chest,
Do not be a fool and go through his test,
Don't try to be smart and do your very best,
Just ask him to stop and maybe he'll rest!

Now say if he had an arrow to fly,
If he shoots it down low,
Just jump up high,
If he shoots it down low or hits you in the chest,
You'll be nothing more then Vasta Est!

If he chooses to punch you on your big red nose,
Just punch him back after,
Your nose bone will grow,
Besides it'll be worse if he jumped on your toe!

So that was your guide to basic defence,
Now that you've learnt
Use mere confidence!

November 2003

Jade, 11, Croydon, UK

Please don't hurt me!

"Please don't hurt me"
yelled the courageous man
"this tournament is over,
there's no weapon in my hand!"

He dropped his sword
and then his shield,
got off his horse,
and wasn't killed.

"Peace my contestant,
for I want no harm,
put down your weapons
and just remain calm!"

With that, he turned
and walked away
and this is a lesson
for today.

it does not end here,
as the second man turned
and with a jear...

He stuck his sword
into the man,
pulled it out,
turned and ran!

November 2003

Libby, 11, Eastleigh, England

The Tournament on Lava

The Tournament on Lava
Is the Tournament #1.
Not only is it challenging,
It's also very fun.

The Knights are all dressed up
In different shades of blue.
No matter if they like it,
They must (with no laughing) say "Moo."

They charge very carefully
As they are on Lava hot.
The Horses have titanium shoes
So their feet are obviously not.

The Loser loses a toe, but
They get a replacement after.
If they want, also, they
Get a Rooster in the rafter.

The Tournament on Lava
Is the Tournament #1.
Not only is it a challenge,
But it's also very fun.

November 2003

Duncan, 10, Toronto, Canada

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011