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My Mother is so worried about the approaching Knights. They are seemingly known for their ferocity. I can sense chaos as if it was a foreboding and never-stopping fog, clammy and suffocating. As I look out out of my window, I see tension like an ever looming eye of fate slowly descending over our castle...what shall become of us?

December 2003

Kezia, 11, Eastleigh, England

Lucy Greatheart

20th January 1480

Today was miserable.I got up,washed and dressed in my third best gown,had a breakfast of bread and honey and went to see my dear aunt Mary Sherwood and we talked before my maid, Hannah told me that Lord Sherwood wanted me in the keep as soon as possible. So
I made my way up,accompanied by Lady Sherwood, and Lord Sherwood (or Uncle John,a lovely and gracious man)introduced me to a handsome and kind looking man, Charles Whickham and told me that I was to marry him in a years time.

Well, I was allowed to talk to my future husband. He was nice and sincere. So, after that I made my way down to the gardens to see my friends. But I tripped on my dress on the stone steps and my dress ripped and my fce got bruised. I then ran off to my tower and fell into the kitchen pond. So by this time,I was soaking wet, sore and I wore a ruined dress.

By the time my maidservant Hannah found me,I was crying! So she took me to my tower, washed me, dressed me and gave me some herbs for my face. At the feast, I felt grand but was awfully sick afterwards. I think i've come down with a fever.

December 2003

Kirsten, 11, Newbury, England

Queen Ashleigh

My pet dragon has been supplying us with surplus food. It has been a very good provider of food since the day it was hatched!

It even beat a knight named Sir Arthur, who I am certain was demoted to a Squire. I am also sure that it is all over the news. It is a shame, the poor bloke was Tournament Champion.

I am throwing a feast on the 27 of November.

December 2003

Ashleigh, 10, Sacramento, California

Queen Ashleigh

My pet dragon has been supplying us with surplus food. It has been a very good provider of food since the day it was hatched! It even beat a knight named Sir Arthur, who I am certain was demoted to a Squire. I am also sure that it is all over the news. It is a shame, the poor bloke was Tournament Champion. I am throwing a feast on the 27 of November.
(Added November 2003)

Ashleigh, 10, Sacramento, CA, USA

Lady Felicity de Lamara

Dear diary,

'tis midsummer eve, and Aunt Sherwood is allowing me to go to the village celabrations,and be with the townfolk - unaccompanied! 'twill be a marvelous adventure - I might even manage to win a sweetheart!

The dress I have to wear is nothing like my usual daily attire - that plain, black silk with the white linen collar is rather depressing - even if it does make me look respectable. Today I am in white silk, a long gown, which flows down to the ground, and has a VERY low-cut neck. It is gathered in at the waist with a pure white silken bandette, and the cuffs, bottom of the skirt, neckline, bandette, and armslits are trimmed with silver braid, 'tis long - sleeved, with a slit in both sleeves up to the elbows - so the cuffs flow down. I am barefoot, with silver, diamond-studded anklets on my right foot.

My hair is arranged beautifully - with half in a braid circling the top of my head, a tiny green-leaved, white-blossomed wreath around it, and the rest flowing down past my shoulder blades, adorned with more tiny white blossoms spread throughout it. There is a pure white lily fastened behind my left ear. This style looks very becoming to my red hair. I have two bracelets on my left wrist that match the anklets. I wear a priceless silver necklace, fifty- eight carat, set with an enormous diamond, which is surrounded with silver gilt, which is studded with tiny white gems and pearls.

In a white bag, hung at my waist,and secured there, quite strongly, there lie 23 sovereigns.

Aunt says I am a beauty, and I will take the liberty to think so myself. I will be home at dawn, and I hear Mariette, my maid, coming up the stair, to tell me my carrige awaits me, so here, dear book, I must shut you. I will write in the morn.

Yours,with great excitement,

December 2003

Helen, 9, Galway, Northern Ireland

Lady Kady

Dear Diary,
In the early morning I woke to a horrid sound. It was the sound of Sir Edwin's cross bow percing a dragon in it's side. I also heard the villagers screaming. I then rushed to my window wondering why they were yelling. I soon found out they were running from Sir Edwin's horse. (Added November 2003)

Katie, 11, Salisbury, U.S.A.

Lady Dashwood

Dear Diary,
I love living in this enormous castle! When I wake up in the mornings my steward Sir Gorge is waiting with my breakfeast. Living in the castle is amazing with all of the beautiful statues in the courtyard. The castle has so many halls that sometimes I get lost trying to find my way through the castle. Even though I sometimes get lost I love the excitement of trying to find my way like I'm in a maze! Once I found the breath taking view from the top of the great tower I visit there everyday! I must go and take my horse out for a while.
Until we meet again!
Lady Dashwood
(Added November 2003)

Nichole, 11, Salisbury USA


Today I had to go hunting for my king. I had no luck getting a lot of stuff. I only got a couple of deer. I told my king that I would try tomorrow.

The next day arrived and I ate breakfast then I went back to trying to hunt for the king.Today I had some luck I was getting deer after deer.
(Added November 2003)

Stephen, 11, Rowan, Rockwell, NC, USA

Sir William

Dear Diary,

Today I was Knighted and given my armor. The King says I have a great talent in chivalry and war battles. He says I will go to war in March. I pray that the lord will keep me in his hands.

December 2003

Luke, 11, Kanapolis, USA

Erin Tiffany in the castle

Dear Diary,
This is Erin Tiffany, I am living in Sir Peter's castle, I am close to being upgraded from page to squire. Sir Peter has been so kind to me, I am now helping Brome to help clear the tables. I must go the lord and lady are finished dining and poor Brome is doing all the work himself.
Erin Tiffany
(Added November 2003)

Erin and Tiffany, 11, Salisbury, North Carolina, USA

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