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Sir Tidledum

Oh a while ago, I went off to fight,
In the deep of the cold dark knight.
I fought a man named Sir Tidledumm,
I caught him sucking his tiddly thumb.

He fell to the floor,
And I knocked on the castle door.
And there was a peasant,
Eating a croissant.

September 2003

Benjamin, 10, Sandringham, Australia

Who will win the Tournament?

Who will win the tournament?
I don't know do you?
Who will finish lying half dead?
Who will finish rich and well fed?

Who will win the tournament?
I don't know do you?
I hope whoever wins the tournament
Wins it for me and you.

September 2003

Natalie, 13, Nottingham, England

Tournament Mayhem

I went to the tournament once.
It was getting near to the middle when,
Sir Bazil and Sir Bunce,
Both fell off their horses at once.
They kicked and they roared,
Then in joined the lord,
The king and the baker too.
The audience cheered,
The queen just leered,
Then was sent toppling into some horse poo.
It was just getting fun,
When the queen got a gun
And shot them all dead on the spot.

September 2003

Alex, 9, Kingston, England

Who will win?

the wail of ladies
who will win?
the gallop of horses
who will win?
the clanking of armor
who will win?
all this time,the princess wonders,
who will win?
a crash, a cry,
a scream, a sigh,
"Sir Tristam! Sir Tristam!" the ladies cry.
the princess is glowing.
She should have known.
Who will win? Who has won?
Sir Tristam! Sir Tristam!

Sabrina, 11, Ontario,Canada

bloody tournament

Ride, ride, as fast as you can
I have bright colors!
I'm a fighting man
I'm not here to die
I'm here to entertain
If you want me to win
just shout my name:
Go Sir Knight, Go Sir Knight!
September 2003

Brittany, 11, New York, USA

The Tournament

The tournament is started
Who will unhorse who?
The ladies swoon
Who will unhorse who?

The tournament has ended
Sir Tristram won!
The ladies stop swooning
Their hero is number one
June 2003

Tovah, 8, Beaconsfield, Quebec, Canada

The silver man comes

The silver man comes to fight,
also known as the brave knight.

The shield of protection and the sword for defense,
the best weapon of all is known as common sense.

He serves the crowned master making him proud,
and charms the rest of the royal crowd.

Dressed in the silver skin he loads himself on the horse,
sees the challenge and the horses' assault course.

The knight is ready and closes the lid of the helmet,
he signals that he's all set.

The crowd is silent then the horn is blown with sound so large,
his head he lowers, the silver man begins to charge.

Eyes narrow directly at the target, the sword hits the man...and,
he falls off and lands in a dusty surface of sand.

The knight proud of his victory returns from his fight,
the King says "The silver man comes, also known as my brave knight!"
June 2003

Helen, 12, Brighton, England

The tournament

The knights will face off,
some will be gone,
but one will win a treasure,
from all,
a kiss from the queen,
or maybe he'll be knighted,
but he and the princess will be united
June 2003

Marissa, 11, Kenora, Canada


When the knights prepare to fight
The armour, it shines so bright
He's wearing red and blue
With his helmet he looks so true
They are sincere to their wife
They love the way they live their life
The drums will play and play
The trumpets will glorify all day
Chicken and meat make the meals
There are no truces no deals
The soldiers they fight with pride
Aren't you glad they're on your side?
June 2003

Matt, 11, Baltimore, USA

Sir Knight Lost his Head

Poor Sir Knight has lost his head
He will no longer be all together
The putrid smell of rotting eggs
has filled the hallway with stench
Poor Sir Knight has lost his head
How could this have happened?
The blood runs down his arms and legs
how disturbing the sight is!
June 2003

Rebecca, 12, Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011