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Today Sir Charles is planning a wondrous Christmas Eve feast! He is hiring the finest troubadors and minstrels from far and near. His instructions to the cooks are a lot more complicated than was expected: ducks, boars, pies and more! Many instuctions were given to Andre the steward: he was to direct the monks immediately, instruct them to write the most brilliant invatations in all the land! I am so excited!

January 2004

Grace, 8, New York, USA

Maria Orwood

Wednesday 12th, 1456
Today was a very, very, odd day. The kitchen maid spilt a tomato stew all over my dress, and I still can't believe that they stained it! After that, I wanted to sew, but when I got there, all of the thread was gone! Mice probably. I wonder how they got in? What a horrible day.

January 2004

Marianna, 8, New York, NY,

Princess Yumika

July 18th, 1297
Dear Diary,

Today is Lord Sherwood's birthday! Everyone in the whole manor is invited. There will be goose, duck, pig and apple tarts. I can't wait! Right now Lady Sherwood wants me to help her do the embroidery, so I better go. Bye!

January 2004

Yumika, 9, NYC, NY USA

Lady Elizabeth

Dear Diary,

Today I had to get fitted for my new gown. I am planning a ball for my birthday. It is in two days. I already asked the cooks to prepare the food. I love balls. I have asked the minstrel to make up some new songs. I cannot wait!

January 2004

Marin, 9, NYC, USA

Sir Mark the Magnificent Knight

This morning I went to a jousting tournament. I won the joust and a golden sword.

This afternoon I was doing some target practise with my crossbow, when I accidently shot the king's horse!
Luckily for me nobody saw me do it, so I think I've got away with it and won't end up in the dungeons.

January 2004

Daniel, 6, Upper Beeding, England


Mother had a surprise for me this morning.
She had spent all week knitting me a scarf!
I wore it straight away and mother told me I looked grand.
I have started to knit mother some gloves.
She will certainly need them.
The castle has started to get awfully cold.
Holly the dog also got a scarf knitted by mother, and my, he did look funny!

It is my birthday in three weeks.
Mother says she has a big surprise for me, but father told her not to "Spill the beans" or it won't be a suprise any more.

I start school in a week's time, and mother, father, aunty and uncle have told me that school is just what I need.
I think Holly the dog will be lonely whilst I am at school, so we plan to get another dog to keep her company.

I have got to do my household chores now.
I can't wait until tomorrow!

January 2004

Emily, 9, England

Lady Jenny

It was bitter cold when I woke, my breath came out in a mist of air. When servant Alice came in to light my fire, I asked her to run me a hot bath with herbs. It was wonderfully warm when I came back into my chambers and the fire was crackling nicely in the hearth.

My husband had been out to witness a tournament, and gave the deciding vote, he was dreadfully cold when he came back, he is now eating afternoon tea with Sir Robert. I was called away, I shouldn't be hearing such matters.

I'm sure it will be just as cold tomorrow.

January 2004

Kaylea, 11, Earls Barton, England


Dear Diary,
It is December, and it is freezing, I am Lucy's maid. I have to dress so warmly, and I am still cold. Why can't I be the queen? Mother is constantly telling me to be thankful, but it is so hard. I wish for a nice time snuggled up in blankets, with my father or even with my puppies. But, I am constantly doing chores for Lady Lucy. She is upset about the cold like me. She is covered in blankets, and I have lots of chores to do.
Sadly, I have some right now. Bye!

December 2003

Michaela, 9, Sumner, Washington, USA

My amazing day in the castle

It was so beautiful and was so big - I met the Lord and his wife. I ate in the great hall and was served by lovely well mannered people. We had venison, pork and chicken it was lovely and "I sure will love to go back again" I said to the lord and he replied "I hope you do come back."

November 2003

Cathryn and Kelsey, 11, Durban, South Africa

Lady Marrianne

Dearre Dyarye,

Todae thyere was a grande feeste atte the greate halle. It trulye was a grande feeste.Wee had chikkens, boars, geese, skyelarks ande deere.

Y wore a broyn ande saffronne dress with puffye sleeves ande sasshys ande a heddedress. Everyeonne remarked onne how nyce Y looked.

A verrye handsomme manne called Sir Blaywoode cayme ande chatted too me fore a littel wyle. He thenne asked my hande inne marryge. Y anserred himme yes beecawse he seemed too be a verrye nyce manne.

Y amme so eksited abowt marryinge Sir Blaywoode. The marryge will be inne the middul ovve summerre.

Yowrs faythfullye,
Lady Marrianne

December 2003

Jasmine-Grace, 9, Newcastle under Lyme, England

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