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At the Tournament

At the tournament
the knights - crashed, fell, and got up again.
at the tournament
the knights - fight, win or lose.
at the tournament
the crowd - cheers for the knights!
at the tournament
it is exciting!

(October 2003)

Anthony, 8, Manassas, Virginia, USA

To win my heart, oh brave Sir Tristram!

To win my heart, oh brave Sir Tristram! Is surely a dream come true!
For no one else can win my heart, oh fairest one, but you!

Will you meet me in the gardens tonight, a secret rendezvous,
Or will you simply die of fright, to know that I love you?

I love thee, Sir Tristram, O can't you see,
That you and I are meant to be?

Tell me if your love is true,
Because, Sir Tristram, I love you!

Win this tournament for me,
And your heart shall be set free!

(October 2003)

Brittany, 16, Wales, England

Silly tournament

There was a tournament
I never knew who won
Because I ate a biscuit
And a sticky currant bun

All the knights were really daft
With ducks upon their heads
And when it was time to eat their lunch
They all bounced on their beds

They all rode on their horses
They rode both far and near
Then they all fell off their horses
Because they'd all got funny ears

I tell you why I never knew who won
Because it never ended.

(October 2003)

Robbie, , Lancaster, England

A Javelin in the Eye

After a long and tiring night
A knight prepared to fight

This knight was slightly hoarse
As he climbed upon his horse

While lifting his javelin high
He poked himself in the eye

The moral of course:
Don't ride a horse hoarse.

(October 2003)

Andrew, 8, Hoover, Alabama

Watching from the battlements.

As I watch,the crowd are roaring,
this tournament is far from boring,
the battlements are the safest place,
to watch the horses race and race,
I can see everything up here,
and hear the crowd all cheer and cheer,
A battle is breaking out,
people shout and shout and shout!

This funny way of fighting,fighting,
is just like lions, snapping and biting,
but I do like this jousting way,
of spending,spending,spending my day,
as I look up at the castle walls,
one of the knights falls and falls!

The Tournament Is Over!!!!!!

(October 2003)

Rosie, 9, Edenbridge, Kent, England.

Knights' Swords and Pride

The knights mount the horses ready for battles,
They put on the gear which clanks and rattles,
They climb on the horse nervous and scared,
As their skill and statistics are compared,
They get ready to go forward and charge,
With their swords, long and large,
They go foward with fright on the ride,
But inside they have knights pride.
September 2003

Rad, 8, Australia

The Final race....:D

The knights oppose
But who would suppose
That the strong
Would yield to the weak.

A coat of arms
Many a charm
Sir Tristam mounts
His fine black steed

A shout of "He's here"
And many a cheer
Sir Geoffrey mounts
His fair white mare.

Sir Tristam gives a meaningful stare
At Sir Geoffrey's long and unkempt hair.
But Sir Geoffrey meets his opponent's eye
And returns the stare with a smile oh so wry.

They spurred on their horses
Lances held out straight
They moved faster and faster
Until they did meet.

A sickening crunch
signaled the start of the fight
Warrior on warrior,
knight on fellow knight.

Watching all this from the royal stand
Was the king's own daughter
And covering her mouth
Was her hand.

She hated the blood,
The pain and the deaths,
Of the brave, brave knights
Just to prove who was best.

As for marrying the winner?
She loathed the thought
For the self conceited Tristam
Was the the favourite of the court.

The man she wanted
was a man so fine
So good natured
And oh so divine!

The man in fact
Who just happened to be
In the final with Sir Tristam
The match she dreaded to see.

She watched in amazement
Seeing Sir Geoffrey come out strong
Splintering Sir Tristam's lance in two
Sir Geoffrey had Won!

And as for conceited Sir Tristam
Lying semi conscious on the ground
Good Sir Geoffrey went and sat by
Until his opponent came around.

Then he approached the princess
They embraced as though already man and wife
With the happy thought in their heads
That they would be together till the end of life.

September 2003

Brittaney, , Henderson, KY, USA


One day two knights decided to fight,
But suddenly there was not much light.
The sky turned grey,
And it was not day.
So they decided to fight,
Through out the night.

The princess watched to see who won,
For she would marry that one.

She got such a scare,
That she did not dare
To even move her arm,
Because she might get into harm.

Finally, with a mighty whack,
The yellow knight fell with a thwack.
The red knight was the winner,
So he invited the princess to dinner.

September 2003

Briony, 12, NSW, Australia, Newcastle

medi is not evil

Living in the medieval times
It was hard to do
No electricity
Or tv to entertain you

Jousting was a blood sport
Because of this it was stopped
People who joust now
Get copped

People had to hunt to get meat
They used arrows and swords
Hope you enjoyed this poem
I got bored

September 2003

Trudie, 7, Wainui, New Zealand

Breaking the Lance

Fifteen days since the tournament,
still I think of the cold wood twixt metal,
under my hand.

I break the lance, but still I charge,
ladies watching from the sidelines,
a sport that I play.

The spear catches him under the belly,
and I coolly flick him onto the grass,
He is still.

Fifteen days since the tournament,
still I think of the cold wood twixt metal,
and the lost life.
(Sept 2003)

Catherine, 11, Brisbane, Australia

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011