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Who's The Bravest Knight?

Who's The Bravest Knight? Everybody said.
Everybody couldn't sleep because they were wondering in bed!

The fight began today.
With everybody screaming hooray!!!!

Now it was the last match between Sir. Arthur and Sir. Dylan
Nobody knows whos gonna' kill em'.

The match finnaly ended and King Arthur had victory!
Everybody knew who was the bravest knight and everone could see.

Lets just wait till' next year to find out whos gonna' win.
I wish I could fight but then my head would spin.
(January 2005)

Anthony K., 10, Michigan, USA

Jousting Knights

They look so brave in their shining armor,
They fill themselves with courage, knowledge and honor,
Then they go joust just for fun,
And they don't quit till' they've won!!
(January 2005)

Danielle, 11, Keota, Oklahoma, USA


I not might make it into tomorrow
Because death shall hit me before then
Because I can not win this tournament
So hug me good-bye
Please don't cry
As I walk away from you
To try my best
To help our family
And always remember I love you
So tomorrow when they tell you I'm dead
Please don't be surpised
Please just know that I died
Knowing that I love you all and will forever
(January 2005)

Karyn, 12, Churchville, Maryland, USA

The Tournament

I'm on my horse Grand,
We are sitting near the stand,
We are both fired up to win,
Against the mighty Sir Austin,
I can hear the crowd in the background,
I can feel the pressure about to bottle,
In the battle I will throttle,
Off goes the claxonÂ…
My strike knocked him off,
I am victorious,
Congratulations my friend Grand,
Know we will take to the stand,
The crowd still screaming in the distance,
Just an echo in my mind!
(January 2005)

Kathryn, 11, Eastleigh, UK

Fighters of the Knight

Horse gallop
And wind flies past.
Armour clangs
And lances clash.
Crowds are shouting
And hands clap.
As one rider falls
Unlucky chap.
(January 2005)

Meg, 9, Wallsend, UK

The Deadly Battle

I held my breath and sat back straight,
I charged at him for he was my bait.
My contestant fell to the ground,
Then there was a very loud sound.
I could hear the crowd,
They were cheering nice and loud.
Soon I noticed what I'd done,
I had struck him down and I had won!
(January 2005)

Helen, 9, Thornhill, Canada


Standing tall in their armour,
Fighting battles,
Causing drama,
Fighting nights and fighting days,
In their towers,
Never are paid.

Rescuing the fair princess,
Under paid,
Yet over dressed!
Kiss her gently on the lips,
Wake her up,
It will be bliss.

He sweeps her up off her feet,
Carries her away,
On the horse through the streets,
Goes home to his tower,
Way up high,
He has power.
(November 2004)

Farrell, 7, Hatfield, UK

I Wish I Were A Knight

I wish I were a knight.
All dressed up in armor I'd be.
I'll be good at jousting,
Just wait and see.
With a good fight,
I'll win for the audience and me.

I wish I were a knight.
I'll fight for the country,
And won't get board.
I might even stab someone with my sword.
I know I'll be a good knight,
With a lot of training,
I'll be as good as can be.
I just wish I were a knight.
(November 2004)

Ariana, 12, Las Vegas, Nevada< USA

I Wacth my father smoothly mount,
I close my eyes and count,
one, two, three,

I feel the excitement of the crowd,
Despite my worry I feel proud,
four, five, six,

I hear the drum of hooves,
The rattle as the armour moves,
seven, eight, nine,

I open my eyes,
No one dies,
This time.
(November 2004)

Holly, 12, Stoke, England

Jousting days

Horses gleaming ready for battle,
King Edward red in the face,
fear creeping round his body,
dagger shining in the morning sun.

King Richard is not so scared
he's got a plan in his mind
heart thumping all the same
it might not work.

At the end of the battle
people cheer for Edward is victorious
King Richard lies in the mud
his jousting days are over.
(November 2004)

Susanna, 7, Grindleford, Derbyshire, UK

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011