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The Day

Today is the day,
I shall win,
I shall strive,
I shall ride.

My time is come,
I walk in with pride,
I shall win,
I shall ride.

Fight I do,
The creature beneath me I trust,
I shall win,
I shall ride!

It is over,
But all is not lost,
I have won!
I will strive!

I look down,
At the man beneath me,
I have won,
I shall ride!

November 2003

Leela, 11, Eistleigh, England

Valiant Charging Horses

Valiant beasts run towards each other
The men both raise their lances
Fright in the horses eyes
the men turn their heads at the last moment,
to protect their weakened eyes

The horses are led to the stable, neighing in relief
they nicker and wicker and stamp their feet
for every time they are in fear
their food is always late

Valiant horses they may be
in the ring their spirit is free.

November 2003

Ali, 11, Fort Gibson, USA

The Knight

The Knight is brave,
and full of charm,
he risked his life,
and broke his arm.

He is smart and quiet,
cunning and witty,
the ladies fall for him,
for he is so pretty!

November 2003

Alicia and Sally, 11 and 11, Doncaster, England

My castle

I have a castle.
It is a haunted castle.
There are rats and bats.
I do not like them.
They make noisy sounds.
I should not go there again.

November 2003

Juliette, 5, Kew, UK

Two Great Knights

Two great knights,
with armor bright,
galloping through the meadow.
Then with a CRASH,
their lances SMASH,
against each others head-o.

The crowd go wild,
some are mild,
some wave flags and scream.
But some or most
will have a wish,
to be a knight in a dream.

(November 2003)

Michael, 9, Bishopton, Scotland

The Tournament

As they fight,
The crowd all cheer,
The drunken men all drinking beer.

No one knows who will win,
When the fight is over,
There's an awful din!

(November 2003)

Molly, 9, Muswell Hill, London, UK

The Big Battle

The battle begins,
I want to win,
I gallop his way with a sword and a grin,
I want to win.

I have my armour on and there is my shield,
I want to win the golden guild,
It's every mans dream to not throw his life in the bin,
As I look his way I want to win.

I'm getting closer you bet i am,
I'm moving as swiftly as a dam,
My heart is thumping as i'm getting worried,
I want to win I don't want to be buried.

Here I strike theres a big bang,
he falls off his horse as I sang,
I sang with victory,
I won, I won, I survived and I didn't die.

(November 2003)

Lauren, 8, London

The Tournament of Life

The tournament is never ending
a mistake or slip will have you falling
I hear the music but the streets aint calling
the tournament is unforgiving
presently you are gone - but not forgotten
your situation has helped me
walking away but not backing down
premeditation and success over quick action
still achieving more than all the rest
This tournament is a mere short struggle
21st century life is a long ugly quest.

(November 2003)

Parker, 14, Halifax, NS, Canada


Killing in battle
Noble blood - or not a knight
Inglorious if failed
Great fighters in battle
Hard-hearted men
Terrifying sight for the enemy
Strong and brave.

(November 2003)

JJ, 11, Johannesburg, South Africa

The Tournament

Jousting time is always fine,
People drink beer and wine,
Knights fight one another,
Then the winner shouts “another, another”
People cheer and drink more beer,
And Sir Triggem wins the day.

(November 2003)

Bethan, 6, Cambridge, UK

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011