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The Ladies

You see the knights,
In all their glory,
The prolonged fights,
Are very gory.

But where, I ask,
Are the noble lasses?
I'll tell you whereth,
In sewing classes!

With corsets so tight,
That during the fights,
A dainty saint,
Is EXPECTED to faint!

And even though they're dragged outside,
The flaps of their tents,
Are all but open wide!
These little maids,
Forced into the shade,
And into a musty prison.

July 2004

Lane, 11, G'boro NC

The glory of a game that is not

Tons of armour weigh them down
As foreign knights ride into town
For the tournament, but I know
That some of their number will not live to go.

The lances are blunted "so as not to do harm"
But that's the point of this noble, ancient arm.
I do not see why this game should be
A contest to gain ill won glory.

The sunshine is brilliant,it's a holiday
But today, fighting is the game we play
Not bear, nor monkey nor even food
Can dispel my black despairing mood

For my cousin shall fight this afternoon
And I pray for the mightiest of mightiest boons
I pray that he wins without a death
And that the tournament will not see his final breath

Oh, why should this be a game
Of killing and hurting and delivering pain
The glory is naught but fear buried deep
For no big, strong victor is expected to weep

My boon was half granted,and I feel ashamed
To have backed my cousin when next door a dame
Is crying for her youngest son
Who entered the tournament but has not won

July 2004

Amanda, 13, Vancouver, Canada

Being a princess is a hard job...

Being a princess is a hard job,
especially when the tournament is on,
I watch in disgrace,
As the knights get thrown to the ground!

Some of them get taken away,
Some of them even die!

And as the crowd whistles and cheers,
I'm covering my eyes.
The gore I just can't take!
But I guess peasants have to be entertained,
Some how!

So being a Princess is a hard job
Especially when the tournament is on!

July 2004

Princess Sophie, 12, London, England

The Tournament

The fight with the swords
All the blood and gore
The Castle is gaining
Gaining the victory
We won, We won!
Oh woe,
We'll start another one.

July 2004

Cassi, 12, Parkerburg, West Virginia

Look into my eyes

Look into my eyes
Glittering in the sun,
Sweat shining off my face
It's nothing close to fun.
He took a lash
And in a flash,
I realized what I had seen
A friend of my own self
War today, this afternoon, and night
Present, past, future,
Fight with pride for Medieval rights.

July 2004

Aubs, 12, Oregon, IL U.S.A.

This is the day

This is the day
That M'Lady will see
A person in armour
That person is me!!!

I'll battle dragons,
Ogres and more,
As long as M'lady sees my victories soar.

Then, as she watches,
She'll pick me for sure
To wed and to be
Her husband, king, and more!!!!

July 2004

Kaubs, 12, Oregon, IL USA


Tournaments are scary,
Tournaments are loud.
At the Tournaments,
There is a big crowd.

Tournaments are breath-taking,
Tournaments are cool.
At the Tournaments,
There are some rules.


July 2004

Alison, 10, NY


Geting ready,
For the fight,
Hoping that I'll win tonight

In the stalls,
roaming the halls,
looking for the horse that will here my calls

Finding the right one,
saddle it up,
Ready for the tournament?
I feel like a mut

Riding outside,
Hearing the people cheer and holler,
I feel kind of queezy,

Legs feel like jello,
arms feel like ice,
I really hope that I win tonight

Galluping to the other person,
Only knowing his name,
Adoring the other horse's beautiful mane

Holding my sword,
Trotting in front,
Soon, my horse gives a big grunt!

My opponent falls,
I start to cry,
I hold my horse while the other guy dies

The crowd starts to cheer,
The crowd starts to holler,
Then soon the crowd starts to follow

The day is done,
I'm glad we won,
I give my horse nice big hug,

Then, I will be,
Snug as a bug in a rug.

July 2004

Stephanie, 13, Belgrade, USA

The Tournament

The knight is in his armour ready to charge.
He pick up his lance.
His horse starts to run.
The next thing he's flat, his face on the ground.
He won't be going home wealthy.
He won't be going home fed.
He will be going home dead.
The other guy might survive this round.
But he won't survive the next.

July 2004

Mitchell, 11, Gold Coast

The Lancing Strike

My squire did prepare me
As into battle I would go

My lance was ready for
The strong opponent, I know

My outstanding victory
As I vanquished my foe.

March 2004

James, 7, Westampton, USA

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011