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Knights in shining armour
Horses dressed in skirts
Lances being polished
Kings in gleaming coats

Peasants dirty and diseased
they could pass for modern bums with ease
and of course, the Royals thought of them as just sleaze
because their odor, could bring even a skunk to its knees

Tournaments would bring knights from all around
the winner would be the one that brought the rest to ground
all of a sudden now
the trumpets start to sound

The Tournament's begun!

Two knights, two horses, one on each side
now the knights mount to ride
gathering speed
they know how to read
the looks on each others faces

Lances clash on armour
then one knight shall fly.
The winner gets a trophy,
What a lucky guy!
June 2003

Duncan, 13, Bristol, Connecticut, USA

A Knight at Arms

Kind yet very stressed during a battle
Nights sleeping quietly
Intelligent more than a king could ever be
Good man, helps the poor when he has time
Hard working many hours spent practising
Terrific fighter during the jousting pressure in a jousting tournament
June 2003

Megan, 10, Toronto, Canada


I have lost
I have lost
I have lost again:
not my horse,
nor my weapon
but myself to blame

For my courage
it did leave me
at the moment true.
In shame I cannot
lift my eyes
to gaze upon you

My steed he
was a brave one,
my lance and
aim were straight.
Now I feel my
anger growing,
alas it is too late.
June 2003

Sophie, 11, Liverpool, UK

Charge For No Reason

In the Courtyard a joust is to begin,
The knights in their armour of tin.
They get on to their horses, lances at steady,
Soon it will begin even if they're not ready.
Off they go, horses at charge,
Then they collide with a barge!
With a cloud of smoke in the wind,
It appears they both have been pinned.
"That's this tournament is a draw!"
Said the King, with nothing more.
June 2003

Mitchell , 11, Kurwongbah, Brisbane, Qld, Australia


It's a terrible sight,
This horrible fight!
Heads flying through the air,
Catch one! If you dare...

Puddles of blood,
Are mixed up with mud.
Bodies are lying round,
Dead upon the dirty ground.

Oh what a fight!
Another dead knight!
When will it end?
Never, my friend!

June 2003

Lulu, 8, Wagga Wagga, Australia

Would You Joust Him For Me?

Would you joust him for me?
Can you, do you, hear my plea?
I wish so to be the wife of thee.

Would you joust him for me?
I love you so, you make my heart beat.
I give you my scarf, but please do not cheat.

Would you joust him for me?
Would you joust him for me?
June 2003

Mia, 13, Westfield, NJ, USA

It's nearly time

Oh my God, it's nearly time,
For me to risk that life of mine.
I hear the crowd cheering outside,
And look at the horse that I'm to ride.
It's nearly time!

I can see the others having a go,
One's been hit oh no, oh no!
Up he gets and starts again,
This time he gets a mark of ten.
It's nearly time!

My squire helps me with my armour,
This make me feel a little bit calmer.
There are loads of people, shouting 'n' jumping,
The horses leg, they are a-pumping.
Now it's time!
June 2003

Aimee, 11, Sutton, UK

The day I won the battle, the day I won the crowd!

The day I won the battle
Was the best day I ever knew
I was lined up on my horse
In my stirrups were each shoe

Inside my hand the spear
For when I take the plunging blow
And strike the opponent
Before he could know

So there I was
Ready to charge
Until I saw my opponent
Muscular and large

The final whistle went
And off we went
I hit him with my spear
And flying he went

And oh the crowd roared
They cheered and shouted hurray
And my name was remembered
Day by day by day

And my name went down
In history forever
When I beat the knight
Whose name is actually Trevor!!

June 2003

Lindsay, 12, Gedling, Nottingham, UK

Who Is Going To Win?

We thought he was going to win.
But we were never right.
It looked like it was easy,
But it's hard to win that fight.

Sir Tristram won the fight.
I could not belive my eyes,
They told me Sir Geoffrey was going to win
But it was all just lies!
June 2003

Nicole and Sharine, 10, Brampton, Canada

How do thy knights feel?

Why don't the knights fight with fear,
When an opponent falls, shed a tear,
Or smell the anticipation of the crowd,
As their armour hits the ground.

How do the knights grip the lance,
Whithout their fingers dropping to dance,
Does the sweat trickle down their knees,
Do they want to get up and flee?

So tell me knights, how brave art thee?
To sit and try to hurt thy other,
Who could be your fellow country man, brother.
June 2003

Lady Jade, 12, Manchester, England

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011