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I awoke to an overcast sky and the sound of the wind rushing around this great stone tower. One would think that stone would be sufficient to keep the weather at bay; alas, that is not so. Sometimes my very bones ache with the chill.

There was some joy to be had today, though. We have visitors! Sir Roger de Fostere arrived with friends in tow. They are always a merry bunch. It appears that they are meeting with Uncle to discuss the coming trouble with France.

I pray for the Lord's Blessing and Peace to us all, even the French.

I must prepare for our evening meal.

March 2004

Jennifer, 12, South Carolina, USA

Sir George

Dear diary
It was the middle of the day, the king was out hunting and I, Sir George the Knight, was watching guard over the castle. The constable was in charge while the King was away.

I saw movement in the trees not that far away; I looked again and saw someone. At first I thought it was the king returning, but then I saw someone in armour. I blew a horn to tell everyone. At that precise moment they charged.

The army was quickly ready. I picked up my mace and went to the gate. The gate opened and the army charged. The archers firing their arrows. I swung my mace. I was hitting all my enemies in the face. I saw blood flying everywhere. I felt something go into my side. I remember falling down.

Then I woke up in hospital.

March 2004

George, 11, Litchfield, England

Lady Becky

This is a mighty day for me because my Lord is going out hunting today. He hasn't been since the day my son was born. He loved hunting until he had his first born son but ever since that, he never goes because he thinks that it is his duty to look after and train him, but I know it is really my job. I had to pursuade him that because it was summer it was a nice time to go out, and I would look after Edward.

He ran down the twisting staircase to the bright green grass outside of the castle. Lord William has told me that he loves the castle. It has stained glass windows on the outside and twisting staircases. He especially loves the stone wall of the castle. He doesn't know this but I am expecting another baby in the next year. I just hope it is a boy because Lord William says that he won't stand for a girl once he had a son.

Today we are planning to have a party for all the royals in the land. My Lord is looking forward to it more than anyone. Well it has been a long day so far so I will tell you later how the party goes. Bye

Lady Becky

March 2004

Becky, 11, Lichfield, England

Princess Of Camelot

Today was a most wondrous day! It was the feast of Christmas! Our Minstrels performed a theatrical about Saint George and the Dragon, and played the harps most elegantly! It was also my Birthday, so, We feasted all day for two occasions! For my Birthday, Sir Lancelot, my betrothed, gave me the most beautiful, golden bracelet, I told Him I would Treasure It always!

March 2004

Corrin, 11, Kennewick, WA


I have spent the last few days eating roast chicken.

My father, the king, has asked me to marry a prince, but I don't approve!

He may like me but I definitely hate him.
He is ugly and has no manners.
He also boasts about his money which I do not care for.

I would like to repay my father for this bad plan of his.

But for now I must dash as I need to get my evening gown on for supper.

Lots of love Catherine xxx

March 2004

Lily, 12, Hampshire

Christine Kealey - the Kitchen Maid

Today has been a tiring day as usual - plus it is the middle of the summer and I am boiling hot! I work in the kitchen every day as a maid helping out the cook. I live in the Great Tower. I eat my daily meals in the Great Halls with all of the other servants. The castle get very draughty in the winter, and is absolutely boiling in the summer! It is huge with lots of twisting staircases everywhere you turn and damp and draughty rooms. The more the rain pours in in the winter the damper the walls get. I mean you can hardly fit through the passageways since they are that narrow! To keep us warm in the wintertime we are allowed an open fire in the kitchen, and in the summer we don't have it on. (But you want to hear the cook, she gets cold when it is boiling and we have to have it on all summertime as well, can you believe it?) Well, we don't just sit around bored all day, we are entertained by jesters and jugglers at meal times and then we go back to cooking later on at night preparing for breakfast the following day!

We have to make a daily journey every day to the well to collect water to help us cook etc. And we make sure we have lots of matches as well so we can light the candle. Lord and Lady Sherwood come and check up on us around 2:30 every day to make sure everything is working well as planned. We are usually fine because we should know the routine by now!!

March 2004

Olivia, 12, Staffordshire, England


Summer 1400

Dear diary,

I had to do my usual jobs, fetching water from the well and helping cook do the vegtables. I`m shattered! I had to serve the meals to the people - I was so scared. I kept thinking "what if I fell over?" or made a scene, but everything went well, thank goodness!

I saw some of the jesters do little dances and trĂ­cks, they looked marvellous! oh how I wish I could sit in there for hours on end watching them! So colourful and bright, wow!

Also today, while I was down the well, I saw old Mr Brown the blacksmith, he looked cheerful as ever! I think he said he was making some new swords for somebody or other!

Well, now I`m in the kitchen tidying away bits and bobs, then I`m going to go to sleep cause last night I couldn't get a wink of sleep thanks to that horse in the stable charging around!!

March 2004

Freya, 12, Lichfield

Persephone Bluewater

Today I cooked in the Kitchen until lunch time which I spent with my dearest father. After lunch I ventured to the west wing where I discovered a coat of arms I did not recognise. I went to fetch the polish and when I got back the coat of arms had disappeared! I searched to see if I'd made a wrong turning but I ended up walking round in circles. I was and still am extremely confused.

Yours faithfully

Persephone Clearwater

February 2004

Amy, 7 , London, England


Monday 19th February
Today I had a wonderful time at the Fairground. I watched the jousting and the one I supported won. I watched the hawks and the falcons which was the best thing because I got to be a volunteer to hold a hawk and let it go and catch it again.

February 2004

Charlotte, 7, Sale, Engand

Lady von Mueffling

Today is a pleasant, sunny day with a cool breeze. It's a little too quiet in the castle for my taste today. Everybody is doing something and I'm stuck playing chess with the page. The reason this is the end of my entry is because there is nothing interesting to do, so there is nothing interesting to write about.

January 2004

Tati, 9, NY, NY America

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