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My Moment

I face my opponent
Breathing slowly,
Trying to calm myself.
Everyone is cheering,
But I block it out.
Only one thing is on my mind,
And that is the task before me.
I must prove myself now.
This is my tournament,
My game,
My moment.
(November 2004)

Rachel, 14, Parkersburg, USA

~A True Knight~

A knight is not a daring lad
A knight is not brave
A Knight is not a conqueror
Dying for an honored grave
A true knight is chivalrous
he hands back a fallen sword
And rides off to the abyss
Tournament or not, he does his job with grace
A simple joust is nothing to what's inside
An exception to the human race
That is a true knight
(November 2004)

Zoey, 13, Fresno, USA

Sir Pattrick and Thunder Storm

As the battle gates open,
into the open wide grass,
Sir Pattrick knows,
Thunder storm can do it,
all though he faces,
Sir Dark Vaith,
The greatest of them all,
Sir Pattrick thinks happy thoughts,
I know I can do it!

He and his trustful Mascstan Thunder Storm,
Gallop into the land,
Onwards to face Dark Vaith,
Gallop faster..

And down comes the flag,
Gallop, canter, onwards,
Bring down your pole,
and shield,
fight till do you part,
Crash, slam,
In goes your hardest hit,
Right into Dark Vaith's face,
He wobbles but stays steady,

Here he come,
He brings down his pole,
you feel his hit,
it's like you have been hit five,
times by an African elephant,

You get up,
Swing a shot,
He's out,
You win,
You are the best,
Now the king's
Your best friend!
(October 2004)

Sarah, 13, Galashiels, Scotland

The poorly dressed knight

Here is a knight tall and strong,
But what a sight! There's something wrong!

He's wearing his chainmail on the outside,
Oh dear! in him we'll need to confide.

To win the tournament he needs to be safe,
He needs to feel confident just in case.

Just as we thought he had lost his way,
He swung his Joust and won the day!
(October 2004)

Chloe, 10, Frittenden, Kent, England

A knight's fear

Knights grasping lances, sharp as a silver sword .
Will I die or will my dream come true?
Horses horseshoes galloping so fast almost on fire.
Worried and speechless about living or dying
My armour shining like the sun on a star
The ground is trembling as my heart beats faster and faster,
The horn has just gone now my fear has really come to me.
(October 2004)

Elizabeth, 8, Kent, UK

Sir Dylan goes to the Tournament

In England there once was a Sir Dylan
who spent a long time in a prison
he disguised himself as a knight
and was planning to bravely fight
he stole a horse
and took part in a tournament
trying to win an ornament
of course!
(October 2004)

James and Nicky (twin brothers), 6, London, UK

Happily Riding

I am happily riding to the tournament
Expecting a great fight

I am happily riding to the tournament
Very glad it is not night

I am happily riding to the tournament
Knowing the knights will be fine

I am happily riding to the tournament
Hoping the winner is mine

I am happily arriving at the tournament
Oh! What an amazing surprise!

I am happily arriving at the tournament
I just can't believe my eyes!

I am happily trotting through the tournament
Look, see the bright colors there!

I am happily trotting through the tournament
Oh! Look at that mare!

I am happily taking a seat at the tournament
Watch all the action, dear friend!

I am happily sitting at the tournament
He almost lost his hand!

I am happily enjoying the tournament
Watch out for that lance!
(October 2004)

H.C., 11, San Antonio, TX, USA


You put on your armor, heavy and hot
The noise of a large crowd fills your ears.
With sweaty palms you grab the saddle of your trusty steed and mount up.
You can tell he is restless and anxious for what he is about to accomplish.
The serf hands you your jousting lance.
Grabbing it and resting it upon your shoulder,
you motion for your steed to move.
As the animal moves faster and faster you lower your lance,
pointing at your opponent.
You brace yourself for impact and realize that the one beside you is the one who should've braced himself,
as you watch him being thrown to the ground.
You slow your steed down and halt,
a moment of silence for the new jousting champion, who is you!!
(October 2004)

Bekah, 14, Elizabethton, TN, USA


I sit on my horse,
as he starts to advance
I concentrate,
and hold steady my lance,

My heart is thumping,
I hold up my shield,
the result will be sealed,

My lance makes contact,
clang goes the metal,
he flies through the air,
and finally my nerves start to settle.
September 2004

Vicci, 11, Australia

The tournament

Tournaments are really fun.
Only when you win, though.
Up the hill, down the lane.
Right through your window.
Nobles and kings alike.
Are watching at this moment.
May the best knight win.
Every week I sit in my seat.
Now every one is going to eat.
Ta ta!!!
September 2004

Sarah, 9, London, England

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011