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Polly's poem of the tournament

who will win, we do not know
the pain and the misfortune they do not show
hear the horses, their heartbeat
hear the galloping of their feet
shattered bodies, if so you should lose
a stab in the heart is never good news
helpful cries from the crowd within
all on their mind is will I win?
September 2004

Polly, 14, Albury, Australia

Knights and princesses

There were two knights strong and brave,
and neither of them wanted to go to the grave.
They wanted to marry a princess beautiful and true,
and to kill each other was the only thing to do.
So they rode out together with their armour shining bright.
And faced each other ready to fight.
But along came the princess with some news for their ears,
She was already married but they were welcome to some beers!
September 2004

Luke Ash and daddy, 3, Plymouth, UK

Charging, charging, charging bright

Charging, charging, charging bright,
Charging, charging, charging bright,
All the day and all the night,
Charging, charging, charging bright.

Nothing you can see but knights and knights,
Fighting, fighting, fighting knights,
Knights wear amour, shining bright
Their swords glisten and glint in the light.

Horses charge at their enemies,
Knock off the people on their horses,
Off they fly splat into the mud
Blood gushes out.

The moon turns the sun into daylight,
The fight is over
The victors cheer with relief
The crowd rejoices and shouts with glee
"Let us now begin the great party!"
September 2004

Charles, 7, London, UK


Knights, knights big and fierce
Fighting everywhere night and day
Wearing shining armour
Swords and shields protecting them

Knights, knights big and fierce
Jousting with each other in competition
Shuting the doors protecting the castle
The enemy are coming to fight.

July 2004

Emily, 7, Whitby, England

Tournaments, tournaments

They all fight
day and night
inside or out,
some get hurt others don't
some can survive
and some die
tournaments and tournaments.

July 2004

Jessica, 5, Manchester, England

Pounding Hooves and Hearts

Everywhere, eyes are staring.
Bright colours the knights are wearing.
Nervously, the horses shuffle their feet.
Frightfully fast, your heart beats.

A horns blasts into the chilled air.
You can see him standing there.
The horses charge with a click of the heel,
Numbness takes over - you cannot feel.

The lethal spears race together.
The time spent galloping seems forever.
A sudden jolt and the horses stop.
A blinding pain and you are covered in red spots.

Last memories flash through your head.
Waking up, sun shining on your bed.
Riding in the chill morning air.
Wind rustling through your hair.

Pounding hooves and hearts,
You wish you were back at the start.
Off the horse you drop.
Your bleeding heart stops.

July 2004

Flame, 15, London, England

Knocked down

i've been knocked down
my smile turned to frown.

soiled, depleted, beaten,
dragon's food and eaten.

so low, so down, up is so far away
blue, and black, and it's just another day.

how do you escape such dread?
how to run from anvils in your head?

this weight, heavier than lead,
it crushes me to my bed.

so many demands from so many places
all waiting, all staring from so many faces.

what to do first, what to do next, what to do last
will last ever come, will next ever get past.

unraveled, cast aside, forgotten and broke,
like a punchline from some horrible joke.

no ending, no beginnings, just on and on and on
the clock ticks, and all is thrust upon.

so sad, not glad, it presses in on me.
one day, not soon, i hope to be free.

Mac, 12, Fllorida, USA

The little girl that saved my dad's life

My dad was walking down the dusty street
and he said to me I look really sweet.
So I laughed and cried because I knew
what was going to happen,
he was going to die!!!

I told my dad I loved him
with all my heart and that one day
I would see him in the high heavens
with God by his side.

When I saw him go I went to every
house and said to them that my dad
will win the tournament and to come
and see his victory.

We all went to the town square
to watch my dad fight.
The fight began - all of us cheered for him.
The guy my dad was fighting gave my dad a cut
we all booed except for one who cheered for him
we all glared in surprise and then I thought,
thatÂ’s someone's dad out there.

I heard every one shout I looked at my dad
he had the mans knife in his heart
I started to cry.

I ran to him still crying and his last words were,
I will always love you with all my heart and all
my heart and all my strength.
I wept over his body, every one crowded around me
I asked them to go and get a doctor.
One person ran to get the doctor.

It was the little girl that I saw cheering
for her dad.
The doctor came.
My dad was in bed for three months before he could
walk again.

After those three months of looking after my dad
I saw the girl in the street. I ran up to her.
I hugged her as tight as I could and said
thank you,
and then I ran back to my dad and went home.

I never saw that little girl again or her father!!!

Alexandrar, 11, High Wycombe, UK


A noble heart is ready to start,
the war hasn't even begun,
the fight for pride,
the fight for life,
we will win,
we have to strive,
win for us,
win for you,
win for the heart that always is true.

Alice, 12, Swansea, Wales

Tournaments are cool

The Banners wave high
The Tournament will begin
The Horses start charging
I don't know who will win

The Knights lay on the ground
The victor stands up tall
The Trophy is raised up high
His name I chant and call.

June 2004

Jonny, 8, Liverpool, England

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011