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The crowd is anxious as the fighters appear,
all the small children start to shout and cheer,
one small child recognises his dad,
he doesn't seem happy he just seems sad.

His dad gives a wave as he mounts his horse,
now he can't get off because its against the laws.
The boy thinks that it's just a game,
but when he finds out it will be such a shame.

He knows now that it is not fun,
now that the battle has begun,
now it's a matter of life or death,
will his dad face up to the test?

He closes his eyes,
And tries not to cry,
He knows the result,
As they draw to a halt.

The time ran away,
And his dad was okay
He finally won
The deed was done.

June 2004

Rachel, 11, Bognor Regis, England

The End Of my Happiness

I was just a little child
about three years old
didn't really know
how much this tournament
would affect me.

I was taken to the tournament
sleeping half the way
thinking it would be alright
that my dad would be okay

The tournament had begun
I was laughing then
took about 2 hours
until that lance went
through my dad

My mom and sister crying
leaving me confused
so I wiped a tear off
my moms face making her weep more

She held me tight against her and said
"I hope you'll remember your dad's face"
She started again to weep
leaving me sad on her lap

After 8 years when I was 11 years old
I wanted to know what had happened
so that day I asked...

She told me everything and I was just as sad
I never got to see my dads face but know
now I'll take his place

My dad's life didn't pass
he is just living through me
I will never forget him.

June 2004

Mergime, 11, Ottawa, Canada

The Doomed Joust

This is a joust between two new squires
They've boasted so much they're both white liars

This is the first time they've held lances
And they've used up all their "last chances"

Edmund cannot trust his horse
Terrance has lost his shield (of course)

At last they mount and take up their arms
There is no telling if they will do harm

The trumpet blares, the horses run
The crowd cheer on their favorite one

And in a second the lances will hit
And someone in the mud will sit...

Crash, bang, squelch, and it is done
All hold their breath, who has won?

Then all explodes in raucous laughter
For both the boys lie in the mud and do not joust again soon after.

June 2004

Amanda, 13, Vancouver, Canada

The Tournament At Kids' Castle

The tournament today is an exciting event.
But trust me, no-one is content.

Two kids will be fighting against each other.
And guess what, they are sister and brother!

They both have a brown horse,
But not the same one, of course.

Guess what?! They tied!
And guess what else?! Nobody died!

I hope you had a good day here at the castle.
Please come again to see the kids tackle!

June 2004

Aubrey, 10, Spring,Texas USA


A Sword and a shield thats what you need,
To Joust you must succeed!

A suit of armour and a horse too,
Hopefully the crowd won't say Boo!

Today we Joust thats what we do,
It's fun for me and you too!

So come on down to the Tournament,
A Page, a Squire or a Noble Knight
Come on down so we can Fight.
Now that is what I call Jousting!!

May 2004

Abigail, 9, Vero Beach, Florida

Clish Clash Clang

Red's Horse charges towards White's steed
The smell of a tournament tints the air
Melted colors mix together
Till they are just a blur
A fly buzzes
Clish Clash Clang

The crowd roaring for their knight.
As they fight for their life
Swooning Ladies
Regal Kings
A woman screams
Clish Clash Clang

Dirt dug up by horses hooves
Scattered and tattered land
Inside a fence they're still at it
The castle is the backdrop
A bird sings
Clish Clash Clang

Red has fallen
Onto dirty ground
White has won
Red is gone, he is done
White accepts the victory
Faint sobbing amongst the cheers
Clish Clash Clang no more.

June 2004

Emma, 11, USA

The best tournament

The tournament was glorious, I could see all around,
The armour was shining in all the sun, glistening.
The horses were bashing and crashing,
The knights charged at each other like rhinos,
The spearing poles were ready to joust over the clouds.

My heart was beating like the galloping horse hooves,
The crowd was trembling with excitement.

And then, the red knight struck like lightning,
Just when he thought he had defeated the yellow knight,
His trusted companion reared up in the light,
And so off he came to the ground with a thud,
And poor red knight was covered in blood.

June 2004

Tess, 7, Buckinghamshire, England

A Lord Unmasked

To the tournament gathered many knights
With long broad swords and shields shaped like kites
Wearing fanciful armor to impress the king
To win his daughter, who made their hearts sing

But one, not so fanciful, sat already on his steed
His helmet down, so his face was not seen
His armor was dirty, not rich like the rest
All others laughed at him, but he would have the best

His opponent down, the knight leaps off his saddle
Unsheathing his sword, he has won the first battle
He cries: "Do you yield?"
The loser nods and runs off the field

The knight continues to win, showing no pain
Finally, he's won and the princess he has gained
He takes off his helmet, showing his face
And the princess' heart starts beating fast as if in a race.

It is Lord Henry, her childhood friend
They lived happily ever after, this is the end.

July 2004

Sarah, 12, Beulah, Alabama, USA

The great tournament.

The horses turn,
As the swords aim,
To the knights the tournament's
just another 'game'!

A swing for the head,
stomach or neck,
He misses and thinks
'What the heck?'

Then he aims,
and swings his best,
and the sword goes,
RIGHT through the vest.

The enemy falls off,
he's defeated,
as the doctors rush in,
he gets treated.

It's all about teasing,
and torment,
In the great

July 2004

Rachael, 12, Leeds England

Inside the castle doors

Inside the castle doors
is a great hall
inside the great hall is ladys dancing.

Guests laughing
people stamping
king and queen shouting

Oh, what a life they had.

July 2004

Shennan, 7, Edinburgh, UK

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011