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Whirling blade

The guy fell off his horse
He was stabbed with a sword
His armour lay in pieces
Amongst his blood stained clothes

He was not dead yet
He got back up to fight
And pierced his enemy
With his sharp sword

Blood splattered everywhere
Went on his clothes and in his hair
He lay dead on the floor
He was defeated with the sharp sword.
June 2003

Whizz, 12, Plymouth, UK

Just Begun

The tournament had just begun
I gazed up at everyone
They were here to see
The best I could be
And to have a good laugh and some fun.

They never realized this wasn't a game
It felt bad, can't handle the shame
But once I have won
I'll tell everyone
That they can't even imagine the pain.
June 2003

Catherine, 11, England

Tournament Days

Tournament days are so exciting
Even more so if there is a storm with lightning
If I behave badly I hope I'm not sent
To the dungeon on a day of a tournament

I'll fight and I'll ride all through the day,
At the tournament is where I'll want to stay,
It is so very special and fun,
I really love it - so does everyone!

Please, I beg you to let me attend,
The tournament, and I will mend,
All of your clothes - I'll do all you wish,
As long as you will just do this:

Allow me to go the tournament,
What is your answer? - I'm becoming tense,
With anticipation and wondering,
If it's to the tournament I'll be galloping.

You say no? - but why, but why,
You say it's because I wouldn't try,
To do my work instead of play,
I'll have to miss tournament day.

That is so sad, now I start to cry,
'Though it may be true that I did not try,
To do my work instead of play,
I'll just have to miss tournament day.
June 2003

Meg, 11, Denver, Colorado, USA

Love of the Sport

Though it causes love and pain
I would play it in any condition, even in rain
Started when I was just four
It is anything but a bore
I practice hard every day
What more can I say
But I'll tell you this
Whether the crowd gives a cheer or a hiss
I'll never stop playing the Tournament
June 2003

Ashley, 11, San Diego, California, USA

The Grey Knight

This tournament is a blast
I wonder which knight will last
Another one's down, we're in the next round
I hope this doesn't get done too fast.

When King Arthur enters, we cheer
And all of the horses rear
They say here here with mugs of rootbeer
The grey knight has shown no fear.

Each knight has their own color today
I root for the one in the grey
They start to advance, each with their own lance
I'm having fun today

The knights left are grey and blue
And the blue looks exhausted, too
They ride fast to meet, blue falls to his feet
So the grey knight is champion, it's true!
June 2003

Spencer, 12, Ballwin, Missouri, USA

A Costly Gamble

Watch the knights get on their steeds,
And shiver in cold armor.
While watchers play on fluted reeds,
A minstrels song of valor.

The trumpets sound.
The charge begun.
But what will happen when they've found,
Who, this gamble, has won?
June 2003

Amber, , Marlborough, USA

The knight of old

The knight has come,
the fight has begun
with a sword of steel,
shining armour from head to heel
on a jet black steed
into battle he does proceed

The knight of old and tales of new
a knight that's brave,
as there are few.
June 2003

Alisha, 10, West Midlands, UK

A tournament that hangs between them

The two knights prepare for battle,
they mount their horses and the drums give a rattle.

Who would know they're there to have fun?
But they take it seriously and their horses run.

They grow nearer and shut their eyes,
"I wish I weren't here," one jouster lies.

The first jouster was knocked with a lance,
The other knight triumphs; another champ chance!
May 2003

Elaina, 7, Newtown, USA

Knights of the Tournament

K icking at the sides of the horses, urging them faster,
N ever letting the idea of failure into their minds,
I magining the reward of being a hero in battle,
G oing to battle in armor,
T eaching the next generation of knights.
May 2003

Dan, 13, St Louis, MO, USA

The Great Tournament

The King has chosen for a tournament to take place,
Knights dressed in armor, women dressed in lace.
There were to be eight knights fighting hand-to-hand,
The winner would receive items that were grand.
Sir Kent, his majestys champion was there,
Looking to win over a lady that was fair.
By the end of the second joust his strength began to deplete,
But his enemies did not seem to get weak.
Finally, the match that decided the outcome was here
As Sir Kent saw his opponent his heart filled with fear.
It was the Black Knight Sir Grant to get his revenge,
His malice and cruelty never ends.
So, they both mount their horses and start to charge,
Sir Kent hoping that he won't be barged.
As he rode past he found he was still on his horse,
Sir Grant on the ground shouting remorse.
As Sir Kent rode in for the final kill,
his heart was still boiling as well.
He took out his sword and stabbing with all his might,
proving himself a true knight.
His title remained as a champion without fear,
As he will be for years and years.
May 2003

Jacob, 13, St Louis, MO, USA

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011